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Kajian Persepsi Anggota Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) Di Kabupaten Kediri Terhadap Aspek Reproduksi Sapi Didik Rudiono; A.R. Hibrida; R.D. Mardani; F.S. Dwijayanti
Jurnal Ilmiah Fillia Cendekia Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Fillia Cendekia
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32503/fillia.v6i2.2073


Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) merupakan sistem pemberdayaan peternak yang dibina oleh perguruan tinggi dengan tujuan untuk mewujudkan peternak berjamaah, mandiri, dan berdaulat. SPR diinisiasi oleh IPB dan ditindaklanjuti oleh UNISKA. Penelitian bertujuan mengkaji persepsi anggota SPR binaan UNISKA terhadap aspek reproduksi sapi.Penelitian merupakan quasi eksperimen menggunakan 3 (tiga) SPR sebagai perlakuan; yaitu: P1: SPR Mojo; P2: SPR Kandat; dan P3: SPR Plosoklaten. Analisis menggunakan RAL dengan ulangan tidak sama. Bila uji F nyata maka dilakukan uji lanjut dengan LSD. Data berupa data kualitatif dan diperoleh melalui survey dengan kuesioner tertutup. Parameter reproduksi yang diamati meliputi: siklus berahi, tanda berahi, saat mulai berahi, arti penting berahi, kawin suntik (IB), cara pengawinan betina, pengecekan identitas straw, pelaku IB, pemilihan straw dalam IB, saat tepat untuk IB, saat terlambat untuk IB, teknis pelaksanaan IB, skor S/C, penggunaan pejantan, pemilihan pejantan pemacek, tanda sapi bunting muda, tanda sapi bunting tua, tanda sapi akan beranak, dan jarak beranak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan persepsi antarSPR dengan latar belakang kultur berbeda sehingga diduga menghasilkan kinerja yang berbeda. Disarankan untuk melakukan adopsi dan adaptasi kelebihan dari setiap kultur SPR untuk meningkatkan kinerja setiap SPR; dan pada saat yang sama mengeleminir kelemahan dari setiap SPR.
Analisis Kompetensi dan Kompensasi terhadap Kinerja Dosen di Universitas Islam Kadiri (UNISKA) Kediri dengan Motivasi sebagai Variabel Intervening Anas Romzy Hibrida; Suparyadi Suparyadi
REVITALISASI : Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Vol 7 No 4 (2018): REVITALISASI : Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32503/revitalisasi.v7i4.860


The Human Development Index in Indonesia is still relatively low compared to some countries in Southeast Asia that is at rank 110. The key to the high number of such index is the field of education. Islamic University of Kadiri (Uniska) Kediri have a role in improving the quality of human resources through higher education. The quality of education and the learning process in Uniska would success depends on the lecturer performance, which is affected by several factors, among others: Competence, Compensation and Motivation owned and accepted by the lecturers Uniska. This study aims to determine the significance of the effect of competence, compensation to the performance of lecturers in Uniska Kediri with motivation as an intervening variable. This research is quantitative data collection techniques in the form of a questionnaire to 69 lecturers Uniska, with the Likert scale 1-5 range. The sampling technique used in this study is simple random sampling. Data analysis tool used in this study are Validity, Test Multicolinearity, Test Heterocedastity, Analysis Descriptive, Analysis Inferential, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, The Coefficient Of Determination, Simultant Test (F), Partial test (t) and Path Analysis with SPSS calculations 23:00 for Windows. The study states that Competency and Compensation has significant effect on motivation, Competence has not significant effect on the performance of lecturers, Compensation and motivation has significant effect on the performance of lecturers of UNISKA Kediri.
Educational and Teaching Performance of Educators at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Manado State University (UNIMA): Analysis of Professional Competence and Motivation Anas Romzy Hibrida; Tinneke Evie Meggy Sumual
Journal of International Conference Proceedings (JICP) Vol 5, No 2 (2022): BEFIC Conference Proceeding
Publisher : AIBPM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32535/jicp.v5i2.1671


The quality of human resources in Indonesia is closely related to the quality of education, therefore higher education as one of the types of formal education plays an important role in realizing this.  Education and teaching in universities during the Covid-19 Pandemic became a challenge in itself because there were various problems that affected the performance of educational personnel. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of professional competence and motivation on the educational and teaching performance of educators at the Faculty of Economics, Manado State University (FEB UNIMA) during the Covid-19 pandemic. This type of quantitative research takes data netted with a questionnaire of 40 educators who are willing to fill out the questionnaire. The results of this study show that there is a significant influence between the variables of professional ability and motivation on the educational and teaching performance of educators at FEB UNIMA during the pandemic. This study concludes that the improvement of research and teaching performance of educators is determined by professional ability and motivation. The results of this study recommend to educators to continue to improve professional abilities and work motivation so as to contribute more to improving their performance. Keywords: Professional Competence, Motivation, Educational and Teaching Performance, Educators, Covid 19 Pandemic
BISMA: Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen Vol 15 No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/bisma.v15i3.27185


