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Fenomena Yuridis Pengurangan Vonis Hukuman Terhadap Terpidana Korupsi Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 Tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Analisi Putusan Nomor 14/PID.TPK/2021/PTDKI) Herli Antoni; Rama Putra Mulyana; Imanuelita H.J. Warouw
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan Vol 6 No 1 (2022): 1 Januari - 30 Juni 2022 (In Press)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (564.188 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/jk.v6i1.2729


AbstrakDewasa ini tindak pidana korupsi selalu mendapatkan perhatian lebih dibandingkan dengan tindak pidana lainnya mengingat dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan dari tindak pidana korupsi yang menyentuh berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat. Tindak pidana korupsi termasuk dalam kejahatan luar biasa (extra ordinary crime) sebab kerugian yang ditimbulkan dari tindak pidana korupsi tidak hanya berdampak pada keuangan negara namun juga merugikan bagi pembangunan nasional. Salah satu kasus tindak pidana korupsi yang cukup menarik perhatian publik adalah kasus korupsi yang dilakukan terdakwa Joko Soegiarto Tjandra. Putusan banding Pengadilan Tinggi Jakarta Nomor 14/Pid.Sus-TPK/2021/PT.DKI yang mengurangi vonis pada tingkat pertama menjadi polemik dengan pertimbangan bahwa terdakwa telah menjalankan hukuman pidana berdasarkan Putusan Mahkamah Agung tanggal 20 Februari 2012 Nomor 100/PK/Pid.Sus/2009 j.o Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 12 PK/Pid.Sus/2009 dan telah mengembalikan uang hasil tindak pidana korupsi tersebut. Kasus tersebut memberikan pertanyaan mengenai bagaimana terjadinya pengurangan vonis hukum terhadap terpidana korupsi tersebut dengan alasan-alasan yang meringankan sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam putusan tersebut. Dalam sistem peradilan pidana (criminal justice system),  hukum pidana menempati suatu posisi sentral. Hal ini disebabkan karena keputusan di dalam pemidanaan akan mempunyai konsekuensi yang luas, baik yang menyangkut langsung pelaku tindak pidana maupun tidak menyangkut secara langsung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis dengan pendekatan normatif. Adapun hasil penelitian hukum ini ialah mengetahui bagaimana pertimbangan hakim yang dikaitkan dengan teori-teori hukum pidana sebagai landasan kajian penelitian ini.Kata Kunci : Korupsi, Peringanan Vonis, Putusan HakimAbstractNowadays, corruption always gets more attention compared to other crimes, considering the negative impacts caused by corruption have an impact ovarious aspect of people’s lives. Corruption is an extraordinary crime because the losses caused by corruption do not only have an impact on state finances but are also detrimental to national development. One of the corruption cases that has attracted public attention is the corruption case by the defendant Joko Soegiarto Tjandra. The appeal decision of the Jakarta High Court number 14/Pid.Sus-TPK/2021/PT.DKI which reduced the verdict at the first level became a polemic with the consideration that the defendant had served a criminal sentence based on the Supreme Court's Decision dated February 20, 2012 Number 100/PK/Pid. Sus/2009 in conjunction with the Supreme Court's Decision Number 12 PK/Pid.Sus/2009 and has returned the money from the crime of corruption. The case raises the question of how the legal verdicts against corruption convicts were reduced with mitigating reasons as contained in the decision. In the criminal justice system, criminal law occupies a central position. This is because decisions in sentencing will have broad consequences, both those involving the perpetrators of the crime directly or not. This study uses a descriptive analytical method with a normative approach. The result of this legal research is to find out how the judge's considerations are related to criminal law theories as the basis for this research study.Keywords : Corruption, Reduced Sentence, Judge’s Decision
Kebijakan Hukum Rencana Induk Pembangunan Industri dalam Pemanfaatan Potensi Sumber Daya Industri Kehutanan di Indonesia Jennifer Kayla Esfandiary; Fanny Liu; Salsa Putri Nabila; Ferdinandus Kaki Rangga; Herli Antoni
AHKAM Vol 2 No 2 (2023): JUNI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/ahkam.v2i2.1052


This article's objective is to review and discuss the legal guidelines of Indonesia's Master Plan for Industrial Development for the Use of Potential Forestry Industry Resources. The normative methods of legal research that were used to write this article. Forests are important natural resources that provide many ecological, economic and social benefits. Paper is just one of many products and services for which the forestry industry provides raw materials, wood, furniture and building materials. The industry is subject to various laws and regulations governing the management, harvesting and utilization of forest resources. This paper provides an overview of industrial law in the forestry industry, covering key laws and regulations, their impact on the industry, and the legal framework. Industry forest law refers to the legal framework governing the management and utilization of forests for industrial purposes. It includes regulations on logging, reforestation, forest conservation, and the protection of indigenous communities. The aim is to balance the economic benefits of industrial forestry with the need to ensure sustainable forest management and protect the environment.
Ilmu Hukum Prima (IHP) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL ILMU HUKUM PRIMA
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34012/jihp.v6i1.3536


