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Pemanfaatan Data Satelit Terhadap Prediksi Curah Hujan Dicky Muhamad Fadli
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 20 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.20-1.1107


With the introduction of a new emission scenario, namely the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) which is used for the latest climate models so that it can model future climates. Climate predictions can be used to predict rainfall which can be used for various hydrological analyses. The RCP data used is RCP 85 which is calibrated with local rainfall. From the calibration results obtained statistical parameters close to the rain station. By using the gamma distribution, the number of days and the amount of rain can be calculated. From the analysis results, it is predicted that in 2029 there will be 2126 mm/year of rainfall with 121 rainy days with a configuration of 6 months of wet classification, 2 months of normal classification and 4 months of dry classification.
Pemanfaatan Data Satelit Terhadap Prediksi Curah Hujan Dicky Muhamad Fadli
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 20 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.20-1.1107


With the introduction of a new emission scenario, namely the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) which is used for the latest climate models so that it can model future climates. Climate predictions can be used to predict rainfall which can be used for various hydrological analyses. The RCP data used is RCP 85 which is calibrated with local rainfall. From the calibration results obtained statistical parameters close to the rain station. By using the gamma distribution, the number of days and the amount of rain can be calculated. From the analysis results, it is predicted that in 2029 there will be 2126 mm/year of rainfall with 121 rainy days with a configuration of 6 months of wet classification, 2 months of normal classification and 4 months of dry classification.
Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Dengan Ilmu dan Teknologi Yang Berkualitas Almiansyah Nurdin; Heru Arif Nugraha; Ijhmal Patwa Muharam; Irfan Anwar Mulyana; Moch Rifaldi Hakiki Nugraha; Rama Pratama; Rega Muhammad Exiana; Ridwan Juansyah Erlangga; Salman Fariz Ahmadi; Septian Reinaldo Cikal; Tedi Lukmana; Dicky Muhamad Fadli
Jurnal PkM MIFTEK Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Jurnal PkM MIFTEK
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/miftek/v.3-1.1268


COVID-19 is still very rampant in human life right now, it's been almost 2 years that the world has been haunted by a pandemic that still doesn't know when it will end. This pandemic greatly affects and limits every community activity, various sectors are hampered due to the restrictions that the Government has imposed. The education sector is no exception, due to the pandemic, teaching and learning activities have become difficult to carry out because face-to-face meetings are not permitted. Anxiety about the spread of the virus due to crowds of people is the reason all activities involving large numbers of people are stopped. Because studying at school will gather many people, online learning is enforced in all regions in Indonesia. With this policy, the knowledge of the community, especially workers and students, is reduced. Therefore, online activities were also made, namely through webinar activities with the aim and hope of helping increase public knowledge. In this case, the topic raised originates from problems in the community environment related to the field of study of interest, namely civil engineering. The method as an indicator to determine the level of public knowledge is through the pretest and posttest forms. In this form several questionnaires are given regarding the material that will be discussed in the webinar activity, so that data and graphs of the level of public knowledge are obtained.
Penerapan Teknologi Dalam Program Kerja KKN Tematik di Dusun 1 Desa Wanamekar Dicky Muhamad Fadli; Ilham Abdul Gani; Ertansyah Rizal Priadi Sumarna; Muhammad Faturrahman; Husni Mubarok; Sarah Khoerunisa; Sri Deti Handihastuti; Sri Aisah; Fiqry Maulana Ali; Rifqi Muhammad Hilmi; Muhammad Alfie Diyaulhaq Daffa; Erick Husni Mubarok; Farhan Fauzan Al Afgani; Anggi Awaludin; Hikmatul Fadilah; Syita Fauziah; Lisna Yulianti; Muhammad Miftah Nurjaman; Bahril Ilmi; Rifaldi Muhamad Ramdhani; Felinda Febriana
Jurnal PkM MIFTEK Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Jurnal PkM MIFTEK
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/miftek/v.3-2.1310