This study aims to observe farmers' perception of members of the 3 SPR (People's Animal Husbandry School) groups in Kediri Regency on cattle's institutional and marketing aspects. The three SPRs fostered by UNISKA Kediri are: SPR Lembu Barokah, SPR Joyo Langgeng, and SPR Ngudi Rukun. This study used a quasi-experimental method and Completely Randomized Design (CRD) analysis with unequal replications, and further tests were carried out using the Least Significant Difference (LSD). The independent variable was the perception, and the dependent variable was the institutional and marketing aspects. The results showed that based on the cultural background, there are differences in respondent perception on institutional and marketing aspects to cattle management. Therefore, it could impact to the performance of each SPR. It is suggested to adopt the benefit of each SPR culture background to improve each SPR, respectively.
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Mei : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jimak.v2i2.1466


Keberadaan ojek di Indonesia menjadi sesuatu yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kegiatan perekonomian warga. Ojek sepeda motor menjelma menjadi moda transportasi favorit seluruh kalangan untuk menunjang aktifitasnya. Namun, di tengah era digitalisasi seperti sekarang ini, eksistensi dari ojek konvensional menjadi menarik untuk diteliti. Hal itu disebabkan banyaknya pelanggan driver ojek konvensional yang beralih menjadi pelanggan ojek digital yang menggunakan aplikasi daring. Hal ini menjadi keluhan tersendiri bagi komunitas ojek konvensional. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana motivasi ekstrinsik yang didapat driver ojek konvensional di tengah kompetisi transportasi berbasis digital. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini dilaksanakan di beberapa pangkalan ojek konvensional yang ada di wilayah Kelurahan Kakaskasen Tiga, Kecamatan Tomohon Utara, Kota Tomohon, Propinsi Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara mendalam (In-depth Interview) terhadap lima orang perwakilan dari masing masing komunitas ojek konvensional yang ada di wilayah tersebut. Hasil penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini menunjukkan bahwa unsur komitmen, lingkungan kerja dan kompensasi sebagai unsur yang terdapat dalam motivasi ekstrinsik menjadi unsur yang berpengaruh bagi driver ojek konvensional dalam eksistensi kinerja ojek kovensional di tengah kompetisi bisnis transportasi berbasis digital. Dengan komitmen terhadap komunitas ojek konvesional yang tinggi, lingkungan kerja yang mendukung serta kompensasi yang diterima cukup memadai untuk kebutuhan sehari hari, maka dapat menjadi alasan kuat bagi driver ojek konvensional untuk tetap menjaga eksistensinya untuk melayani pelanggan
The Future of Work: Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of Automation, Gig Economy, and Skills Evolution in a Post-Pandemic World Anas Romzy Hibrida; Sunarni
West Science Interdisciplinary Studies Vol. 1 No. 08 (2023): West Science Interdisciplinary Studies
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/wsis.v1i08.186


The landscape of work is undergoing profound transformations worldwide, driven by technological advancements, shifting economic paradigms, and the enduring impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This research explores the challenges and opportunities arising from automation, the gig economy, skills evolution, and post-pandemic work trends in the context of Indonesia. A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining quantitative data collected through an online survey and qualitative insights gathered from semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders. The findings reveal that automation's impact is perceived as a mixture of opportunities and challenges, with education influencing expectations. The gig economy offers flexibility and supplemental income but raises concerns about job insecurity and benefits. Skills evolution is deemed critical, yet active reskilling efforts remain limited. Remote work trends have accelerated, with hybrid work models emerging as a potential solution to maintain flexibility while addressing challenges. The implications of these findings highlight the need for collaborative efforts among policymakers, businesses, and educational institutions to foster an adaptive and resilient workforce equipped for the evolving world of work.
Pemanfaatan Media Digital sebagai Upaya Media Promosi dan Pemasaran pada Ikm Ibu Sri Kabupaten Minahasa Djami Olii; Alfiansyah Hasibuan; Anas Romzy Hibrida
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 6, No 9 (2023): Volume 6 No 9 2023
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v6i9.11587


