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Noor Hasanah Noor Hasanah
Al Karima : Jurnal Studi Ilmu Al Quran dan Tafsir Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Al Karima : Jurnal Studi Ilmu Al Quran dan Tafsir
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Quran Isy Karima Karanganyar

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Allah the exalted often mentions the word bârokah in the Qur`an, if we conceiv and com- prehend it, the word bârokah has wide range meaning, the word bârokah and its derivative (al mubârak and al bârokah) emerge several times in the Qur`an. The word bârokah located in vari- ous surah in different theme, we can find many example of creation that awarded Bârokah in the Qur`an which is place (country, town, village), human, (family, individual), time, object (tree, earnings, water, etc). Indonesian people also recognize term bârokah or berkah in their life, but most of them comprehend this term with wrong understanding like phenomenon of ngalap berkah, those people assumed they could earn bârokah from graves, animals, or a certain place. Method which is used in this reaserch is maudhu’i tahlili (analitycal thematic), the reasecrher will use steps based on al-Wujûh wa an Nazhâir and adjust the steps with the object studied. In this case the compiler try to gather varses carriying word bârokah and its derivated, explain interpreta- tion of each verse, then accumulate the meaning of bârokah in tafsir al Azhar. Word bârokah has many meaning, adjusted by object studied, word tabâraka means power, ability, Allah’s strength as the source of bârokah, word kitâbun mubârokun means Al-Qur`an, word bârokna means Allah gives blessing to his chosen people like prophet, places, times, and natural resources. In tafsir Al-Azhar bârokah meaning divided in to th themes, due to adjustment of of the object of the bârokah and its derivative, namely the source of bârokah (Allah the exalted) in word tabâraka, Al-Qur`an in word kitâbun mubârokun, human being (the prophet namely Isa, Ibrahim, Ishak along with their descendants, Musa along with his followers, Nuh along with his followers), places (earth, sky, Syam, Lebanon, Palestinian, Jordan, and Iraq), times (describe n tafsir Al-Azhar2 opinions, first 17th night of Ramadhan which is the night when the Qur`an first derived and lailatul qadr), natural resources (olive tree and rainwater), god utterance (salam).