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Pengembangan Sistem Kontrol Alat Penebar Pakan Ikan Otomatis Dengan Sumber Energi Matahari Kardiman Kasiadi; Dono Martono; Rizal Hanifi; Eri Widianto
Gorontalo Journal of Infrastructure and Science Engineering Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Gorontalo Journal Of Infrastructure And Science Engineering
Publisher : Universitas Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (605.41 KB) | DOI: 10.32662/gojise.v2i1.518


Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Developement (R&D), menganalisa kekurangan yang ada pada alat penebar pakan ikan otomatis yang sudah ada kemudian mengembangkannya, tahapan pengembangan alat ini meliputi perencanaan, perangcangan, perakitan, penerapan dan pengaplikasian. Alat penebar pakan ikan sebelumnya hanya menggunakan baterai/aki isi ulang dengan cara charger, perlu ditambahkan solar panel supaya pengisian aki menjadi otomatis dan menambahkan sistem monitoring baterai sebagai pengontrol baterai jika terjadi drop tegangan, karena kelemahan panel surya adalah tergantungnya pada cuaca, jika hujan akan mengganggu pengecasan, sistem monitoring baterai akan bekerja pada tegangan 10 volt dan akan mengirim sms. Pemasangan solar panel pada alat penebar pakan ikan otomatis dengan output daya rata–rata   12,85 Watt dan Arus rata-rata  0,94 Ampere, pengujian sistem monitoring baterai mencari nilai drop tegangan, didapat nilai 10 volt sebagai nilai drop tegangan yang dijadikan set point pada program. Sistem  SMS akan aktif ketika tegangan baterai 10 volt. In this study using the Research and Developement (R & D) method, analyzing the deficiencies in the existing automatic fish feed spreader and then developing it, the stages of developing this tool include planning, handling, assembly, application and application. The previous fish feed spreader only used a battery / rechargeable battery by means of a charger, it needs to be added with solar panels so that the charging of the battery becomes automatic and adds a battery monitoring system as a battery controller if there is a voltage drop, because the weakness of the solar panel is dependent on the weather, if it rains interfere with charging, the battery monitoring system will work on a 10r output of 12.85 Watts and an average current of 0, 94 Ampere, testing the battery monitoring system looking for voltage drop values, obtained a value of 10 volts as the voltage drop value which is used as a set point in the program. The SMS system will be active when the battery voltage is 10 volts
Gorontalo Journal of Infrastructure and Science Engineering Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Gorontalo Journal Of Infrastructure And Science Engineering
Publisher : Universitas Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (518.471 KB) | DOI: 10.32662/gojise.v2i2.712


Research has been carried out on the analysis of mechanical properties and simulation of composite failure of oil palm midrib fiber polypropylene matrix as car bumpers. This research is expected to provide information on the results of testing the mechanical properties and physical properties and to find out the results of failure simulation in stress analysis based on static test using Inventor Professional 2015 software. Composite boards are made using the hot press method with three variations volume fraction is 20% fiber: 80% matrix, 30% fiber: 70% matrix and 40% fiber: 60% matrix. Characterization of composite physical properties in the form of density, swelling, and water uptake while mechanical properties in the form of tensile testing. Composite physical test results showed that composites made according to JIS A5908 (2003) composite tensile test results showed that the maximum tensile strength obtained at the volume fraction of 40% fiber: 60% matrix with a value of 21.106 MPa, followed by a decrease in tensile strength in volume fraction 30% fiber: 70% matrix and 20% fiber: 80% matrix. Increased tensile strength due to direct orientation of fibers and the addition of fiber composition. Composites are still worth making bumper because the value of tensile strength is no less than the standard bumper which is 8,09 MPa. Next, failure simulation results based on a static test uses three variations of speed, namely 60 km/hr, 80 km/hr and 100 km/hr. The failure simulation results based on the static test of the three speed variations show the value of the von misses stress below the yield strength of the material, then the displacement value that occurs is small and the value of the safety factor produced is above one. From the results of the analysis of composite testing, it shows that the composite has the potential to be a car bumper material.Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang analisis sifat mekanik dan simulasi kegagalan komposit serat pelepah kelapa sawit matriks polypropylene sebagai bumper mobil. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberi informasi hasil pengujian sifat mekanik dan sifat fisis serta mengetahui hasil simulasi kegagalan dalam stress analysis berdasarkan static test menggunakan software Inventor Professional 2015. Papan komposit dibuat menggunakan metode hot press dengan tiga variasi fraksi volume yaitu 20% serat: 80% matriks, 30% serat: 70% matriks dan 40% serat: 60% matriks. Karakterisasi sifat fisis komposit berupa densitas, swelling, dan serapan air sedangkan sifat mekanik berupa pengujian tarik. Hasil pengujian fisis komposit menunjukkan bahwa komposit yang dibuat sesuai dengan klasifikasi JIS A5908. Hasil pengujian tarik komposit menunjukkan bahwa nilai kekuatan tarik maksimal yang paling besar diperoleh pada fraksi volume 40% serat: 60% matriks dengan nilai 21,106 MPa, diikuti penurunan kekuatan tarik pada fraksi volume 30% serat: 70% matriks dan 20% serat: 80% matriks. Meningkatnya kekuatan tarik dikarenakan orientasi serat searah dan penambahan komposisi serat. Komposit masih layak dibuat bumper karena nilai kekuatan tariknya tidak kurang dari standar bumper yaitu 8,09 MPa. Selanjunya, hasil simulasi kegagalan berdasarkan static test menggunakan tiga variasi kecepatan yaitu 60 km/jam, 80 km/jam dan 100 km/jam. Hasil simulasi kegagalan berdasarkan static test dari ketiga variasi kecepatan tersebut menunjukkan nilai von misses stress dibawah nilai yield strength yang dimiliki material, kemudian nilai displacement yang terjadi kecil serta nilai safety factor yang dihasilkan yaitu di atas satu. Dari hasil analisis pengujian komposit tersebut menunjukkan bahwa komposit berpotensi sebagai material bumper mobil