Roni Ismail, Roni
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

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Religi: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama Vol 8, No 1 (2012): Agama dan Persoalan Psikologis
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/rejusta.2012.0801-01


Kehidupan yang penuh kedamaian, kenyamanan, dan toleran merupakan idaman semua orang, baik orang beragama maupun tidak beragama, sepanjang masa. Karena tidak ada satu agama dan sistem sosial pun yang menganjurkan kebencian, konflik kekerasan, dan perang, semua manusia memiliki harapan akan kedamaian dan toleransi antar mereka sekalipun mereka berbeda dalam banyak hal. Namun harapan tersebut seringkali jauh dari kenyataan, bahkan justru dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang beragama secara formal. Makalah ini akan menduskusikan wilayah itu, wilayah di mana orang beragama justru melakukan tindakan yang bertolak belakang dengan semangat dasar semua agama dengan menggunakan teori Psikologi agamatentang Kematangan Beragama. Sekaligus akan didapat pandangan Psikologi Agama tentang toleransi berdasarkan salah satu teori dalam disiplin ilmu tersebut, yaitu kematangan beragama.
ISLAM DAN DAMAI (Kajian atas Pluralisme Agama dalam Islam) Ismail, Roni
Religi: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama Vol 9, No 1 (2013): Kompetisi Damai dalam Keragaman
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/rejusta.2013.0901-03


The latest cases of religious based violence have placed Islam as a religion of  terror. This is simply because the fact that some terror actions were done by people call themselves muslim. What make it even worse is that the cases have been exaggerated and blown up by international big mass medias which become the main source of the news throughout the world. Yet the very spirit of peace as observed by muslim majority has often been neglegted by these mass medias. This paper is an attempt to promote peace Islam through one of the main teachings of Islam, namely the Islamic teaching of religious pluralism. The result is that both normative and historic Islam reject violence without any acceptable reason. Islam teaches peace as a fun- damental theological view and code of conduct.Al-Quran nor matively teaches the basic principles of  pluralism in race, ethnicity, or religion. Plurality in Islam is seen as sunnatullah. Islam therefore promotes tolerance, prohibits any form of  religious coercion, and requires Muslims to maintain the holy places such as churches, synagogues and mosques. Al-Quran also teaches the prin- ciples of the religious fraternity among Ahli Kitab-who have book of God.Historically, the first generation of Muslims who lived at the time of the Prophet Muhammad implemented Islamic plurality view in the Medina Charter. This charter in turn had instigated peace among the elements of  Medina community. As a result, there were no racial tensions or religious conflicts occurred, as was no predominantly Muslim terror in its various form shappened over the minority.The study of religious pluralism in Islam therefore describes Islam as a religion of non-violence and terror, but as a religion of peace.