Fatimatuz Zahra, Fatimatuz
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Publisher : STAIN Kudus

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Keterwakilan perempuan dalam parlemen menjadi sebuah kebutuhan tak terelakkan, sebab berbagai problematika mengenai perempuan harus dan bisa diatasi oleh perempuan itu sendiri. Pada pemilu pertamadalam sejarah Indonesia 1955, perempuan bukanhanya punya hak pilih dan memilih, tetapi bahkan ada partai perempuan yang turut bertarung, yakni Partai Wanita Indonesia/Partai Wanita Rakjat. Dalam pemiluitu, ada 19 perempuan yang terpilih sebagai anggotaparlemen (DPR). Kebijakan kuota 30% perempuan yang diberlakukan mulai tahun 2004 justru banyak sekalianggota legislatif perempuan yang berperan sebagai“ganjal kursi” supaya partai tersebut lolos affirmative account. Artikel ini mengkaji analisis representasi wakilrakyat perempuan dalam persentase vokalitas serta peran aktif wakil rakyat perempuan tersebut dalam menyelesaikan berbagai persoalan bangsa menyangkut perempuan.Kata kunci: Keterwakilan, perempuan, analisis representasi The representation of women in parliament becomes an inevitable requirement, since various problems concerning women should and could be overcome by women themselves. History has proven in the 1955general election, the first election in the history of Indonesia, women not only have the right to vote andchoose, but even there the women who participatedfight party, namely the Indonesian Women Party / PartyWomen People. In the election, 19 women were electedto parliament (DPR). Since 2004, formally enacted Actrequirement for any political party that put forward legislative candidates who will compete in the elections,mandatory composition is 30% female and 70% male.This is precisely, makes the boomerang at a later date,with this requirement actually a lot of women legislatorswho serve as «padding seat» in order to qualify foraffirmative account of the party. And later on, whenthey were elected precisely is not based on an intentionto fight for women in various domains. Starting payattention to these problems, the authors moved to writeabout the analysis of the representation of the femalerepresentatives. Percentage vokalitas and the active roleof women representatives of the nation in solving variousproblems relating to women.Keywords: representation, women in parliament, paddingseat
PALASTREN Jurnal Studi Gender Vol 7, No 2 (2014): PALASTREN
Publisher : STAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/palastren.v7i2.1015


Keterwakilan perempuan dalam parlemen menjadi sebuah kebutuhan tak terelakkan, sebab berbagai problematika mengenai perempuan harus dan bisa diatasi oleh perempuan itu sendiri. Pada pemilu pertamadalam sejarah Indonesia 1955, perempuan bukanhanya punya hak pilih dan memilih, tetapi bahkan ada partai perempuan yang turut bertarung, yakni Partai Wanita Indonesia/Partai Wanita Rakjat. Dalam pemiluitu, ada 19 perempuan yang terpilih sebagai anggotaparlemen (DPR). Kebijakan kuota 30% perempuan yang diberlakukan mulai tahun 2004 justru banyak sekalianggota legislatif perempuan yang berperan sebagai“ganjal kursi” supaya partai tersebut lolos affirmative account. Artikel ini mengkaji analisis representasi wakilrakyat perempuan dalam persentase vokalitas serta peran aktif wakil rakyat perempuan tersebut dalam menyelesaikan berbagai persoalan bangsa menyangkut perempuan.Kata kunci: Keterwakilan, perempuan, analisis representasi The representation of women in parliament becomes an inevitable requirement, since various problems concerning women should and could be overcome by women themselves. History has proven in the 1955general election, the first election in the history of Indonesia, women not only have the right to vote andchoose, but even there the women who participatedfight party, namely the Indonesian Women Party / PartyWomen People. In the election, 19 women were electedto parliament (DPR). Since 2004, formally enacted Actrequirement for any political party that put forward legislative candidates who will compete in the elections,mandatory composition is 30% female and 70% male.This is precisely, makes the boomerang at a later date,with this requirement actually a lot of women legislatorswho serve as «padding seat» in order to qualify foraffirmative account of the party. And later on, whenthey were elected precisely is not based on an intentionto fight for women in various domains. Starting payattention to these problems, the authors moved to writeabout the analysis of the representation of the femalerepresentatives. Percentage vokalitas and the active roleof women representatives of the nation in solving variousproblems relating to women.Keywords: representation, women in parliament, paddingseat
Peningkatan Pemahaman Hukum dan Produktifitas Wakaf di Pimpinan Ranting Muhammadiyah (PRM) Danurejo Kecamatan Mertoyudan Kabupaten Magelang dakum, dakum; Machfiroh, Ade Safriani; Zahra, Fatimatuz; Nurmuhamad, Fendy; Pratama, Gito Aji; Sulistyo, Wahyu
Jurnal Pengabdian Hukum Indonesia Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian Hukum Indonesia
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jphi.v3i2.38316


