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Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi (JUKANTI) Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi (JUKANTI) Edisi Nopember 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Informatika, Universitas Citra Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37792/jukanti.v5i2.533


Transport vehicles in the form of trucks are one of the important components in supporting the logistics system when collecting crops in a plantation company. Fresh fruit bunches (FFB) produced by oil palm plantations must be sent to the location of the crude palm oil (CPO) processing plant at a predetermined time so that fruit quality is maintained. Therefore, scheduling and arranging the route of truck trips plays an important role. Constraints faced in plantations are the absence of a cellular internet network in plantations and limited road infrastructure so that location, time and route data cannot be accurately monitored. Scheduling can be done optimally and can reduce waiting times and queues of trucks that want to enter the shelter location. To overcome this problem, a monitoring system for oil palm trucks was created using a website-based GPS tracking. The components used are GPS Neo-6M, NodeMCU ESP8266, GSM SIM800L. It can be concluded that the tool can display data and information as expected, and the tool works well and can control the coordinates of the oil palm truck remotely.
JSR : Jaringan Sistem Informasi Robotik Vol 6, No 2 (2022): JSR : Jaringan Sistem Informasi Robotik
Publisher : AMIK Mitra Gama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58486/jsr.v6i2.160


Laptop is one type of computer that is in great demand by the public at this time, especially for activities such as processing sales data and also purchasing and others can be done using a laptop. In using a laptop, there are several problems that are often faced at this time, namely the damage that occurs to the laptop and how to solve the problem of dealing with the damage to the laptop. Therefore, a web-based laptop damage expert system was created that serves as a substitute for experts for consulting media. In its manufacture, the system uses the backward chaining method for laptop damage data. The results of this study can detect laptop damage more quickly and precisely in helping users. With this system, it is hoped that it can help laptop users in overcoming the problem of laptop damage.
Analisa Penyakit Jantung Menggunakan Algoritma Naïve Bayes Andri Nofiar Am; Mahdiawan Nurkholifah; Fenty Kurnia Oktorina
Journal of System and Computer Engineering (JSCE) Vol 4 No 1 (2023): JSCE: Januari 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47650/jsce.v4i1.671


Every year more than 2 million Americans die from heart disease which is the number one killer in the world. The results of the Sample Registration System (SRS) survey show that heart disease is the highest cause of death at all ages after stroke, which is 12.9%. The method used in this study uses the Naïve Bayes algorithm. The purpose of this study is to determine if anyone with heart disease has a stroke. From the research results obtained by splitting data using 80:20 to get a prediction accuracy rate of 83% for heart disease prediction cases. In the trial results using the label test data obtained, namely no stroke.
Implementasi Stored Procedure Dan View Basis DBMS Dalam Membangun Sistem Informasi Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa Politeknik Kampar Andri Nofiar Am
Jurnal Sains dan Ilmu Terapan Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020): Desember : Jurnal Sains dan Ilmu Terapan
Publisher : Politeknik Kampar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (766.177 KB) | DOI: 10.59061/jsit.v3i2.16


Tugas akhir di Politeknik Kampar merupakan karya ilmiah yang dibuat oleh seorang atau sekelompok mahasiswa tingkat III semester VI untuk menyelesaikan Studi Jenjang Diploma-III. Untuk dapat mengetahui informasi tentang tugas akhir yang telah dibuat, mahasiswa terlebih dahulu meminjam dokumentugas akhir ke Ka. Prodi atau perpustakaan. Namun, sistem pengarsipan tugas akhir yang berjalan dinilai masih kurang efektif.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang sebuahsistem informasi dengan mengimplementasikan stored procedure dan view basis dbms tentang tugas akhir mahasiswa Politeknik Kamparberbasis web. Tahapan yang digunakan untuk membangun aplikasi web ini menggunakan tahapan model SDLC air terjun (waterfall).Dengan mengimplementasikan stored procedure dan view basis dbms dalam pembuatan program sistem informasi tugas akhir ini, dapat memudahkan dalam pengembangan sistem dikemudian hari. Pengimplementasian sotred procedure dan view basis dbms telah berhasil di uji cobakan pada sistem informasi tugas akhir mahasiswa Politeknik Kampar dan menyediakan informasi kepada mahasiswa yang ingin mengajukan judul tugas akhir secara cepat, tepat dan akurat.
Sistem Informasi Rekapitulasi Rumah Tidak Layak Huni Berbasis Web Ruang Lingkup Kecamatan Bangkinang Kota Andri Nofiar Am
Jurnal Sains dan Ilmu Terapan Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Juli : Jurnal Sains dan Ilmu Terapan
Publisher : Politeknik Kampar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (514.305 KB) | DOI: 10.59061/jsit.v5i1.55


