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JURNAL ILMIAH OBSGIN : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Kebidanan & Kandungan P-ISSN : 1979-3340 e-ISSN : 2685-7987 Vol 14 No 3 (2022): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : NHM PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36089/job.v14i3.769


Waist circumference is anthropometric measurement that describes central obesity. The prevalence of central obesity continues to increase in the world, including Indonesia. The increase in the incidence of central obesity has an effect on the increase in various diseases including hypertension, data from the Basala Community Health Center. during the last 3 years, hypertension has always been in the second rank of the top ten diseases. This study aims to determine the relationship between waist circumference with incidence of hypertension in the work area of ​​Basalah Community Health Center, South Konawe Regency in 2020. This study used an observational study with a cross sectional design and the sampling technique used purposive sampling. The population used was all farmers aged 36 - 64 years as many as 3058 people and a sample of 209 people. The research sample used the stratified random sampling method. Of the 209 respondents, there were 88 respondents with normal waist circumference and abnormal waist circumference as many as 121 people.The results of statistical analysis using the chi-square statistical test showed that there was no significant relationship between waist circumference with incidence of hypertension among farmers in the work area of ​​Basalah Community Health Center, South Konawe Regency in 2020. (p value = 0.651). The conclusion is that there is no relationship between waist circumference with the incidence of hypertension in farmers. It is recommended that people maintain a balanced nutritional intake so that they are avoided from various degenerative diseases such as hypertension.
NURSING UPDATE : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN : 2085-5931 e-ISSN : 2623-2871 Vol 13 No 3 (2022): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : NHM PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36089/nu.v13i3.771


Toddlers are an age group that is vulnerable to nutrition, because children under five are in a transition period. Good nutritional support requires mother's knowledge in providing care for children. This study aims to determine the relationship between maternal nutritional knowledge, parenting patterns, feeding habits, and the incidence of malnutrition in children aged 12-59 months in the working area of ​​the Soropia Public Health Center. The design used in this study is a quantitative study with a cross sectional design where the dependent variables are measured simultaneously. The sampling technique used probability sampling with simple random sampling method. The sampling method to determine the nutritional status of children under five was carried out by weighing and measuring height. The research instrument used a knowledge and parenting questionnaire sheet. The analysis used is univariate and bivariate. The statistical test used is the Chi Square test. Univariate results showed that toddlers had good nutritional status 35.7%, mothers of toddlers had good nutrition knowledge, 77.1%, mothers of toddlers had good parenting patterns of 22.8% mothers of toddlers had good feeding habits, Bivariate analysis results showed variables of mother's knowledge (p-value = 0.445) and maternal parenting (p-value = 0.013). It can be concluded that mother's knowledge is not related to undernutrition status, while mother's upbringing has a relationship with undernutrition status. It is recommended to mothers to provide good parenting to their toddlers.
Distribusi dan Sosialisasi Penggunaan Masker pada Keluarga Berdampak Covid-19 di Kelurahan Kambu Kota Kendari Irma; Yusuf Sabilu; Yasnani Yasnani; Harleli Harleli
Jurnal Pengabdian Meambo Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat MEAMBO
Publisher : PROMISE

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56742/jpm.v1i1.1


Sampai saat ini penyakit Covid-19 belum ada obatnya, oleh karena itu upaya pencegahan, dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan, seperti memakai masker, merupakan salah satu upaya agar tidak tertular penyakit ini. Program ini bertujuan mendistribusikan masker dan melakukan sosialisasi tentang penggunaan masker yang baik dan benar untuk mencegah penyebaran Covid-19. Peserta sosialisasi (responden) dalam kegiatan ini adalah keluarga yang terkena dampak Covid-19 di Desa Kambu, sebanyak 32 kepala keluarga. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan terlebih dahulu mengidentifikasi keluarga yang berdampak pada Covid-19 di Desa Kambu kemudian melakukan kunjungan rumah untuk membagikan masker dan diberikan sosialisasi secara individu dengan media leaflet yang berisi tentang cara pencegahan Covid-19 dan penggunaan masker yang baik dan benar untuk pencegahan Covid. -19. Evaluasi keberhasilan program ini dengan menguji tingkat pengetahuan peserta sebelum dan sesudah pelaksanaan kegiatan sosialisasi. Hasil dari program ini menunjukkan bahwa sebelum diberikan sosialisasi mayoritas (75%) pengetahuan responden kurang tentang penggunaan masker yang baik dan benar, kemudian setelah sosialisasi sebagian besar (68.75%) pengetahuan responden baik. Berdasarkan uji statistik Mc Nemar diperoleh nilai 0.0001 < 0.05. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh pemberian masker dan sosialisasi terhadap pengetahuan responden tentang penggunaan masker yang baik dan benar bagi keluarga akibat Covid-19 di Desa Kambu Kota Kendari.