Abstract This dedication was carried out after initial observation to partners, Muhammadiyah Branch Leader Danurejo Kec. Mertoyudan Regency. Magelang. Preliminary observations received information that, the state of partners is still limited in terms of understanding waqf law and increased productivity of waqf property. It is proven that, the registration of the waqf land certificate has not been carried out optimally, such as the process of certification of the land swap waqf that has not been completed for a long time. Waqf land is managed by 5 locations, only 2 locations have been certified and three locations have not been certified. In addition, endowments that are managed are still limited to the use of religious and educational facilities, not yet leading to productive activities. Under these circumstances, the dedication team is very much called to provide counseling and assistance to partners. The purpose of this service is so that partners can better understand waqf law, overcome issues related to waqf law, and can increase waqf productivity. The method used is counseling and assistance including; improvement of understanding of waqf law, process of waqf land certification, management of waqf land becomes more productive, and campaign of community movement likes to have waqf. Key words Waqf law; Productivity; Nadzir professionalism Abstrak Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan setelah observasi awal kepada mitra, Pimpinan Ranting Muhammadiyah (PRM) Danurejo Kec. Mertoyudan Kab. Magelang. Observasi awal mendapatkan informasi bahwa, keadaan mitra masih terbatas dalam hal pemahaman hukum wakaf dan peningkatan produktifitas harta wakaf. Terbukti bahwa, pendaftaran sertifikat tanah wakaf belum terlaksana maksimal, seperti proses sertifikasi tanah wakaf tukar guling yang sudah lama belum selesai. Tanah wakaf yang dikelola sejumlah 5 lokasi, baru 2 lokasi yang sudah tersertifikat dan tiga lokasi belum tersertifikat. Selain itu, wakaf yang dikelola masih sebatas digunakan sarana keagamana dan pendidikan saja, belum mengarah kepada kegiatan yang produktif. Berdasarkan keadaan tersebut, maka tim pengabdian sangat terpanggil untuk memberikan penyuluhan dan pendampingan kepada mitra. Tujuan pengabdian ini agar mitra dapat lebih memahami hukum wakaf, mengatasi persoalan terkait hukum wakaf, dan dapat meningkatkan produktifitas wakaf. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan dan pendampingan meliputi; peningkatan pemahaman hukum wakaf, peroses sertifikasi tanah wakaf, pengelolaan tanah wakaf menjadi lebih produktif, dan kampanye gerakan masyarakat gemar berwakaf. Kat Kunci Hukum wakaf; Produtifitas; Profesionalitas nadzir
Peningkatan Pemahaman Hukum dan Produktifitas Wakaf di Pimpinan Ranting Muhammadiyah (PRM) Danurejo Kecamatan Mertoyudan Kabupaten Magelang Dakum, Dakum; Machfiroh, Ade Safriani; Zahra, Fatimatuz; Nurmuhamad, Fendy; Pratama, Gito Aji; Sulistyo, Wahyu
Jurnal Pengabdian Hukum Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Legal Community Engagement) JPHI Vol 3 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jphi.v3i2.38316


Abstract This dedication was carried out after initial observation to partners, Muhammadiyah Branch Leader Danurejo Kec. Mertoyudan Regency. Magelang. Preliminary observations received information that, the state of partners is still limited in terms of understanding waqf law and increased productivity of waqf property. It is proven that, the registration of the waqf land certificate has not been carried out optimally, such as the process of certification of the land swap waqf that has not been completed for a long time. Waqf land is managed by 5 locations, only 2 locations have been certified and three locations have not been certified. In addition, endowments that are managed are still limited to the use of religious and educational facilities, not yet leading to productive activities. Under these circumstances, the dedication team is very much called to provide counseling and assistance to partners. The purpose of this service is so that partners can better understand waqf law, overcome issues related to waqf law, and can increase waqf productivity. The method used is counseling and assistance including; improvement of understanding of waqf law, process of waqf land certification, management of waqf land becomes more productive, and campaign of community movement likes to have waqf. Key words Waqf law; Productivity; Nadzir professionalism Abstrak Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan setelah observasi awal kepada mitra, Pimpinan Ranting Muhammadiyah (PRM) Danurejo Kec. Mertoyudan Kab. Magelang. Observasi awal mendapatkan informasi bahwa, keadaan mitra masih terbatas dalam hal pemahaman hukum wakaf dan peningkatan produktifitas harta wakaf. Terbukti bahwa, pendaftaran sertifikat tanah wakaf belum terlaksana maksimal, seperti proses sertifikasi tanah wakaf tukar guling yang sudah lama belum selesai. Tanah wakaf yang dikelola sejumlah 5 lokasi, baru 2 lokasi yang sudah tersertifikat dan tiga lokasi belum tersertifikat. Selain itu, wakaf yang dikelola masih sebatas digunakan sarana keagamana dan pendidikan saja, belum mengarah kepada kegiatan yang produktif. Berdasarkan keadaan tersebut, maka tim pengabdian sangat terpanggil untuk memberikan penyuluhan dan pendampingan kepada mitra. Tujuan pengabdian ini agar mitra dapat lebih memahami hukum wakaf, mengatasi persoalan terkait hukum wakaf, dan dapat meningkatkan produktifitas wakaf. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan dan pendampingan meliputi; peningkatan pemahaman hukum wakaf, peroses sertifikasi tanah wakaf, pengelolaan tanah wakaf menjadi lebih produktif, dan kampanye gerakan masyarakat gemar berwakaf. Kat Kunci Hukum wakaf; Produtifitas; Profesionalitas nadzir