Thailand is a country located in Southeast Asia. 60% of Thailand's income comes from tourist attractions, but nature tourism is a world concern apart from good tourism. However, Thailand is one of the countries known as a place for prostitution which is common in life, so the Thai government seeks to form organizations that aim to suppress or eradicate prostitution through a form of cooperation in the activities carried out by UNIAP including rehabilitation, identification, legal assistance, health assistance, and reintegration. In addition, Thailand also requested assistance from UNICEF as a form of Thailand's efforts to eradicate prostitution and sexual crimes against children. The purpose of this study is to reveal the phenomenon of prostitution in Thailand seen from the characteristics of prostitution places, characteristics of perpetrators and victims, and the mechanism of prostitution that occurs. to become the guiding principle in the implementation of various fields of public life that can regulate order and justice, especially to reveal the reality that occurs in cases of prostitution in Thailand.
Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Sanksi Tindak Pidana Dalam UUPLH Dilihat Dari Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 Tentang Perlindungan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Sri Juwita Putri; Qristiana Qristiana; Nadila Khairunisa; Alief Anugrah; Herli Antoni
Jurnal Hukum dan Sosial Politik Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Mei : Jurnal Hukum dan Sosial Politik
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Widya Karya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59581/jhsp-widyakarya.v1i2.309


In Article 80 of the Law on Environmental Protection and Management, it has been regulated regarding government coercive administrative sanctions aimed at stopping violations and taking action to restore environmental functions. According to Law no. 32 of 2009 regarding the protection and management of the environment which is already stated in Article 1 paragraph (14) which states that environmental pollution is the entry or inclusion of living things. The data analysis method used is qualitative with research results based on certain statutory norms related to environmental protection and management. In Indonesia there have been several cases that are quite detrimental and endanger the region itself. To protect the area from these things, the government also issued an Environmental Protection and Management Act aimed at protecting and preventing the environment from environmental crimes from irresponsible actors as well as informing or guiding local communities and entrepreneurs to protect their environment. Fine criminal sanctions are carried out to overcome and restore the environment, and pay compensation to the government as an environmental supervisor. The principle of ultimum remedium is applied here, namely criminal sanctions that are given after administrative sanctions have been given once to the perpetrators of crimes in the form of imprisonment and also fines. Imprisonment sanctions as an ultimatum remedium support the enforcement of norms and strengthen administrative sanctions if they are not implemented optimally.
Peningkatan Pendapatan Masyarakat Melalui Pemanfaatan Lahan Kosong Untuk Budidaya Tanaman Cabe Carolina Reaper HP22BNH7 (Capsicum Chinense) Herli Antoni; Asmak Ul Hosnah; Gagah Arjunaman Elit; Yennie K Milono; Lindryani Sjofjan
Dikmas: Jurnal Pendidikan Masyarakat dan Pengabdian Vol 3, No 2 (2023): June
Publisher : Magister Pendidikan Nonformal Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/dikmas.3.2.333-338.2023


Cabe Carolina Reaper HP22BNH7 (Capsicum Chinense) merupakan salah satu tanaman hortikultura dari jenis sayuran yang memiliki buah dengan Ukuran varietas ini cukup kecil, sekitar dua setengah hingga lima setengah sentimeter atau sekitar dua buku jari orang dewasa. Permukaan kulitnya cenderung bergelombang, meski beberapa Carolina Reaper memiliki permukaan kulit yang halus. dengan tingkat kepedasan hingga 1.400.000 hingga 2.200.000 Scoville Heat Units. Cabe jenis ini masih sangat jarang dibudidayakan oleh para petani karena tingkat kesulitan pembudidayaan dan masih kurangnya literasi tentang tanaman ini namun cabe jenis ini memiliki nilai Ekonomi yang pantastis dan bernilai tinggi. Tanaman ini mempunyai banyak manfaat terutama pada buahnya, yaitu sebagai bumbu masak, bahan campuran industri makanan dan berbagai inovasi makanan ringan yang akhir-akhir ini sangat buming di kalangan anak muda yang memiliki ketertarikan makanan pedas.. Di Semende Farm tanaman ini tergolong baru dan masih tahap percobaan dari hasil bibit yang kami miliki sehingga keinginan untuk meningkatkan serta mengembangkan tanaman cabe jenis ini sangat tinggi di lihat dari nilai ekonomis yang sangat baik. Teknik budidaya cabe ini merupakan salah satu cara untuk memproduksi cabe dengan mengedepankan produk yang sehat. Kenaikan harga cabe berdampak terhadap pendapatan keluarga. Oleh karenanya PKM ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat dengan memanfaatkan Lahan Kosong untuk menanam cabe Carolina Reaper HP22BNH7 (Capsicum Chinense).
Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Korban Pelecehan Seksual Menurut Prespektif Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2022 Tentang Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual Desi Puspita Sari; Siti Ayu Resa Purwati; Muhammad Fadly Darmawan; Muhammad Syahrul Maulana; Irfan Maulana; Herli Antoni
Al-Qisth Law Review Vol 7, No 1 (2023): AL-QISTH LAW REVIEW
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/al-qisth.7.1.65-87


