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Jurnal Maritim Indonesia (Indonesian Maritime Journal) Vol 10, No 2 (2022): JURNAL MARITIM INDONESIA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52307/jmi.v10i2.117


AbstrakKeamanan global secara bebas adalah proteksi atau perlindungan dunia dari ancaman perang dan atau ancaman lainnya. Manifestasi ancaman kini sudah dalam berbagai bentuk, bukan hanya ancaman murni militer tetapi juga non-militer, seperti politik, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya. Oleh karena itu wacana keamanan global kontemporer menjadi sangat penting. Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 telah membawa negara-negara kedalam jurang resesi ekonomi global. Ini bisa dilihat dari kontraksi pertumbuhan ekonomi kearah negatif diseluruh negara, selain itu indikator peningkatan jumlah angka pengangguran secara global dan terakhir indikator tingkat kemiskinan dan kelaparan yang meningkat tajam selama satu tahun belakangan (2020-2021). Di Kawasan Asia Tenggara juga mengalami dampak pada perekonomiannya akibat Pandemi covid-19. Dari Sekretariat ASEAN diketahui terdapat sektor-sektor tertentu yang awalnya telah terpengaruh, yaitu transportasi dan pariwisata, dan kemudian sektor ritel dan jasa lainnya; operasi bisnis akibat terganggunya rantai pasokan, terancamnya pekerja dan lapangan kerja, menurunnya kepercayaan konsumen. Negara-negara di Kawasan khususnya ASEAN, hendaknya segera menyiapkan upaya pemulihan yang komprehensif, jika tidak maka mustahil pandemi dapat diatasi apalagi bisa melewati jurang resesi ekonomi global. Pemerintah Indonesia sendiri sudah melaksanakan beberapa langkah-langkah diantaranya pengesahan Perpu Nomor 1 Tahun 2020 yang kini sudah diundangkan menjadi UU No 2 Tahun 2020. Di dalamnya mengatur pelebaran defisit menjadi di 6% selama 3 tahun. Dalam aturan itu, pemerintah juga mengalokasikan anggaran untuk penanganan Covid-19 dan juga program pemulihan ekonomi nasional. Dampak pandemi Covid-19 yang kian luas dan pengaruhnya dirasakan cukup besar ke banyak sektor inilah yang kemudian perlu menjadi kesadaran bersama diantara negara-negara bahwa menghadapi pandemi dengan dampaknya tidak bisa sendiri-sendiri. Oleh karena itu negara-negara baik di kawasan maupun secara global harus dapat membangun solidaritas dalam menangani pandemi covid-19 dan memulihkan perekonomian negaranya untuk memberikan kontribusi ekonomi global yang mempengaruhi kondisi keamanan global.Kata Kunci: Covid-19, Dampak ke Berbagai Sektor, Bersama Menghadapi Pandemi.AbstractGlobal security freely is protection of the world from the threat of war and or other threats. Threats manifest now in various forms, not only purely military but also non-military threats, such as political, economic, social and cultural. Therefore, contemporary global security discourse becomes very important. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has brought countries into the brink of a global economic recession. This can be seen from the contraction of economic growth in a negative direction in all countries, in addition to indicators of an increase in the number of unemployment rates globally and finally indicators of poverty and hunger rates which have increased sharply over the past year (2020-2021). The Southeast Asian region is also experiencing an impact on its economy due to the COVID-19 pandemic. From the ASEAN Secretariat, it is known that certain sectors were initially affected, namely transportation and tourism, and then retail and other services sectors; business operations due to supply chain disruptions, threatened workers and jobs, decreased consumer confidence. Countries in the Region, especially ASEAN, should immediately prepare comprehensive recovery efforts otherwise it is impossible for the pandemic to be overcome, let alone being able to pass the abyss of a global economic recession. The Indonesian government itself has implemented several steps including the ratification of Perppu Number 1 of 2020 which has now been promulgated into Law No. 2 of 2020. It regulates the widening of the deficit to 6% for 3 years. In this regulation, the government also allocates a budget for handling Covid-19 as well as the national economic recovery program. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is increasingly widespread and its impact is felt quite large in many sectors, is what then needs to be a shared awareness among countries that facing a pandemic with its impacts cannot be done alone. Therefore, countries both in the region and globally must be able to build solidarity in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and restore their country's economy to contribute to the global economy that affects global security conditions.Keywords: Covid-19, Impact on Various Sectors, Together Facing the Pandemic.