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Reduksi Sampah Rumah Tangga dengan Menerapkan Pengomposan Biopori dan Drum Komposter di Wilayah Jambangan Mohamad Mirwan; Aulia Ulfah Farahdiba; Ryzki Marcella Amalia Triadi
Prosiding ESEC Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Seminar Nasional (ESEC) 2022
Publisher : Prosiding ESEC

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The problem of waste, especially household (organic) waste that has not been processed properly is certainly a big problem. The reason is because the waste management system and handling are not well organized. One solution in handling household waste (organic) can be done through composting using biopori infiltration holes and composter media. This study aims to determine the percentage of waste reduction, as well as to determine the comparison of compost yields from the two composting media. The study used 2 reactors in both composting media, with different initial waste weights. The composter uses variations in the initial weight of 3 kg and 4 kg of waste, while in the biopori using variations in the initial weight of waste 2 kg and 1 kg. The results of the percentage of waste reduction obtained from each reactor in the biopore are 50%, 25%, while in the composter are 63%, 50%. In the results of the percentage of waste reduction the best is found in the composting media with a composter. The compost quality parameters tested included pH, moisture content, C-organic, N-total, C/N ratio. The results show that the compost quality in the two composting media is closest to SNI 19-7030-2004 is composting media using a composter.
Pengembangan TPS Kelurahan Bringin Berbasis 3R Kecamatan Sambikerep Kota Surabaya Mohamad Mirwan; Dian Retno Hapsari
Prosiding ESEC Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Seminar Nasional (ESEC) 2022
Publisher : Prosiding ESEC

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Waste management in TPS Bringin Village which serves 5483 people is not in good operation. One approach that can be dealing the problem to reduce waste is the 3R method of waste management. The calculation method used in this planning refers to SNI 19-3964-1994. Based on the waste sampling that has been carried out, the volume of waste generated in Bringin Village reached 2,7 liters/people/day. This plan projects the age for TPS 3R is next 10 years, so the volume of waste generation in 2032 is 16,22 m3/day and waste composition was obtained in Bringin Village by organic waste 63,08% and inorganic waste 36,94%. The waste management and producing plan in TPS 3R Bringin Village is organic waste processed into aerobic composting with open bin method, while plastic waste is processed into plastic pellets, and inorganic waste is recovered. The amount of waste generation at TPS-3R Bringin Village is 2094,31 kg/day meanwhile, the residue transport to TPA Benowo is 1036,64 kg/day. There are 6 areas namely dropping area, waste sortir area, composting area, plastic waste management area, inorganic waste management area and residue area, and for the residue directly transported into TPA Benowo. The land required area for TPS 3R Bringin Village is 769,41 m2 and budget plan for this construction of TPS 3R is Rp 1.446.962.000,00.
Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga di Kecamatan Dukuh Pakis, Kota Surabaya dengan Metode Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Mohamad Mirwan; Adienda Putri Olvianti
Prosiding ESEC Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Seminar Nasional (ESEC) 2022
Publisher : Prosiding ESEC

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The amount of waste generated in Dukuh Pakis District is 28,678 tons/day. The waste management system in Dukuh Pakis District tends to be disposed of directly into temporary containers in amixed state before being transported to temporary and final disposal sites. Identification and determination of household waste management scenarios is meeded to assess the environmental impact of the household waste processing process. The purpose of this study is to determine the environmental impact od the waste management scenario in Dukuh Pakis District. Data collection methods are observation, and garbage sampling. Meanwhile, data anlysis was carried out using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) using the Center of Environmental Science of Leiden University Impact Assessment (CML-IA) method with SimaPro 9.3 software. Based on the result of the analysis, the weight values in Scenario 0 (existing) are 3,7 x 10-5, scenario 1 is 1,42 x 10-6, and Scenario 2 is 6,73 x 10-6. Based on the weighting results, scenario 1 has the lowest weighting value. Therefore, Scenario 1 is the best waste management system because the resulting environmental impact is low. Waste management in Scenario 1 includes, processing household waste by storing and sorting waste at the source, making compost, distributing waste for recycling, collecting and transporting the remaining waste to Benowo landfill.
Pengolahan Sampah Plastik Menjadi Bahan Bakar Minyak Alternatif dengan Metode Pirolisis Rr Bella Alda Restanti; Mohamad Mirwan
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 8, No 4 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v8i4.6789


