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Analisis Perencanaan Persediaan Bahan Baku dengan Metode Material Requirement Planning di UD. Karya Logam Steel Ilham Mahendra Damayoki; Asmungi Asmungi
Journal of Industrial View Vol 4, No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/jiv.v4i2.7995


UD. Karya Logam Steel merupakan perusahaan dibidang pembuatan mesin perajang singkong, perajang bawang dan perajang srawut. Berdasarkan informasi data permintaan yang naik turun menyebabkan perusahaan hanya mengira-ngira dalam melakukan jumlah pembelian untuk persediaan bahan baku, karena perusahaan belum menerapkan perencanaan bahan baku untuk proses produksi selanjutnya, akibatnya sering terjadi kekurangan bahan baku yang bisa menghambat proses produksi. Selain itu bahan baku yang berlebihan juga menjadi pemborosan biaya modal dalam bentuk bahan baku yang belum diproduksi. Dengan begitu, diperlukan perencanaan dan pengendalian persediaan bahan baku secara akurat agar biaya persediaan bisa ditekan seminimal mungkin dan proses produksi bisa berjalan dengan lancar. Dalam penelitian ini, metode peramalan yang digunakan yaitu Metode Naif, Exponential Smoothing, dan Moving Average. Didapatkan nilai error terendah pada metode Exponential Smoothing, pada perajang singkong nilai error rata rata MAD sebesar 7,824, untuk perajang bawang nilai error MAD sebesar 6,981 dan untuk perajang srawut nilai error MAD sebesar 5,94. Teknik lot sizing yang digunakan pada sistem Material Requirement Planning (MRP) yaitu LFL (Lot For Lot),  POQ (Period Order Quantity) dan FPR (Fixed Period Requirement). Metode LFL yang dipilih dikarenakan total biaya yang dihasilkan paling minimum.

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Menurut badan Kesehatan dunia WHO Indonesia menempati urutan keempat terbanyak penderita diabetes militus di dunia yaitu 8,4 juta setelah India 31,7 juta, Cina 20,8 juta, dan Amerika Serikat 17,7 juta jiwa. Dan diperkirakan jumlah akan meningkat hampir tiga kali lipat pada tahun 2030, yaitu dari 8,4 juta menjadi 21,3 juta orang. Peningkatan ini dipicu oleh jenis makanan yang di komsumsi dan kurang melakukan olah raga di sisi lain. Berbagai obat berbasis kimiawi dengan berbagai variasi harga telah banyak tersedia. Namun obat berbasis alami juga mulai banyak diperkenalkan ke masyarakat. Tumbuhan galing-galing (Cayratia trifolia) satu diantarnya yang bisa dipakai sebagai obat alternatif alami yang perlu diperkenalkan. Ternyata cairan galing-galing mempunyai kasiat sebagai antidiabetes, melindungi dan memulihkan hati dari racun, menurunkan kandungan kolesterol dalam darah, menurunkan kandungan gula dalam darah, meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh, sebagai antioksidan, antivirus, antibakteri, dan antikanker. Pengabdian kali ini berfokus pada pengenalan tanaman galing ke ibu-ibu PKK RW 03 Kelurahan Semolowaru, Kecamatan Sukolilo-Surabaya. Dan ternyata diketahui bahwa hampir semua (94%) ibu-ibu PKK sama sekali belum mengenal tanaman galing-galing apa lagi bagaimana memanfaatkan sebagai obat alternatif penurun diabetes militus. Setelah dilakukan pelatihan dan terapi cairan galing-galing, dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) cairan galing memang benar-benar dapat menurunkan kandungan gula dalam darah bagi pasien Diabetes Melitus, (2) mengetahui budidaya tanaman galling-gaing setelah mengetahui cara tanam yang mudah dilakukan.
Perancangan Meja-Kursi Belajar Ergonomis Siswa Sekolah Dasar Berbasis Pemetaan Perubahan Data Antropometri Lia Anggara Anita; Asmungi Asmungi
Industrika : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): Industrika: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tulang Bawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37090/indstrk.v7i2.982


The optimal growth and development rate of children starts from pre-primary school age, so it is suspected that there are real differences in anthropometric data of students' bodies when they are 1 year older. If so, then for each class of elementary school students, the dimensions of the learning table-chair must also be differentiated. Different anthropometric data from grades one to six, the dimensions of the chairs and tables used during the learning process, and the unusual and uncomfortable sitting positions of students indicate that the facilities at school are not ergonomic. Therefore, it is necessary to design ergonomic facilities. This research is expected to provide certainty about the ergonomics of the dimensions of learning tables and chairs for each class in educational institutions to redesign learning tables and chairs by statistically mapping anthropometric data on the bodies of elementary school students in grades one to six to determine the ergonomic dimensions of their learning tables and chairs. The method approach used is statistical testing (One-Way Anova and Duncan). The data collection process with a sample of 240 anthropometric data and 80 musculoskeletal complaint data, the data analysis uses data uniformity test, data adequacy test, data normality test, anova, duncan, percentile and wilcoxon test. The results of this study obtained three anthropometric data mapping groups, namely group A (classes 1 and 2), group B (classes 3 and 4) and group C (classes 5 and 6). The three mapping groups were used to redesign ergonomic tables and chairs with different dimensions. The material used is teak wood and brown in color, after which the results of the redesign were tested, a decrease in musculoskeletal complaints was obtained by 32.57%. Keyword: Anthropometry, Design, Ergonomic, Mapping
JIEMS (Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems) Vol 16, No 1 (2023): Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/jiems.v16i1.4563


