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Optimalisasi Pelaporan Keuangan BUMDES Melalui Pelatihan Pembuatan Laporan Keuangan Menggunakan Microsoft Excel Professional Khairul Khairul; Jantianus Surbakti; Sulaiman Ahmad; Syahrudin Marpaung; Budi Indra Syahdewa
Jurnal Ilmiah Madiya (Masyarakat Mandiri Berkarya) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Edisi November 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Medan

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Adanya perhatian khusus oleh pemerintah pusat akan daerah pedesaan dewasa ini, berdampak positif banyak dalam kemajuan daerah pedesaan, khususnya di dunia usaha. Di desa Nangbelawan, Karo sudah memiliki satu Bumdes air, dimana pengadaan air bagi penduduk setempat dikelola melalui Bumdes pemerintahan setempat. Para pelanggan menggunakan meteran air disetiap rumah, untuk mengetahui jumlah pemakaian air. Setiap bulannya para pelanggan diwajibkan membayar rekening air ke keuangan Bumdes. Dalam pengelolaan administrasi Bumdes ini, baik database pelanggan, jumlah tagihan, biaya operasional dan laporan keuangan masih dilakukan secara manual dalam pembukuannya, belum mengunakan teknologi IT. Sehingga kecepatan dan akurasi laporan keuangan setiap bulanya terkesan lambat dan tidak sesuai dengan kemajuan teknologi IT saat ini. Bahkan untuk mendapatkan informasi laporan keuangan dari Bumdes sangat terbatas didapatkan. Untuk itu tim PMKM kami memberikan solusi dengan pembuatan laporan keuangan menggunakan MS Excel Profesional. Dengan pembuatan laporan keuangan ini, segala informasi yang diperlukan baik database pelanggan, tagihan air, laporan keuangan bisa diperoleh setiap saat oleh masyarakat atau yang berkepentingan. Hal ini tentunya sangat bermanfaat bagi pengurus Bumdes karena dapat meringankan pekerjaan mereka dalam mengelola administrasi keuangan Bumdes, juga membantu mereka bekerja secara cepat dan handal. The existence of special attention by the central government for rural areas today has had many positive impacts on the progress of rural areas, especially in the business world. In the village of Nangbelawan, Karo already has a Bumdes for water, where the water supply for local residents is managed through the provincial government's Bumdes. Customers use a water meter in every home to determine the amount of water usage. Every month customers are required to pay water bills to Bumdes finances. In managing the Bumdes administration, the customer database, bill amounts, operational costs, and financial reports are still done manually in the bookkeeping, not using IT technology. So that the speed and accuracy of monthly financial reports seem slow and not in accordance with current IT technological advances. In fact, obtaining financial report information from Bumdes is very limited. For this reason, our PMKM team provides a solution by creating financial reports using Professional MS Excel. With the preparation of these financial reports, all the information needed, including customer databases, water bills, and financial reports, can be obtained at any time by the public or interested parties. This is, of course, very useful for Bumdes management because it can ease their work in managing Bumdes financial administration. It also helps them work quickly and reliably.

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The biggest challenge of human resource management today is to win in the talent war. Talent war is a situation when the company racing against their competitor to obtain the best talent in the talent market.The one strategy to win this war talent is to implementing the use of talent management to define, discover, develop, manage, and retain talented employees in an effort to achieve strategic goals and future business needs. This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of talent management, multiple role conflicts and job stress on the performance of employees of PT Bank X Cabang Kisaran. This study is associative, ie research that connects two or more variables to see the effect of these variables. The population in this study were all 218 employees of PT Bank X Kisaran Branch. The number of samples in this study were 140 people with a proportional random sampling technique. The data used in this study is primary data and secondary data.. The analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis,with SPSS. The results of this study indicate that Talent Management, Multiple Role Conflict, and Job Stress simultaneously have a significant effect on the Performance of Bank X Employees. The partial test shows that Talent Management has a positive and significant effect on the Performance of Bank X Employees, Multiple Role Conflict has a negative and significant effect on performance. Bank X Employees and Job Stress have a negative and significant effect on the Employee Performance of Bank X.
The Impact of Slang on The Indonesian Language Skills of Politeknik Negeri Medan D-3 Accounting Students Sulaiman Ahmad; Syahrudin Marpaung; Tosanov Tohap Parulian Napitupulu
Journal of Social Science Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022): Journal of Social Science
Publisher : Syntax Corporation Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (195.07 KB) | DOI: 10.46799/jss.v3i4.364


Indonesian as a national language must be preserved. The development of slang can threaten Indonesian if the user does not have a love of his own country's language. Slang can undermine the existence of Indonesian among the people. This study aims to explain how much influence the use of slang by adolescents has on Indonesian language skills under the rules. The explanation was obtained from the analysis and observation carried out carefully. Observations are based on the use of language in communication, the delivery of ideas or ideas both verbally and in writing, and other social relationships in interacting in public places. Indonesian use among students in its development has begun to be displaced by slang. Mixing slang with standard language creates a problem or oddity in language. The use of slang does not matter when relying on the nuances of familiarity it evokes. However, it would be nice if a person still had to know the limits to prevent an adverse impact on preserving the Indonesian language. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach by trying to skin social phenomena in an atmosphere occurring naturally without any other control.