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Jurnal Keperawatan Priority Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Prima Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34012/jukep.v5i1.1509


The anxiety experienced by nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic is a feeling that cannot be avoided and affects the performance of nurses in providing nursing care.  The purpose of article aims to describe nurses' anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method used is Narrative literature review by searching articles from Google Scholar dan DOAJ  database with keyword nurse anxiety in COVID-19. The result of those articles are nurses experienced anxiety in providing nursing care during the COVID-19 pandemic. This anxiety is associated with age, female gender, experience, inadequate availability of personal protective equipment, lack of training on preparedness to face the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. Nurses experience anxiety in carrying out nursing care during the COVID-19 pandemic. The government within hospital policies can anticipate intervening psychologically for nurses during a pandemic, such as providing consulting services, the availability of adequate personal protective equipment, and training for preparedness to face the COVID-19 pandemic effectively.
Faktor predisposisi yang berhubungan dengan perilaku merokok pada mahasiswa Widyawati Widyawati; Juwi Athia Rahmini; Sri Dhamayani
Holistik Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 16, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Keperawata Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/hjk.v16i4.7277


Background: Smoking habits provide enjoyment for smokers but can have a bad impact on smokers themselves and those around them so the smoking problem has become a national problem where Indonesia is still the third country with the most active smokers in the world.Purpose: To find out what predisposing factors are related to smoking behavior in students of the D3 Electrical Technology Study Program at STIKes Binalita Sudama Medan.Method: This type of research is quantitative research, with a cross-sectional approach. The population is students, the sample is 60 respondents. The analysis used univariate, bivariate, and multivariate. The statistical test used is the Chi-Square test and the multiple linear regression test.Results: Respondents who smoked were 29 respondents (48.3%). The results of the bivariate analysis showed that the variables related to smoking behavior in respondents were, level of knowledge (p = 0.000), attitude (p = 0.002), action (p = 0.001), psychological reasons: felt difficulty in learning (p = 0.040), seen cool (p = 0.009), wants to be accepted in the association (p = 0.020).Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between predisposing factors (knowledge, attitudes, actions and psychological reasons) with smoking behavior in students. The most dominant factor related to smoking behavior in respondents is knowledge (B value = 0.375 and p = 0.000).Keywords: Smoking Behavior; Knowledge; Attitudes; StudentPendahuluan : Kebiasaan merokok dianggap dapat memberikan kenikmatan bagi perokok, tetapi dapat menimbulkan dampak yang buruk bagi perokok itu sendiri maupun orang di sekitarnya, sehingga masalah rokok sudah menjadi masalah nasional dimana Indonesia masih menjadi negara ketiga dengan perokok aktif terbanyak di dunia. Tujuan : Mengetahui faktor predisposisi apa saja yang berhubungan dengan perilaku merokok pada mahasiswa Program Studi D3 Teknologi Elektro Medis STIKes Binalita Sudama Medan,Metode : Penelitian kuantitatif, dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasinya mahasiswa, dengan sampelnya 60 responden. Analisis yang digunakan univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Uji statistic yang digunakan adalah uji Chi Square dan uji regresi linear bergandaHasil : Responden yang merokok sebanyak 29 responden (48,3%). Hasil analisa bivariat didapatkan variabel yang berhubungan dengan perilaku merokok pada responden adalah, tingkat pengetahuan (p=0,000), sikap (p=0,002), tindakan (p=0,001), alasan psikologis: merasa kesulitan dalam pelajaran (p=0,040), terlihat keren (p=0,009), ingin diterima dalam pergaulan  (p=0,020).Simpulan : Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara faktor predisposisi (pengetahuan, sikap, tindakan dan alasan psikologis) dengan perilaku merokok pada mahasiswa. Faktor yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan perilaku merokok pada responden adalah pengetahuan (Nilai B = 0,375 dan p = 0,000)
Jurnal Darma Agung Vol 30 No 2 (2022): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Darma Agung (LPPM_UDA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46930/ojsuda.v30i2.2425


