Yudi Armansyah, Yudi
Fakultas Syariah IAIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

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Kontekstualita Vol 28, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Kontekstualita

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Abstrak: Islamisasi yang dilakukan Sunan Kalijaga dalam menyebarkan Islam di pulau Jawa, memberikan pengaruh yang besar bagi perkembangan Islam pada periode selanjutnya. Dengan mengembangkan ajaran Islam melalui pendekatan budaya, menjadikan Islam mudah diterima oleh masyarakat. Proses islamisasi yang dilakukan Sunan Kalijaga dalam menyebarkan agama Islam dalam kondisi masyarakat pada masa itu masih kental dengan kepercayaan lama (Animisme, Dinamisme, Hindu dan Budha). Proses islamisasi yang dilakukan Sunan Kalijaga dalam menyebarkan agama Islam di pulau Jawa tidaklah mudah, karena kondisi masyarakat pada waktu itu masih kental dengan kepercayaan agama lama (Animime, Dinamisme, Hindu dan Budha). Akan tetapi dengan kepiawaian Sunan Kalijaga, sikap masayarakat terhadap dakwahnya sangat baik dan sedikit demi sedikit mau menerima ajaran agama Islam, karena ia dalam menyebarkan agama Islam benar-benar memahami keadaan rakyat pada saat itu. Sunan Kalijaga menyadari begitu kuatnya pengaruh Hindu-Budha pada saat itu, maka ia tidak melakukan dakwah secara frontal, melainkan toleran dengan budaya-budaya lokal. Menurutnya, masyarakat akan menjauh kalau diserang pendiriannya. Dengan pola mengikuti sambil mempengaruhi, dia mampu mendekati masyarakat secara bertahap. Prinsipnya, kalau ajaran Islam sudah dipahami, dengan sendirinya kebiasaan lama akan hilang. Ia memaduhkan unsur kebudayaan lama (Seni ukir, Suara, Gamelan, dan Wayang). Kata-kata Kunci: Sunan Kalijaga, Islamisasi, Jawa.Abstract: Islamization conducted Sunan Kalijaga in spreading Islam in Java, giving great influence to the development of Islam in the later period. By developing the teachings of Islam through a cultural approach, making Islam readily accepted by the public. Islamisation process conducted Sunan Kalijaga in spreading the religion of Islam is not easy, because the conditions of society at that time still dominated by old beliefs (animism, dynamism, Hinduism and Buddhism). Sunan Kalijaga realize how strong the influence of "genuine faith" is. By following the pattern while affecting, he was able to approach the public gradually. In principle, it has been understood that the teachings of Islam, itself the old habits will be lost. Islamisation process conducted Sunan Kalijaga in spreading Islam in Java is not easy, because the conditions of society at that time still dominated by the old religious beliefs (Animime, dynamism, Hinduism and Buddhism). However, with the expertise of Sunan Kalijaga, the attitude of society towards preaching is very good and little by little to accept the teachings of Islam, as he was in spreading Islam truly understand the circumstances of the people at that time. Sunan Kalijaga realize how strong the influence of Hindu-Buddhist at the time, he did not do propaganda frontally, but rather tolerant with local cultures. According to him, people will move away if attacked stance. By following the pattern while affecting, he was able to approach the public gradually. In principle, it has been understood that the teachings of Islam, itself the old habits will be lost. He memaduhkan elements of the old culture (art carved, Voice, Gamelan, and Puppet). Keywords: Sunan Kalijaga, Islamization, Java.
Dinamika Perkembangan Islam Politik di Nusantara: Dari Masa Tradisional Hingga Indonesia Modern Armansyah, Yudi
FOKUS Jurnal Kajian Keislaman dan Kemasyarakatan Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : STAIN Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jf.v2i1.149


Historically, Indonesia was once a political force that counts the world. It was marked by the birth of political forces during the Hindu Buddhist kingdom until the Islamic sultanate. Ironically, the final phase of the power of political Islam, began to decline since the arrival of colonialism, especially the Dutch colonization that fundamentally colonized in 350 years. But it does not necessarily discourage Islam Politics grow and flourish in the archipelago. Even since Indonesia became independent until it changed into the period of the three Order Lama regimes, the Order Baru and Islamic political reforms remain the barometer of Indonesias political power. This article is about to unravel the dynamics of the development of political Islam in Indonesia. Where can be classified into two phases, namely the traditional-royal phase, the modern phase. From the results of this study, there are at least two patterns of development of the political power of Islam in Indonesia, which can survive despite real “pressure” from the ruling that is on the political and cultural fields
MODEL PERLINDUNGAN KELOMPOK MINORITAS DI INDONESIA: Antara Pendekatan Agama dan Politik Armansyah, Yudi
Sulthan Thaha Journal of Social and Political Studies Vol 2 No 01 (2018)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/stjsps.v2i01.123


Menarik mencermati lahirnya putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) yang menetapkan para penghayat atau penganut kepercayaan dapat mengisi kolom di Kartu Tanda Penduduk. Keputusan “politik-hukum”itu cukup menyejukkan bagi perkembangan toleransi di Indonesia. Sebagai bangsa yang besar dan plural, sudah selayaknya negara memberikan akses bagi penganut kepercayaan di luar agama-agama yang ada untuk eksis. Keputusan ini semakin menegasikan pentingnya upaya perlindungan dan penegakkan hak-hak minoritas yang selama puluhan tahun kurang mendapat respon dari Negara. Para kelompok minoritas, baik minoritas dari sisi agama maupun pemikiran, yang dalam beberapa kesempatan kurang mendapat tempat akibat “hegemoni” mayoritas.Kini mulai “diterima” gagasan dan eksistensinya. Bertalian dengan persoalan minoritas tersebut, artikel ini akan mengkaji, yaitu:Pertama, bagaimana penegakkan dan perlindungan hak-hak kelompok minoritas di Indonesia. Kedua, bagaimana model perlindungan kelompok minoritas di Indonesia dengan menggunakan pendekatan agama (Islam) dan politik tersebut.
Penegakan Hukum Kasus Jual Beli Organ Tubuh di Indonesia Gani, Ruslan Abdul; Armansyah, Yudi
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (581.576 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/fj.v8i2.608


This research attempts to reconstruct the law enforcement issues related to the case of human organs trade in Indonesia. As we know, the rules of law related to the prohibition of the sale and purchase or illegal transplantation of organs has been issued by the government. But the fact does not make organized crime vanished. Therefore, it is necessary to have the latest reformulation that can realize to the root of the problem. One of them is by integrating between Islamic law in the form of the products fiqh and the Health Act (Act No. 36 of 2009). This research is normative juridical research. Its focus is directed on the study of theorem, principle, conception, legal doctrine and content rules of positive law. It is analyzed descriptively and qualitatively by reducing the data, presenting the data and draw conclusions. Both Islamic law and health law equally prohibits the practice of buying and selling of organs strictly in principle. It is because of the high risk of illegal actions against a person's health, due to the lack of health standards in the black market organ sales. Organs will no longer work when it is transplants for living donor. Interestingly, both Islamic law and the laws of health go hand in hand in an effort to prevent the practice of buying and selling of organs, especially the highly dynamic Islamic law to follow the development of humanity. This is evident from the birth of some of the Fatwa (a binding ruling in religious matters) issued by the Indonesian Mufti Council (MUI) that related to the issue of human organs. Similarly, Health Act is very appropriately referred to as human rights laws because many provide humanitarian protection in the field of health.