AbstrakDi Indonesia kasus pelecehan seksual sering kali terjadi, kasus ini terus bertambah setiap tahunnya, mulai dari pelecehan seksual yang berbentuk  verbal, bahkan sampai pelecehan seksual berbentuk  fisik .hal ini mendorong pemerintah untuk dapat membuat regulasi baru guna mencegah terjadinya kekerasan seksual ditengah masyarakat sehingga, diterbitkanlah Undang-Undang NO. 12 Tahun 2022 pada 9 Mei 2022 Tentang tindak pidana kekerasan seksual. Penelitian ini berfokus pada perlindungan hukum terhadap korban kekerasan/pelecehan seksual yang dialami oleh korban, Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Yuridis Normatif . Dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan, mengacu pada norma hukum positif yang berlaku diindonesia guna menjawab isu yang di hadapi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan adanya Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Kekerasan  Seksual membawa angin segar bagi masyarakat dalam hal  pencegahan dan penanganan terhadap korban kekerasan seksual dengan cara pemulihan hak-hak korban melalui restitusi, kompensasi, serta  rehabilitasi tanpa  menghentikan  proses  hukum  yang berjalan agar regulasi ini dapat diimplementasikan dan terlaksana dengan efektif perlu adanya pengawasan dari pemerintah guna melaksanakan hak dasar yang harus diperoleh setiap warga negara.Kata Kunci: kekerasan seksual; pelecehan terhadap perampuan; perlindungan hukum. AbstractIn Indonesia, cases of sexual harassment often occur, and these cases continue to increase every year, ranging from sexual harassment in the form of verbal harassment to physical sexual harassment. This encourages the government to be able to make new regulations to prevent sexual violence in society, so it issued Law No. 12 of 2022 on May 9, 2022, concerning crimes of sexual violence. This research focuses on legal protection for victims of sexual violence and harassment. This research uses a normative juridical method. By using a statutory approach, referring to the positive legal norms that apply in Indonesia, we can answer the issues at hand. Based on the results of the research, it shows that the existence of the Sexual Violence Crime Law brings fresh air to the community in terms of prevention and handling of victims of sexual violence by restoring the rights of victims through restitution, compensation, and rehabilitation without stopping the ongoing legal process so that regulations This can be implemented and carried out effectively, but it is necessary to have supervision from the government in order to carry out the basic rights that must be obtained by every citizen.Keywords : Sexual violence; harassment of women ;legal protection
Increasing The Understanding of Youth Groups about the Sexual Violence Crime Law The Initial Milestone in the Elimination of Sexual Violence in the Community of Sukasari Village, East Bogor Herli Antoni; Asmak Ul Hosnah; Sapto Handoyo; Mustika Mega Wijaya; Nazarudin Latif; Yennie K Milono
AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 09 (2022): AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The Sexual Violence Law (UU TPKS) which contains important and strategic legal politics and is a breakthrough in legal renewal and protection of the community, this regulation is expected to answer various problems of sexual violence that continue to occur in various modes. The results of the 2021 National Women's Life Experience Survey conducted by the Ministry of PPPA, the Central Statistics Agency and the Demographic Institute of the University of Indonesia found that 1 in 19 women (aged 15-64 years) had experienced sexual violence other than their partners. Of course, with the existence of these regulations and regulations, it is hoped that it will be able to be accepted by the community, especially among young people as the spearhead of the civilization and progress of the Indonesian nation, especially the youth group in the Sukasari village environment, this is an encouragement so that young people in the Sukasari village environment understand and are able to be protectors for themselves and their closest environment about the latent dangers of sexual violence so as not to become victims of this crime, Of course, with this purpose, the method that will be applied is to socialize the newly legalized laws and regulations regarding the crime of sexual violence, and to assist pinyitas and form an integrated service post for assistance to youth and the community. From this effort, it is hoped that youth groups and the community will have an understanding and increase knowledge of laws and regulations related to sexual violence, on the other hand, the existence of an integrated service post is able to accompany the community and youth who are victims as well as the community can be actively involved as a moral movement for the prevention of sexual violence. this is certainly a great hope for the community to be able to implement it in daily life in the community.
Konsekuensi Hukum Dan Perlindungan Hak Dalam Perkawinan Beda Agama Di Indonesia Herli Antoni
Deposisi: Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Hukum Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Widya Karya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59581/deposisi.v1i2.512