Latar belakang masalah dalam penelitian ini Pada awal April tahun 2020 WHO mengeluarkan anjuran untuk menggunakan masker bagi semua masyarakat baik yang sehat maupun yang sakit. Adanya kewajiban menggunakan masker oleh semua masyarakat, tentu akan diikuti dengan sampah/limbah masker yang dihasilkan. Pemerintah melalui kementerian kesehatan sebenarnya sudah mengeluarkan pedoman mengenai pengelolaan limbah masker dari masyarakat. Namun pada aplikasinya masyarakat masih banyak yang belum mengetahui bagaimana cara pengelolaan limbah masker ini dalam skala rumah tangga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini memberikan arahan mengenai tahap-tahap pengelolaan limbah masker yang tepat dimasa wabah covid-19 pada skala rumah tangga. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif . Penelitian ini menggunakan data deskripsi kualitatif yang diperoleh melalui teknik perekaman, observasi, wawancara. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh masyarakat Kelurahan Terjun Kecamatan Medan Marelan secara umum, jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah Sampel Acak Sederhana (Simple Random Sampling) sebanyak 25 responden. Adapun analisa data dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan data analisa deskriptif kemudian disajikan dalam bentuk tulisan dan tabel. Adapun tahapan penelitian ini adalah, melakukan penyusunan latar belakang, permasalahan, dan tinjauan pustaka, selanjutnya tahapan pengumpulan data melalui teknik perekaman, observasi dan wawancara. Tahapan selanjutnya melakukan reduksi data kualitatif dengan menggunakan model studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa banyak masyarakat kelurahan terjun yang tidak mengetahui bagaimana cara pengelolaan sampah/limbah masker sekali pakai dalam skala rumah tangga dan hanya sedikit saja masyarakat yang mengetahui bagaimana cara pengelolaan sampah/limbah masker sekali pakai dalam skala rumah tangga. saran dari penelitian ini perlu adanya sosialisasi yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah setempat agar pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai pengelolaan limbah masker sekali pakai tidak rendah. Sehingga dapat mengakibatkan bisa menularkan virus Covid-19 atau penyakit lain kepada warga yang sehat apabila pengelolaan limbah masker sekali pakai pada skala rumah tangga tidak tepat dan benar dalam pengelolaannya jika masker sekali pakai tersebut terinfeksi suatu penyakit dan Pemerintah seharusnya menyediakan tempat sampah/drop box khusus masker di ruang publik, karena tempat sampah khusus masker sangat jarang ditemukan diruang publik.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Nurses’ Anxiety During the Covid-19 Pandemic Juwi Athia Rahmini; Sri Dhamayani; Widyawati Widyawati; Martiningsih Martiningsih; Ai Cahyati; Dian Novita; Eka Budiarto; Amelia Arnis
Jurnal Keperawatan Terpadu (Integrated Nursing Journal) Vol 5, No 1 (2023): APRIL
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan, Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32807/jkt.v5i2.350


Anxiety felt by nurses is a vague fear accompanied by feelings of uncertainty, helplessness, isolation, and insecurity when performing nursing care during the Covid-19 pandemic. Nurses need personal protective equipment as a barrier against substance penetration, solid, liquid, or airborne particles to protect against injury or the spread of disease. The purpose of this study is to identify characteristics, length of work, PPE training, Psychologic services, PPE access, booster vaccination, standard PPE nurse anxiety and the correlation between PPE and anxiety on nurses in the COVID-19 room. This research is a quantitative study using a causal - comparative study design that is non-experimental (ex post facto). The sampling method used is purposive sampling technique approach with a sample of 90 respondents using data entry with demographic data sheet, PPE completeness checklist sheet to determine PPE completeness and to determine nursing anxiety using the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale questionnaire. Results showed the majority of nurses were middle-aged, woman, diploma, married, working more than 2 years, have participated in PPE training, not aware of access to psychological service, experienced easy accessibility of PPE, has not received a booster vaccine, using standardized PPE and experienced mild anxiety. This study shows that there is no significant difference in mean (p value> 0.05), which means that PPE training, psychological services, access to PPE, booster vaccinations, standardized PPE did not correlate to nurses’ anxiety. The government is expected to give intervention through policies to address nurses’ anxiety and factors related to this, such as providing effective counselling services.
Pengaruh Tepid Sponge Terhadap Penurunan Suhu Pada Anak Yang Mengalami Hipertermi Di Ruang Rawat Inap Anak RSUD Aceh Singkil Eryani .; Widyawati .; Juwi Athia Rahmini; Zulianti .; Jati Warama
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 14, No 3 (2023): Juli 2023
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf.v14i3.3711


This study aims to identify the effect of a tepid sponge on reducing temperature in children who experience hyperthermia. Methods: the design of this research is Quasy experimental with One Group Pre-Post Test design. The sample in this study was 10 pediatric patients who experienced hyperthermia in the category of febrile (38-40°C) and hyperthermic (>40°C). Data analysis used the Paired Sample T Test statistical test. The research instruments used by researchers in this study were informed consent, questionnaires, observation sheets and thermometers. The first research questionnaire given concerns the identity of the respondent. The second research instrument is an observation sheet containing steps to perform the tepid sponge technique as well as temperature records before and after the action. The initial stage of conducting the experiment, theo researcher measured body temperature before the experiment/pre test, by placing a thermometer in the axilla/armpit of the respondent, then the researcher carried out the tepid sponge procedure, after 15 minutes the researcher returned to measure temperature after the experiment/post test. Most respondents' temperature before treatment was in the febrile category (38-40°C) as many as 8 people (80%), while for the hyperthermia category (> 40°C) there were 2 people (20%). Respondents' temperature after treatment was the most in the febrile category there were 5 people (50%), while for the sub-febrile category there were 4 people (40%) and normal there were 1 person (10%). Analysis of the effect of the tepid sponge on decreasing temperature, the results of the statistical test obtained a value of p = 0.000, where the value of p <0.05, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect between the tepid sponge on decreasing temperature.  There is an effect of giving a tepid sponge on decreasing temperature in children who have hyperthermiaKeywords : tepid sponge, temperature, hyperthermia.