Sampah plastik telah menjadi permasalahan lingkungan yang mendesak. Menurut data dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan pada tahun 2021, total sampah yang dihasilkan mencapai sekitar 68,5 juta ton, dengan sekitar 11,6 juta ton atau sekitar 17% dari total tersebut adalah sampah plastik. Metode konvensional dalam pengolahan sampah plastik, seperti landfill dan open dumping, berdampak negatif terhadap lingkungan. Pembakaran plastik juga berkontribusi pada polusi udara. Daur ulang plastik hanya mengubahnya menjadi bentuk yang berbeda tanpa mengurangi jumlah sampah plastik secara keseluruhan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan metode alternatif, dan salah satu metodenya adalah pirolisis. Pirolisis adalah proses yang mendegradasi material pada suhu antara 300°C dan 1000°C, menghasilkan gas yang dikondensasi dan dipecah menjadi minyak, meninggalkan arang. Berbagai faktor seperti komposisi material, suhu, waktu tinggal, dan ukuran bahan baku memengaruhi proses pirolisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan teknologi pirolisis yang ramah lingkungan untuk mengubah sampah plastik menjadi bahan bakar alternatif berbasis minyak, mengevaluasi kualitas produk minyak, dan mengidentifikasi jenis sampah plastik yang cocok untuk pirolisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pirolisis sampah plastik LDPE pada suhu 800°C menghasilkan minyak dengan sifat yang mendekati standar bensin dan solar Pertamina.
Penentuan Program Pendukung Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim Untuk Usia Sekolah Melalui Kegiatan Kompetisi Wawasan (Studi Kasus Proklim RW 07 Gunung Anyar Tambak, Kota Surabaya) Mar'atus Sholikhah; Mohamad Mirwan
Environmental Engineering Journal ITATS Vol 3, No 2 (2023): Vol 3, No 2 (2023) Environmental Engineering Journal ITATS
Publisher : Teknik Lingkungan, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

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RW 07, Kelurahan Gunung Anyar Tambak merupakan salah satu lokasi ProKlim. Di wilayah tersebut terdapat kelembagaan ProKlim bernama Kelompok Tani Wisma Indah. Dalam sistem kaderisasinya, ProKlim memiliki program yang mendukung pengendalian perubahan iklim untuk usia sekolah/pelajar. Namun dalam kelembaagaan ProKlim RW 07 Kelurahan Gunung Anyar Tambak masih belum ada program tersebut. Sehingga dilakukannya penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat wawasan anak usia sekolah di RW 07 Kelurahan Gunung Anyar mengenai upaya pengendalian perubahan iklim, sehingga nantinya dapat ditentukan program pendukung pengendalian perubahan iklim yang tepat untuk dilaksanakan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu melalui kompetisi dengan beberapa tahapan penelitian yakni membagikan kuesioner, menentukan skoring, melakukan penilaian, serta menentukan persentase pemahaman (%) dan saran rekomendasi. Materi kuesioner terbagi menjadi tiga yakni PHBS, pengelolaan sampah, dan pemanfaatan air. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa tingkat wawasan dari sebagian besar subjek penelitian yaitu berwawasan sedang pada materi pengelolaan sampah. Sehingga rekomendasi yang diharapkan yaitu dijalankannya program yang berfokus pada sosialisasi dan penerapan aksi pengelolaan sampah.
Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Pengelolaan Sampah di Bank Sampah RW 7 Gunung Anyar Tambak Menggunakan Pemodelan Sistem Dinamis Mohamad Mirwan; Mar'atus Sholikhah
Prosiding ESEC Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Seminar Nasional (ESEC) 2023
Publisher : Prosiding ESEC

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Bank Sampah Sumber Dana is one of the waste banks in RW 7 Gunung Anyar Tambak and is a supporting institution for ProKlim in that RW. The aim of the research is: (1) Identifying factors that influence the sustainability of the waste bank; (2) Formulate the relationship between the factors that influence the creation of a dynamic system model; (3) Analyze the factors that influence the sustainability of the waste bank. This research is a qualitative research with combined data collection techniques (quantitative and qualitative data). In this research, a dynamic system is used to create models and predict the obstacles that will be faced by looking at the influencing factors. To perform simulations with dynamic systems, Stella software is used. The first step is to identify the management system of Bank Sampah Sumber Dana into several sub-systems. Then it was made into a CLD and SFD model. The analysis results were obtained from analyzing the variables in the model and it can be concluded that overall the management system is running quite well. This is supported by the efforts of the waste bank management so that the community has a good interest in managing waste from its source.