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PKM Maju UDA Vol 1 No 3 (2020): Edisi bulan DESEMBER 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Darma Agung (UDA) Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (330.998 KB) | DOI: 10.46930/pkmmajuuda.v1i3.883


Manusia memiliki beberapa kebutuhan primer. Salah satu bentu kebutuhan primer manusia yaitu makanan dan minuman. Ketika manusia tidak makan dan minum dalam jangka dan waktu tertentu akan menyebabkan sakit maupun kematian. Dalam maqasid al-syariyah (tujuan syariat diturunkan) pemenuhan kebutuhan manusia akan makanan dan minuman termasuk dalam kerangka tersebut, seperti hifz al-nafs (menjaga jiwa), hifz al’aql dan hifz al-mal (menjaga harta). Islam sendiri telah memilah-milah makanan dan minuman yang dapat dikonsumsi dan yang mana yang tidak. Dengan standar dan syarat yarat makanan yang konsumsi harus halal dan baik. PWBI merupakan persatuan wirid batak Islam yang keanggotannya merupakan para muallaf (baru masuk Islam). Yang notabenanya masih sedikit pemahaman tentang agama Islam. Karena pentingnya pengetahuan tentang kriteria dan syarat makanan halal dalam Islam untuk itu perlu diadakan sosialisasi yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan makanan halal. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini memberikan hasil yang positif, terlihat dari respon dan atusias yang baik dari anggota PWBI Kwala Bekala. Dengan adanya kegiatan ini mampu memberikan pemahaman dan wawasan serta pengetahuan yang baik bagi anggota PWBI bagaimana kriteria makanan yang halal dan toyyib (baik) dalam Islam, serta melihat hikmah pengsyariatan makanan yang halal dan baik dalam agama Islam.
Jurnal PKM Hablum Minannas Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Bulan Maret 2023
Publisher : LPPM Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Tholabul Ilmi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47652/jhm.v2i1.362


Salah satu tujuan manusia diciptakan dimuka bumi adalah untuk beribadah kepadanya. Ketika tujuan ini dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik, maka atas rahmat Allah kita akan mendapatkan reward atau penghargaan berupa surganya. Tetapi ketika kita gagal mewujudkannya maka kita akan mendapatkan punishment atau hukuman berupa siksa nerakanya yang sangat pedih. Pemahaman akan sebuah hakikat ibadah haruslah dimengerti dengan baik oleh umat Islam. Karena jika hal tersebut tidak dipahami dengan baik maka akan menimbulkan kemalasan, keterpaksaan dan ketidakmauan untuk beribadah kepada Allah. Banyak umat Islam yang masih mengganggap bahwa ibadah merupakan beban atau hanya melahirkan hukum wajib atau sunat saja. Padahal jika kita memahami lebih dalam maka kita akan mengerti akan tatanan tersebut. Bahwa ibadah bukan hanya melahirkan hukum wajib atau sunat saja tetapi juga merupakan kebutuhan manusia yang harus ditunaikan. Ibu-Ibu PWBI (Persatuan Wirid Batak Islam) adalah merupakan perkumpulan perwidan yang berasal dari ibu-ibu mualaf (baru masuk Islam). Sebagai perkumpulan mualaf mereka sangat minim sekali akan pengetahuan ilmu agama Islam. Oleh karena itu mereka sangat membutuhkan akan bimbingan dan penguatan tentang agama Islam. Agar mereka benar-benar dapat memahami dan semakin yakin dengan agama Islam yang mereka pilih. Melihat hal ini tim pengabdian menganggap perlu mengadakan bimbingan berupa sosialisasi kesadaran beribadah dalam Islam. Diharapka kegiatan ini akan meningkatkan dan mengautkan keimanan mereka sehingga tidak tergoyahkan lagi. Karena sebenarnya fitrah seorang hamba dalam Islam adalah beribadah, hanya saja butuh penjelasan yang kongkrit tentang ibadah tersebut apa sebenarnya yang menjadi hakikat sebuah ibadah. Karena tak jarang banyak orang beragama Islam tetapi tindak tanduknya tak menunjukkan keislamnnya sehingga dia tak mau beribadah dan menjalankan syariat Allah SWT.
Eksistensi Pendidikan Karakter Islami Berbasis Kearifan Lokal dan Relevansinya Terhadap Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Haidir Haidir; Muhammad Hizbullah; M. Guffar Harahap; Ardat Ardat; Azrai Harahap
Fitrah: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): (2023)
Publisher : Prodi PAI STAI Sumatera Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53802/fitrah.v4i2.410


