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Management Of Character Education To Improve The Quality Of Education In Islamic Boarding School (Qualitative Study at Cipasung Islamic Boarding School and KH Zaenal Mustofa Sukamanah Islamic Boarding School in Tasikmalaya Regency) Agus Achmad Faruk; Dadang Suherman; Achmad Mudrikah; Agus Mulyanto
International Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences (IJERSC) Vol. 3 No. 5 (2022): October 2022
Publisher : CV. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51601/ijersc.v3i5.482


Islamic boarding schools are one of the educational institutions that are expected to be able to build Islamic character for all students who produce graduates who have various competencies to face various changes in today's era. legality is very much needed by both the world of work or the world of education for pesantren graduates. who have combined religious learning in pesantren with formal education and the quality of pesantren graduates is strongly influenced by the learning process in the pesantren.Therefore, Character Education in Islamic Boarding Schools is very important to balance the existing knowledge in Islamic boarding schools and schools. It is very necessary to research with a focus on character education issues, the objectives are: 1) Knowing the character education and materials developed by the Cipasung Islamic Boarding School and Sukamanah Islamic Boarding School. 2) Knowing the implementation used in the character education process developed by Cipasung and Sukamanah Islamic Boarding Schools. 3) Knowing the results of students' character education graduates who are the result of the education process in Cipasung and Sukamanah modern Islamic boarding schools. The theory that underlies this research is as follows: 1) Love of God and truth, 2) Responsibility, discipline, and independence, 3) Trust, 4) Respect and courtesy, 5) Compassion, care, and cooperation, 6) Trust self, creative, and never give up, 7) Fair and leadership spirit, 8) Kind and humble, 9) Tolerant and peace-loving. Research methods and procedures refer to Qualitative research approach. the location of the research was carried out at the Cipasung Islamic Boarding School and the Sukamanah Islamic Boarding School Tasikmalaya. The main findings of this study are. 1) The goals and materials for character education applied by the Kyai at the Islamic boarding school are Character Education in paternalistic religio education based on religious values that are based on the character of the Prophet Muhammad SAW by setting the goals and content of character education. 2) Implementation of character education developed in Islamic boarding schools, 3) Knowing the results of graduate learning that is applied is totality education by prioritizing the application of all knowledge in daily life and students' perceptions of the character education they experience in Islamic boarding schools. The implications of these findings are: 1) The objectives and materials of religious paternalistic character education by setting the goals and content of character education. 2) the implementation of character education developed in Islamic boarding schools. 3) knowing the results of graduate learning that is applied is totality education by prioritizing the application of all knowledge in everyday life and students' perceptions of the character education they experience in Islamic boarding schools.
Management Of Strengthening Student Character Education To Realize The Students Graduates Quality In Spk-Sma Saint John’s Catholic School And Insan Cendekia Madani Sma FX. Susanto; Iim Wasliman; Adjat Sudrajat; Agus Mulyanto
International Journal of Science, Technology & Management Vol. 3 No. 6 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Publisher Cv. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46729/ijstm.v3i6.690


The This research is driven by the problems in implementing character education at school which have not yet met the expectations. It is closely related to the management of strengthening character education which plays an important role but has not been implemented effectively. The research was conducted with a qualitative approach-case study method. Data collection techniques were carried out through: (1) in-depth interviews, (2) direct observations, and (3) documentation studies. In general, this study aims to identify and analyze the management of strengthening character education to produce the quality graduates. Specifically, it is also to find out and analyze: (1) the planning process, (2) implementation, (3) evaluation, (4) follow-ups, (5) problems, (6) solutions, and (7) results of strengthening character education related to the quality of graduates at Saint John's Catholic School and Insan Cendekia Madani High School, South Tangerang City, Banten.The theoretical foundation used is Total Quality Management (TQM). As an approach, TQM is expected to to raise the quality of graduates with strong characters and thus, increase the customer satisfaction, improved quality, and commitment. To improve the quality, the Deming Cycle or PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, and Act) method is used to ensure any deviation or failure to be detected and corrected quickly. Hence, the efforts to strengthen character education have an impact to the students, not only the cognitive aspect (moral knowing), but also the affective (moral feeling), and psychomotor (moral behavior). The results of this study indicate that: (1) The management planning for strengthening character education has referred to the vision, mission, goals, and values of the school. It is necessary to clarify the order of priority to solve the occuring problems. (2) The implementation of strengthening character education has been going well. However, school principals need to improve coordination with parents and the community, develop teacher professionalism and supervise consistently and continuously. (3) The evaluation has been carried out in accordance with the assessment steps. Aspects of strengthening character have been carried out well, i.e religious teachings and beliefs, which emphasizes on respecting diversity, and increasing student learning abilities. It is necessary to improve the aspects of moral values in compliance with social rules. (4) Follow-ups have been carried out based on the evaluation results to take corrective actions for standardisation purpose.