UD. Sukri Dana Abadi sering tidak memenuhi kebutuhan permintaan. Permintaan produk yang banyak dengan penggunaan waktu kerja yang tidak produktif akibat waktu delay pada saat melakukan proses pembuatan produk dan jumlah tenaga kerja yang kurang pada setiap jenis pekerjaan dalam pembuatan produk hal ini mengakibatkan produksi belum terpenuhi pada produk sapu ijuk, sapu sinar, dan sapu lantai air. Langkah – langkah yang dilakukan dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan ini antara lain metode pengukuran waktu kerja dengan jam henti dan metode work sampling digunakan untuk memecahkan suatu permasalahan pada penggunaan waktu kerja dan penentuan jumlah tenaga kerja yang kurang optimal. Analisa dari perhitungan waktu kerja pada perakitan sapu adalah waktu yang digunakan dalam proses produksi dapat dikatakan sudah optimal karena dapat mempercepat waktu selama proses produksi berlangsung. Penentuan tenaga kerja didapatkan hasil penambahan tenaga kerja sebanyak 7 orang pada perakitan sapu ijuk, 4 orang pada perakitan sapu sinar, dan 2 orang pada perakitan sapu lantai air. Maka, jumlah keseluruhan pertambahan jumlah tenaga kerja pada proses perakitan produk sebanyak 13 orang. Namun, pada proses perakitan produk di bantu dengan tenaga kerja pembersihan ijuk sebanyak 4 orang dan tenaga kerja pengeringan ijuk sebanyak 5 orang. Jadi tenaga kerja pembantu perakitan sebelum penentuan jumlah tenaga kerja ditentukan sebanyak 9 orang. Maka total penentuan jumlah tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan sebesar 13 – 9 = 4 orang. Tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan sebanyak 4 orang.
Jurnal Taguchi : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik dan Manajemen Industri Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Taguchi : Jurnal Ilmiah Keilmuan Teknik dan Manajemen Industri
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46306/tgc.v3i1.113


The company implements a system to monitor the quality of production results in order to obtain product quality standards that are able to challenge business competition locally and outside the region. The company's standardized product defect target is a maximum of 5% of the total production target in 1 month. When the production defect value reaches a defective quality value above 5%, it will tighten the production target and increase the production volume to obtain the desired amount. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to analyze using the Six Sigma Quality Control Method. From this study, the p control map was obtained, it can be seen that the proportion of defects is within the control limits, only in the proportion of December 2022 production control which is above the normal limit of 0.0578 from 0.0571. The most dominant type of defect is paint spots due to dust with 26% of the defect value because it has the highest percentage value with the control chart calculation which is still at the value of the proportion of defects under the control limit. The cause of the high defect rate is due to human negligence, material selection, method use, and machine maintenance
Jurnal Taguchi : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik dan Manajemen Industri Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Taguchi : Jurnal Ilmiah Keilmuan Teknik dan Manajemen Industri
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46306/tgc.v3i1.117


Fulfilling production demand is a must for any manufacturing industry anywhere, in this case the company wants to increase the production capacity of elastic machine A, where during production the target has never been met, this is due to limited machine capacity, with a percentage of 71.6% in meeting production targets and an overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) value or machine effectiveness of 71.2%. To increase this capacity is influenced by the spinning speed on the machine, the faster the rotation, the faster the production, to speed up the rotation, it is necessary to modify the transmission system, changing the pulley in the transmission system can affect the speed, the pulley size is changed from 110mm to 120mm which causes the spinning speed to increase so that the machine capacity increases, the percentage of production results after modification is 96.9% and increases the percentage of OEE value to 95.16%.
Keputusan Konsumen Yang Dipengaruhi Oleh Faktor-Faktor Dalam Membeli Produk Minuman Secara Online Syaharani Pratiwi Salam; Asmungi Asmungi
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.138


The objective of this research is to determine the factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions to buy beverages online on marketplaces. The variables used are product, price, promotion, location, service quality, marketplace usability, and trust. The sample consists of 150 respondents. The Likert scale is used as the data collection model, and statistical analysis is conducted using multiple linear regression. After analyzing the data, this research has obtained results indicating that product (X1), price (X2), promotion (X3), location (X4), service quality (X5), marketplace usability (X6), and trust (X7) have a significant impact on buyer's decisions with a magnitude of 0.732 (73.2%), which means that all variables contribute and affect consumer purchase decisions by 73.2%, while the remaining 26.8% is attributed to other factors beyond the scope of this study. The results of the F-test analysis show that collectively, all variables significantly impact consumer purchasing decisions. The t-test analysis indicates that the research hypotheses for variables X1, X2, X6, and X7 significantly influence consumer purchase decisions, while variables X3, X4, and X5 do not significantly affect consumer decisions
Keputusan Konsumen Yang Dipengaruhi Oleh Faktor-Faktor Dalam Membeli Produk Minuman Secara Online Syaharani Pratiwi Salam; Asmungi Asmungi
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.138


The objective of this research is to determine the factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions to buy beverages online on marketplaces. The variables used are product, price, promotion, location, service quality, marketplace usability, and trust. The sample consists of 150 respondents. The Likert scale is used as the data collection model, and statistical analysis is conducted using multiple linear regression. After analyzing the data, this research has obtained results indicating that product (X1), price (X2), promotion (X3), location (X4), service quality (X5), marketplace usability (X6), and trust (X7) have a significant impact on buyer's decisions with a magnitude of 0.732 (73.2%), which means that all variables contribute and affect consumer purchase decisions by 73.2%, while the remaining 26.8% is attributed to other factors beyond the scope of this study. The results of the F-test analysis show that collectively, all variables significantly impact consumer purchasing decisions. The t-test analysis indicates that the research hypotheses for variables X1, X2, X6, and X7 significantly influence consumer purchase decisions, while variables X3, X4, and X5 do not significantly affect consumer decisions