Proses pencatatan rumah tidak layak huni masih bersifat manual dengan melakukan sensus penduduk yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah desa, kemudian pemerintah desa melaporkannya ke Dinas Perumahan, Permukiman, dan Pertanahan (Perkim) dalam bentuk laporan. Untuk informasi mengenai rumah tidak layak huni yang ada di Kecamatan Bangkinang Kota ini hanya ada di Dinas Perkim ataupun di Kantor Kelurahan dan Kantor Desa. Sebagai solusi maka dibangunlah sistem informasi rekapitulasi rumah tidak layak huni berbasis web ruang lingkup Kecamatan Bangkinang Kota menggunakan framework codeigniter dibuat menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP dan MySQL serta perancangan sistem yang dimodelkan dengan metode waterfall dan perancangan sistem dengan UML (Unified Modelling Language). Tujuan dibuat sistem ini untuk menghindari kesalahan dalam rekapitulasi data rumah tidak layak huni dan menginformasikan tentang informasi mengenai rumah tidak layak huni. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah pengetahuan dan solusi untuk menghindari kesalahan rekapitulasi data dengan sistem informasi rekapitulasi yang berbasis web. Sistem ini akan dibuat dalam bentuk sebuah sistem informasi yang berbasis web dan dapat diakses secara online.
Android Smartphone Damage Diagnosis Expert System by Web-Based Forward Chain Method Andri Nofiar Am; Fina Nasari
International Journal Software Engineering and Computer Science (IJSECS) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): APRIL 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Komunitas Informasi Teknologi Aceh (KITA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/ijsecs.v3i1.1019


Android smartphones are commonly used smartphones. Smartphone damage often plagues smartphone users nowadays, and the user should bring the smartphone to his smartphone service provider to find out what kind of damage has happened to the device. The repair time consumed while the user's smartphone is at a service point can also consume the user's time, not to mention the cost of the repair and the distance traveled to the smartphone's service point can be significant. That's why we created an expert system for diagnosing damage to Android smartphones. When creating the system, the forward chain method was used to determine solutions to overcome smartphone damage and damage. The results of an expert system that uses a website-based forward-chain method to diagnose Android smartphone damage produces an expert confidence value that is processed before being used by the system. With this expert system, the researchers hope to help Android smartphone users deal with damage caused to their smartphones.
Analisis Model Manajemen Permintaan SCM dan Peramalan Penjualan Busana Menggunakan Metode Holt-Winter Exponential Smoothing Ena Tasia; Nanda Nazira; Qurotul A’yuniyah; M. Hayatul Fikri; Andri Nofiar Am
Jurnal Teknik Industri Terintegrasi (JUTIN) Vol. 6 No. 4 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jutin.v6i4.20313


Sales forecasting is a highly crucial strategy in the business world, as it significantly contributes to enhancing a company's profits. In this context, sales transaction forecasting plays a vital role in assisting business decision-makers in planning effective sales strategies. The utilization of the Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing method in sales forecasting demonstrates an effective approach. In this study, this method was applied to retail sales data of Muslim clothing from 2021 to 2023. By setting the parameters ? = 0.9, ? = 0.1, and ? = 0.1, the forecasting results indicate a high level of accuracy with low values for Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), amounting to 29.93, 295.93, and 0.62%, respectively. Consequently, the forecast reveals that the inventory of clothing for periods 13 to 16 is 83, 228, 129, and 115, respectively
Analisis Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku Produksi dengan Metode EOQ (Studi Kasus: Pawon Mas Herman) Muthia Kamila; Desvita Rahmadani; Nadila Gusrialni Fitri; Andri Nofiar Am
Jurnal Teknik Industri Terintegrasi (JUTIN) Vol. 6 No. 4 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jutin.v6i4.21008


One important role in business operations is based on inventory, which is the underlying principle of business. Therefore, a business must be able to predict potential problems as well as potential traps in inventory management in order to the ultimate goal, namely to reduce the total cost to be borne by inventory. Pawon mas herman is one of the bakso shops in Pekanbaru that has been established since 1998. Pawon mas herman is experiencing a fairly rapid business expansion, but a lack of management system or methods to buy or collect raw materials, causes this restaurant to suffer from material shortages or even raw materials shortfalls during the hours of operation. To ensure the business continues from the production process and avoid stopping or collapse due to a shortage of raw materials namely meat and chicken, pawon masherman needs to have a proper plan. The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method is used to help in solving problems in particular requirements related to the supply of raw materials. The result of this study is that by using the EOQ method, Pawon Mas Herman farm can save shipping costs up to Rs. 4,740,000. Because, based on the calculations completed using the eOQ technique, the owner of the farm must make meat orders every 7 days, weighing at least 7 kg of meat each time ordering. Pawon Mas Herman is advised to use the EOQ method for control of supplies, there is a significant cost difference.
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi (JUKANTI) Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi (JUKANTI) Edisi Nopember 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Informatika, Universitas Citra Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37792/jukanti.v5i2.533


Transport vehicles in the form of trucks are one of the important components in supporting the logistics system when collecting crops in a plantation company. Fresh fruit bunches (FFB) produced by oil palm plantations must be sent to the location of the crude palm oil (CPO) processing plant at a predetermined time so that fruit quality is maintained. Therefore, scheduling and arranging the route of truck trips plays an important role. Constraints faced in plantations are the absence of a cellular internet network in plantations and limited road infrastructure so that location, time and route data cannot be accurately monitored. Scheduling can be done optimally and can reduce waiting times and queues of trucks that want to enter the shelter location. To overcome this problem, a monitoring system for oil palm trucks was created using a website-based GPS tracking. The components used are GPS Neo-6M, NodeMCU ESP8266, GSM SIM800L. It can be concluded that the tool can display data and information as expected, and the tool works well and can control the coordinates of the oil palm truck remotely.