Marriage between two people who have different religions is prohibited by almost all religions in Indonesia. Even though efforts have been made to obtain legal marital status, when a marriage is carried out, it is still obligatory to pay attention to Article 2 of Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. The existence of an official registration in the form of a marriage certificate cannot be overlooked, because without it, marriages that are valid but not registered will not be recognized by the State. Marriage without legal recognition certainly has legal consequences, especially if it involves partners with different religions. This can create significant legal problems for husbands, wives and third parties, including the inheritance rights of children born in the marriage. The existence of a legal marriage is the basis of rights and obligations between husband and wife. The existence of a legally valid marriage and offspring born from a legal marriage are crucial to protecting the wife's rights regarding joint living and property. This is because, as stipulated in Article 43 Paragraph (1) of the Marriage Law, children born from illegitimate marriages only have legal ties with their mothers.
Konsekuensi Hukum Dan Perlindungan Hak Dalam Perkawinan Beda Agama Di Indonesia Herli Antoni
Deposisi: Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Hukum Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Widya Karya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59581/deposisi.v1i2.512


Marriage between two people who have different religions is prohibited by almost all religions in Indonesia. Even though efforts have been made to obtain legal marital status, when a marriage is carried out, it is still obligatory to pay attention to Article 2 of Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. The existence of an official registration in the form of a marriage certificate cannot be overlooked, because without it, marriages that are valid but not registered will not be recognized by the State. Marriage without legal recognition certainly has legal consequences, especially if it involves partners with different religions. This can create significant legal problems for husbands, wives and third parties, including the inheritance rights of children born in the marriage. The existence of a legal marriage is the basis of rights and obligations between husband and wife. The existence of a legally valid marriage and offspring born from a legal marriage are crucial to protecting the wife's rights regarding joint living and property. This is because, as stipulated in Article 43 Paragraph (1) of the Marriage Law, children born from illegitimate marriages only have legal ties with their mothers.
Government policy in providing legal protection for industrial designs on logos as a characteristic of a business in social media Muhamad Firman; Rafi Harits Anandito; Anggi Permana; Maulana Rafli Nuriska Salim; Herli Antoni
Journal of Community Service in Science and Engineering (JoCSE) Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Available Online in October 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jocse.v2i2.20525


Perlindungan Hak Cipta sangat dibutuhkan untuk mencegah terjadinya pelanggaran hak ekonomi dan hak moral bagi sang pemilik. Peraturan mengenai Hak cipta telah diregulasi pada UU Hak Cipta dan UU kekayaan intelektual sehingga dapat membantu masyarakat dalam memahami dan mengatasi permasalahan mengenai hak cipta. Namun, masih banyak kejadian plagiasi maupun peniruan suatu desain, termasuk peniruan logo yang mana mereka tidak mendapat izin  sama sekali dari pencipta namun menggunakannya secara tidak bertanggung jawab. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan membuat bahan kajian mengenai upaya perlindungan hak cipta oleh pemerintah melalui UU. Metode penelitian hukum normatif yang mendekatkan pada UU digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Beberapa hasil yang diperoleh yaitu terdapat beberapa perlindungan hukum yang dapat dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk membantu perlindungan keorisinilan dengan cara upaya preventif dan represif. Selain itu, dilakukan sosialisasi pada mayarakat mengenai HKI dan bagaimana langkah yang tepat ketika suatu karya diplagiasi. Copyright protection is necessary to prevent violations of the economic and moral rights of the owner. Regulations regarding copyright have been regulated in the Copyright Law and intellectual property law to help the public understand and resolve problems regarding copyright. However, there are still many incidents of plagiarism or imitation of designs, including fabrication of logos where they need permission from the creator but use them irresponsibly. This community service is carried out by creating study materials regarding efforts to protect copyright by the government through law. Normative legal research methods that are closer to the rule are used in this research. Some of the results obtained are that there are several legal protections that the government can implement to help protect originality using preventive and repressive efforts. Apart from that, socialization was carried out to the public regarding IPR and the appropriate steps when a work is plagiarized.