ABSTRAK Ibu Sri merupakan salah satu masyarakat yang memiliki Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) yang bergerak pada pembuatan keripik tempe, pisang dan umbi-umbian, sumber bahan yang digunakan adalah hasil panen dari petani yang di jual oleh ibu sri. UMKM ini masih terdapat banyak permasalahan, diantaranya, Pandemi Covid-19 membuat pendapatan menurun, Jangkauan Pemasaran Hasil produksi belum luas, Belum ada sertifikasi halal dari Kemenag. Kegiatan yang dilakukan pada pengabdian ini dengan membangun sistem berbasis digital. Dalam menyelesaikan permasalah mitra, ada beberapa solusi yang direncanakan. Solusi tersebut meliputi, Membuat sistem berbasis digital yang dapat membantu dalam proses promosi dan pemasaran dengan jangkauan yang lebih luas, memberikan pelatihan manajemen pemasaran, melakukan proses pendampingan produk halal. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabidan kepada masyarakat adalah ceramah (berupa pemberian teori) dan praktik penggunaan sistem digital. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah pelaksana kegiatan telah memberikan pelatihan penggunaan sistem yang akan digunakan oleh UMKM dan mendapat antusiasme pelaku usaha untuk menggunakan sistem digital sebagai upaya peningkatan penjualan produk yang dihasilkan oleh UMKM, serta telah terlaksananya sosialisasi pendampingan sertifikasi halal bagi produk UMKM. Kata Kunci: Ibu Sri, UMKM, Covid-19, Sistem, Sertifikasi  ABSTRACT Mrs. Sri is one of the people who have Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) which are engaged in making tempeh chips, bananas, and tubers. The source of the materials used are harvests from farmers which are sold by Mrs. Sri. These UMKM still have many problems, including, the Covid-19 pandemic has made income decrease, the marketing reach of production is not yet wide, and there is no halal certification from the Ministry of Religion. Activities carried out in this service by building a digital-based sistem. In solving partner problems, there are several planned solutions. These solutions include Creating a digital-based sistem that can assist in the promotion and marketing process with a wider range, providing marketing management training, and carrying out the process of mentoring halal products. The method used in community service is lectures (in the form of giving theory) and practical use of digital sistems. The results of this service activity are that the executors of the activities have provided training on the use of the sistem that will be used by UMKM and got the enthusiasm of business actors to use the digital sistem as an effort to increase sales of products produced by UMKM, and socialization of halal certification assistance has been carried out for UMKM products.  Keywords: Mrs. Sri, UMKM, Covid-19, System, Certification
The Future of Work: Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of Automation, Gig Economy, and Skills Evolution in a Post-Pandemic World Anas Romzy Hibrida; Sunarni
West Science Interdisciplinary Studies Vol. 1 No. 08 (2023): West Science Interdisciplinary Studies
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/wsis.v1i08.186


The landscape of work is undergoing profound transformations worldwide, driven by technological advancements, shifting economic paradigms, and the enduring impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This research explores the challenges and opportunities arising from automation, the gig economy, skills evolution, and post-pandemic work trends in the context of Indonesia. A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining quantitative data collected through an online survey and qualitative insights gathered from semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders. The findings reveal that automation's impact is perceived as a mixture of opportunities and challenges, with education influencing expectations. The gig economy offers flexibility and supplemental income but raises concerns about job insecurity and benefits. Skills evolution is deemed critical, yet active reskilling efforts remain limited. Remote work trends have accelerated, with hybrid work models emerging as a potential solution to maintain flexibility while addressing challenges. The implications of these findings highlight the need for collaborative efforts among policymakers, businesses, and educational institutions to foster an adaptive and resilient workforce equipped for the evolving world of work.
Revolutionizing Business Operations: A Bibliometric Analysis of Enterprise Systems and Organizational Efficiency Nanny Mayasari; Eva Andriani; Anas Romzy Hibrida
The Eastasouth Journal of Information System and Computer Science Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): The Eastasouth Journal of Information System and Computer Science (ESISCS)
Publisher : Eastasouth Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/esiscs.v1i01.134


This research paper presents a comprehensive bibliometric analysis focused on the intersection of enterprise systems and organizational efficiency, with the aim of understanding their role in revolutionizing business operations. The study examines the scholarly landscape surrounding Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems. Through a meticulous exploration of peer-reviewed articles, the analysis identifies key trends, influential authors, significant themes, and research gaps within the domain. By synthesizing and analyzing a vast body of literature, this study offers insights into the evolution of enterprise systems, their implications for organizational efficiency, and directions for future research.