Real Work Lecture is a mandatory activity that combines the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education with the method of providing learning and work experience to students. Wanamekar Village is one of the villages located in Wanaraja District, Garut Regency. The area of ​​Wanamekar Village is 78.5 hectares. The rapid growth rate has made the development of settlements for the residents of Wanamekar Village so rapid. According to data obtained from the Village Head, the livelihood of most residents is traders in the market. The potential that can be developed in Wanamekar Village, especially in Hamlet 1, is MSME, including salt, knitting and noga. The method used is the ICT volunteer integration approach which consists of four stages. Based on the results of the KKN activities, several benefits were obtained in the economic field, including the knitting business getting a visual display as a form of implementing K3 in the work area. In the health sector, the results show that the environment is clean and encourages the community to carry out community service. In addition, the community is enthusiastic about visiting the posyandu and the community has adopted a healthy life such as carrying out routine healthy exercise. In the field of education, results were obtained based on data that had been collected from seminars and door to door activities of 500 digitally literate people. In the social field the KKN team succeeded in helping the community in welcoming Independence Day.
Prediksi Ketersediaan Air Akibat Perubahan Tataguna Lahan dan Iklim pada DAS Majalaya Dicky Muhamad Fadli
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 21 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.21-1.1291


Perubahan tataguna lahan dan perubahan iklim mengakibatkan perubahan terhadap limpasan yang berujung pada perubahan ketersediaan air. Limpasan ini tergantung pada 2 hal, yaitu iklim dan tataguna lahan. Perubahan iklim mengakibatkan meningkatnya temperatur, merubah pola hujan, meningkatkan debit puncak dan meningkatkan permukaan air laut. Perubahan iklim menjadi isu yang sedang menjadi perhatian dunia saat ini. Selain perubahan iklim, yang mempengaruhi limpasan permukaan ialah karakteristik dari Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS). Perubahan fungsi lahan dari daerah terbuka menjadi daerah terbangun mengakibatkan berubahnya pola limpasan. Sehingga simulasi prediksi mengenai perubahan iklim dan perubahan tataguna lahan perlu dilakukan untuk melihat debit ketersedian. Pada penelitian ini skenario perubahan iklim menggunakan CMIP 5 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5) sedangkan perubahan lahan digunakan RTRW Jawa Barat 2029 yang diasumsikan sebagai tataguna lahan yang akan terjadi dimasa yang akan dating dengan outlet berada di Majalaya. Metode statistical downscaling (SD) digunakan untuk mengestimasi nilai suatu variabel iklim dari model CMIP 5. Pada studi ini, CMIP dikoreksi dengan menggunakan data observasi. Sedangkan distribusi hujan menggunakan distribusi gamma dengan nilai acak. Data tersebut menjadi input dalam model SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) yang digunakan untuk prediksi limpasan. Hasil dari model SWAT digunakan untuk analisis debit ketersediaan dengan skenario bulan kering, normal, basah terhadap perubahan iklim dan perubahan tataguna lahan yang akan terjadi. Penggunaan data CMIP 5 sebagai input SWAT untuk prediksi debit di DAS Majalaya menunjukan hasil yang baik dengan nilai NSE 0,64. Skenario perubahan iklim berpengaruh terhadap ketersediaan air, ini ditunjukan dengan peningkatan nilai seperti curah hujan dan temperatur yang mengakibatkan turunnya Q95 berkisar antara 3-46% terhadap debit baseline. Sementara perubahan tataguna lahan yang terjadi menyebabkan turunnya curve number sebesar 2,43%. Ini berdampak pada kenaikan Q95 sebesar 4-7% dari skenario perubahan iklim. Adapun skenario berdasarkan bulan kering, normal dan basah menghasilkan hasil yang beragam. Pada bulan kering terjadi penurunan ketersediaan air disemua skenario iklim sebesar 0.06-0,08 m3/dtk. Pada bulan normal terjadi penurunan ketersediaan air disemua skenario iklim sebesar 0.13-0,16 m3/dtk dan pada bulan basah terjadi penurunan ketersediaan air disemua skenario iklim sebesar 1.3-1.7 m3/.