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Bioedukasi Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Mei 2012

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The aims of the study was to apply the environment based learning model in an effort to improve students science process skills. The research was conducted by the classroom action research on class X2 SMAN 2 Metro academic year 2011/2012 indicated that students science process skills still have not shown good results. Because the achievement still under 50% with the percentage of students who reach the KKM (≥ 70%). The curriculum is currently implemented of KTSP where the teachers are required to be able to manage with the student centered learning. One model of learning which are student centered learning is environment based learning model. The results show that the science process skills increase from 50.00% to 79.45% increase of 29.45%. Based on the results of research can be concluded that the study uses a model-based learning environment can improve the skills sains process. Kata kunci:  Pembelajaran Berbasis Lingkungan, Keterampilan Proses Sains
IDENTIFIKASI BAKTERI PEREDUKSI SULFAT PADA KAWAH AIR PANAS NIRWANA SUOH LAMPUNG BARAT Saputra, Beny; Sutanto, Agus; Cholvistaria, Mia; Suprayitno, Suprayitno; Rahmawati, Nala
BIOLOVA Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Volume 2 Nomor 2 Agustus 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/biolova.v2i2.1089


Abstrak: Bakteri pereduksi sulfat atau Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) adalah jenis bakteri obligat anaerob kemolitrotof memanfaatkan donor electron H2. Kemampuan SRB mereduksi sulfat menjadi sulfida mampu mengendapkan logam toksik meliputi Cd, Cu, dan Zn sebagai logam sulfida. SRB memerlukan substrat organik seperti asam piruvat yang dihasilkan oleh aktivitas anaerob lainnya. Mekanisme SRB dalam melakukan reduksi sulfat, sulfat digunakan sebagai sumber energi sebagai akseptor elektron dan menggunakan sumber karbon (C) sebagai donor elekton dalam metabolisme dan bahan penyusun sel. Pada kondisi anaerob bahan organik akan berperan sebagai donor elektron. Pembentukan senyawa sulfida melalui proses reduksi yang ditandai oleh penambahan elektron dari bahan organik yang menyebabkan turunnya konsentrasi sulfat dan naiknya pH lingkungan. SRB pada kawah air panas nirwana ini hidup secara anaerob pada suhu lingkungan 600C - 1000C dengan pH 7,4 tingkat kekeruhan air cukup keruh dan kandungan air yang mengandung blerang dengan indikator bau seperti telur busuk dan lingkungan sekitar terdiri dari sedimen batu kapur. Abstract : Sulfate-reducing bacteria (BPS) is a type of chemolithotroph obligate anaerobic bacteria that utilize H2 electron donors. The ability of BPS to reduce sulfate to sulfide is able to precipitate toxic metals including Cd, Cu, and Zn as metal sulfides. BPS requires organic substrates such as pyruvic acid which is produced by other anaerobic activities. The BPS mechanism in reducing sulfate, sulfate is used as an energy source as an electron acceptor and uses a carbon source (C) as an electron donor in metabolism and cell building material. Under anaerobic conditions, organic matter will act as an electron donor. The formation of sulfide compounds through a reduction process is characterized by the addition of electrons from organic matter which causes a decrease in sulfate concentration and an increase in environmental pH. BPS in this nirvana hot spring crater lives anaerobically at an environmental temperature of 600C - 1000C with a pH of 7.4 the level of turbidity of the water is quite cloudy and the water content contains sulfur with an indicator of smell like rotten eggs and the surrounding environment consists of limestone sediments
PENGOLAHAN DAGING KEONG MAS UNTUK MENURUNKAN KADAR LOGAM BERAT TIMBAL (Pb) Gunawan, Ade; Widowati, Hening; Sutanto, Agus; Cholvistaria, Mia
BIOLOVA Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Volume 3 Nomor 2 Agustus 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/biolova.v3i2.2677


Abstrak: Pencemaran lingkungan perairan berdampak pada tingkat akumulasi logam berat pada organ tubuh biota perairan seperti keong mas (Pomacea canaliculata). Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menurunkan kadar timbal pada daging keong mas dari DAM Raman, Metro Lampung, sehingga dapat menjadi alternative bahan pangan hewani. Kadar logam timbal (Pb) diukur dengan metode Vogel’s Spectrophometer UV-Vis atau metode destruksi Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA). Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa logam Pb di air sebesar 1,225 µg/l, dan di sedimen sebesar 456,165 µg/kg, sedangkan di dalam organ keong mas (P. canaliculata) sebesar 59,924 µg/kg. Penanganan bahan pangan berupa pencucian 3 kali @5 detik dan perebusan mampu menurunkan kadar timbal yang terdapat pada organ keong mas sebesar 49,96%. Batas maksimum konsumsi daging keong dari DAM Raman adalah 50,17 gr/minggu. Abstrack: Pollution of the aquatic environment can affects of the level accumulation of heavy metals in the body organs of aquatic biota such as golden snail (Pomacea canaliculata). This reseach aims to reduce lead (Pb) levels in the golden snail organs from DAM Raman river, Metro City so that it can be an alternative food ingredients. Lead content was measured by the Vogel's Spectrophometer UV-Vis method, at the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory of UM Malang. The results showed that Pb found in water amounted to 1,225 µg/l, and in the sediment amounted to 456,165 µg/kg, while Pb contained in P. canaliculata organs were 59,924 µg/kg. Food processing by washing for 3 times @ 5 seconds and boiling can reduce Pb levels in P. canaliculata meat by 49.96%. The maximum consumption limit weekly of snail meat from DAM Raman is 50.17 grams.