Islamic character education is the most important and urgent thing to be applied at various levels of education, both in primary, secondary and tertiary education, one of which is through local wisdom. With regard to that, this research aims to analyze the existence of Islamic character education based on local wisdom at UMN Al-Washliyah Medan. This research uses a qualitative description analysis method, by first collecting facts and data accurately and then tabulating them so that conclusions will be obtained. Data collection uses observation, interviews and documentation studies. The results of the study explain that, namely 1) UMN Al-Washliyah Medan is one of the PTU campuses that implements Islamic character education directly through lecture activities and outside lectures with the habituation method. 2) The existence of character education implemented at UMN Al-Washliyah Medan towards the era of independent learning is carried out with several models, namely habituation activities, exemplary, discipline, with rewards and punishments, with active / contextual and participatory learning. The local wisdom can be seen from the existence of Al-Washliyahan courses, one of which fosters student character.
Renewal of Islamic Family Law: Analysis of The Contribution of Qosim Amin's Thought Muhammad Hizbullah; Imam Muhardinata; Leni Masnidar Nasution
Al-Fikru: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol. 17 No. 1 (2023): Juni (2023)
Publisher : STAI Serdang Lubuk Pakam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51672/alfikru.v17i1.181


Qasim Amin's thoughts have influenced the Islamic family law reform movement in various countries. Although it has faced controversy and criticism, its contribution to positive changes in family law views and practices cannot be overlooked. He has provided the basis for contemporary thinking on how to harmonize Islamic teachings with the values ​​of equality and justice in the context of family law. This study uses a library research approach by searching various sources of literature, especially the works of Qosim Amin, then analyzing them through content analysis methods. The results of this analysis form the basis for drawing conclusions which are then presented in a report. The purpose of this paper is to find out the description and contribution of Qosim Amin in influencing family law in Islam. The results of the study explain that, Qasim Amin's thoughts in reforming Islamic family law include his views on gender equality, wiser polygamy arrangements, and a more equitable distribution of inheritance which have formed the basis for debate and reform of family law that is more modern and in accordance with the values ​​of equality. and justice in contemporary society.
Analysis of Essential Industries and Other Fundamentals as Well As Financial Competitiveness in Driving Economic Growth in Medan City M. Guffar Harahap; Haidir; Muhammad Hizbullah; Muhajirin Ansori Situmorang; Munawaroh; Muhammad Radian Syah; Ami Nullah Marlis Tanjung
International Journal of Integrative Sciences Vol. 2 No. 8 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ijis.v2i8.5673


Economic growth is an indicator of economic development in the process of economic growth. The benchmark economists use to look for signs of economic growth in a country or region is regional gross domestic product (GDP). This study's goal is to evaluate which industries are included in the primary and non-primary sectors and how economic competitiveness accelerates economic growth in Medan City. This study uses quantitative research methods with class analysis tools Location Question (LQ), Shift Share and Typology.The results of the study based on the results of location inquiry analysis show that there are 12 basic sectors, namely: the field of water supply, waste treatment, waste and recycling; Construction; wholesale and retail trade, repair of cars and motorcycles; transportation and storage, provision of shelter and food; Information and Communication; financial and insurance services; Housing; business services; Education services, health services and social services and other services as well as five other economic sectors are non-core sectors of Medan City. The results of the Shift Share analysis show that almost all economic sectors in Medan City have a positive Differential Shift value, meaning that these economic sectors have strong competitiveness or high competitive advantages compared to the same industry in the Sumatran economy
Telaah Ayat Tentang Iddah dengan Pendekatan Interpretasi Kontekstual Abdullah Saeed dalam Perspektif Maqashid Syari‘ah Heri Firmansyah; Muhammad Hizbullah; Haidir Haidir
AL QUDS : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Hadis Vol 7, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/alquds.v7i2.7105


Abdullah Saeed offers a method for understanding Quranic verses. He encourages readers and interpreters of the Quran not to passively accept the text but actively participate in giving meaning to the text. This article aims to examine the verses on iddah (waiting period after the death of a husband) using Abdullah Saeed's conceptual interpretation approach. Two specific verses are the focus of this study. The findings of this examination are then analyzed within the perspective of Maqashid Syariah, particularly in terms of the preservation of religion and lineage, known as maqashid ad-dharuriyah or maslahah ad-dharuriyyah. The study concludes that the iddah period for women whose husbands have passed away, which is traditionally four months and ten days, should be adjusted to the present conditions, considering the significant number of women who work outside their homes. The iddah period is understood to prohibit remarriage for women but allows them to leave the house and adorn themselves according to the atmosphere and needs of the workplace. The study findings on the iddah period for wives whose husbands have passed away, based on the analysis of the two examined verses, are found to align with the spirit of Maqashid Syariah, which focuses on the welfare of the wife.