Muhammad Ramadhani Marfatah
Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs

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Measuring Model of Infrastructure Provision Readiness with Sharia PPP Financing Scheme Using the IRL and TRL Concept Approach Sugeng Santoso; Indra Siswanti; R. Nurhidajat; Salmi Mohd Isa; Muhammad Ramadhani Marfatah
IQTISHODUNA: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Program Studi Ekonomi Islam Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Syarifuddin Lumajang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (405.826 KB) | DOI: 10.54471/iqtishoduna.v11i2.1656


Meeting the needs of infrastructure development requires contributions from various parties, including the government and business entities. To meet this need, a Government and Business Entity Cooperation financing scheme is needed that allows the government and business entities to contribute. Indonesia as the largest Muslim country in the world is experiencing rapid development in the halal value chain, including the initiation of infrastructure provision with the Sharia PPP financing scheme. Innovation Readiness Level (IRL/’Tingkat Kesiapan Inovasi = Katsinov’) and Technology Readiness Level (TRL/’Tingkat Kesiapterapan Teknologi = TKT’). The method used is a participatory approach through Focus Group Discussions (FGD), where discussions are held with stakeholders for financing transportation infrastructure through the Sharia PPP financing scheme. The analysis was carried out to determine the level of readiness through the Katsinov and TRL self-assessment and then the results of the TRL self-assessment were confirmed to the respondents to determine the level of readiness. The output of this research is an analysis model for measuring infrastructure financing readiness through a Sharia PPP financing scheme with the results being Katsinov level 1 and level 3 TRL. This shows that this readiness measurement model needs to be improved so that stakeholders understand the benefits, at least it can be increased to Katsinov which is more than 1, and it would be very good if Kaysinov 3 and its TRL became 8 or 9 so that related parties feel safe using the sharia PPP financing scheme.