Tasya Luthfiyyah
Farmasi, Universitas Islam Bandung

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Karakterisasi dan Penetapan Kadar Flavonoid Total Ekstrak Kulit Kentang (Solanum tuberosum L.) Tasya Luthfiyyah; Vinda Maharani Patricia
Bandung Conference Series: Pharmacy Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Bandung Conference Series: Pharmacy
Publisher : UNISBA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (478.99 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/bcsp.v2i2.4223


Abstract. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is the main staple food for humans and the fourth largest crop grown worldwide after rice, wheat and maize. Potato peel, a waste by-product of potato processing, can be considered a new source of natural antioxidants because it contains a number of antioxidant compounds such as phenolic compounds and flavonoid compounds. Based on this background, the purpose of this study was to determine the characterization of simplicia and potato peel extract and to determine the total flavonoid content of potato peel extract. The characterizations included organoleptic tests, determination of the content of soluble extracts in water and ethanol, determination of water content, drying shrinkage, determination of total ash content and acid insoluble ash content, and determination of specific weight. Extraction was carried out using the maceration method for 3x24 hours with two remacerations using 96% of ethanol. Determination of total flavonoid content was carried out using the AlCl3 method using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer and routine as a comparison. The results showed that potato peel simplicia had a faded brown color, fine powder form, characteristic smell, and tasteless. As for the results of potato peel extract, it is dark brown in color, thick, has a characteristic sweet smell, and has a bitter taste. In the water-soluble extract test the results were 32.642%, ethanol soluble extract content was 23.764%, water content was 4.5%, drying loss was 6.309%, total ash content was 4.998%, acid insoluble ash content was 1.195%, and the specific gravity of the extract was 0.7718. The total flavonoid content in potato peel extract was 15.9689 mg RE/g extract Abstrak. Kentang (Solanum tuberosum L.) merupakan makanan pokok utama bagi manusia dan tanaman terbesar keempat yang ditanam di seluruh dunia setelah padi, gandum, dan jagung. Kulit kentang yang merupakan produk sampingan limbah dari pengolahan kentang, dapat dianggap sebagai sumber baru antioksidan alami karena kulit kentang mengandung sejumlah senyawa antioksidan senyawa golongan fenolik dan flavonoid. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka tujuanpenelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui karakterisasi simplisia dan ekstrak kulit kentang serta mengetahui kadar flavonoid total dari ekstrak kulit kentang. Karakterisasi yang dilakukan meliputi uji organoleptik, penetapan kadar sari larut dalam air dan etanol, penetapan kadar air, susut pengeringan, penetapan kadar abu, total dan kadar abu tak larut asam, serta penetapan bobot jenis. Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode maserasi selama 3x24 jam dengan dua kali remaserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%. Penetapan kadar flavonoid total dilakukan dengan metode AlCl3 menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis dan rutin sebagai pembanding. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan simplisia kulit kentang memiliki karakteristik warna cokelat pudar, bentuk serbuk halus, bau khas, dan tidak berasa. Adapun untuk hasil ekstrak kulit kentang berwarna cokelat tua pekat, bentuk kental, bau khas manis, dan rasa pahit. Pada uji kadar sari larut air didapatkan hasil sebesar 32,642%, kadar sari larut etanol sebesar 23,764%, kadar air sebesar 4,5%, susut pengeringan sebesar 6,309%, kadar abu total sebesar 4,998%, kadar abu tak larut asam sebesar 1,195%, dan bobot jenis ekstrak sebesar 0,7718. Adapun kadar flavonoid total dalam ekstrak kulit kentang adalah sebesar 15,9689 mg RE/g ekstrak