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Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat Menghadapi Bencana Di Desa Tabing Rimbang Kabupaten Barito Kuala Rosalina Kumalawati; Astinana Yuliarti; Rizky Nurita Anggraini; Inu Kencana hadi; Karnanto Hendra Murliawan
Jurnal Pengabdian ILUNG (Inovasi Lahan Basah Unggul) Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/ilung.v2i2.6115


Disasters in South Kalimantan Province did not only occur at the provincial level but also at the village level such as in Tabing Rimbah Village, Mandastana District. Disasters that occur such as floods, fires, and winds. Service activities need to be carried out because they see various areas have the potential for disasters. The purpose of the service is to increase public awareness in dealing with disasters. Service activities are carried out so that public awareness in dealing with disasters increases. The community also becomes more alert and has prepared in dealing with disasters that can occur at any time. Service activities are carried out at the village level because the village is the smallest element in government that has a large enough role in dealing with disasters at the village level. The method used and applied to the service activities of lectures and discussions between participants and resource persons in the field of disaster and disaster communication is active. The people who were invited were representatives of each KK as many as 30 people. The community as participants in service activities is expected to be more active in tackling disasters in Tabing Rimbah Village. Service activities are expected to increase public awareness in dealing with various types of disasters, especially disasters in Tabing Rimbah Village such as floods, fires, and winds that almost routinely occur every year. Awareness raising was carried out through training activities and interactive discussions attended by village heads, community leaders, officials, and the community. The training materials provided are related to types of disasters, how to cope with disasters, knowledge about disaster-resilient villages, and disaster communication. The findings of this service activity are increasing public awareness in dealing with various types of disasters so that people will be more prepared and alert when disasters come so that casualties and property in affected areas can be minimized. 
SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF HOTSPOTS USING S-NPP VIIRS FOR EARLY DETECTION OF POTENTIAL FIRE Rosalina Kumalawati; Avela Dewi; Astinana Yuliarti; Rizky Nurita Anggraini; Karnanto Hendra Murliawan
GeoEco Vol 9, No 1 (2023): GeoEco January 2023
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ge.v9i1.61379


Fire is a disaster and its frequency is increasing every year. Seeing this, it is very important to know the spatial distribution of hotspots to determine the potential for fires in each area. Based on this, it is necessary to conduct research with the title "Spatial Distribution of Hotspots Using S-NPP VIIRS for Early Detection of Potential Fires". This research includes the type of descriptive research. The population in the study were all hotspots in Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan Province. Hotspots were taken from the results of the S-NPP VIIRS satellite imagery recording from 2012-2021. The number of samples is equal to the number of populations. The data analysis technique uses nearest neighbor analysis and descriptive analysis which is processed using Arc GIS software. The research results show that fires occur during the dry season, namely in July, August, September and October. Spatial distribution of hotspots from the results of S-NPP VIIRS satellite imagery based on the accuracy of the most confidence level in July, August, September and October. If the spatial distribution of hotspots is known, it can be used as an early detection effort. Early detection is carried out as an effort to prevent and control fires with a greater negative impact. In addition, with the existence of an early warning system, the community is better prepared to deal with fires so that the negative impacts that may arise due to fires can be minimized, including loss of life and property. 
Pencegahan Stunting pada Anak Pasca Bencana Covid-19 Rosalina Kumalawati; Astinana Yuliarti; Rizky Nurita Anggraini
Bubungan Tinggi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 6, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/btjpm.v6i1.9856


Kasus stunting di Kalimantan Selatan merupakan salah satu masalah yang kini dihadapi masyarakat terutama untuk anak-anak, bahkan di tahun 2022 masuk dalam tiga besar provinsi yang terbanyak ditemukan kasusnya. Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada masyarakat (PkM) ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman masyarakat terkait wawasan tentang stunting dan pencegahannya sejak dini. Mitra adalah warga masyarakat desa Purwosari II, Kecamatan Tamban, Kabupaten Barito Kuala Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Jumlah peserta mitra sebanyak 30 orang yang terdiri dari aparatur Desa, perempuan dan ibu-ibu. Tanggal Pelaksanaan pengabdian adalah 30 juli 2023. Masalah mitra adalah tingginya angka kejadian stunting di Kabupaten barito kuala dikarenakan faktor ekonomi dan minimnya pengetahuan masyarakat. Berdasarkan permasalahan mitra, metode untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah metode penyuluhan dan sosialisasi terkait peran perempuan dan ibu dalam melakukan pencegahan stunting secara Bersama.  Hasil kegiatan ini adalah terbentuknya pemahaman masyarakat penyebab dan cara pencegahan dan penanggulangan stunting dalam lini keluarga, hal ini terlihat dari persentase pemahaman masyarakat sebelum kegiatan pengabdian yang hanya sekitar 58,7% dan kemudian mengalami peningkatan menjadi 85,7% setelah diberikan pemahaman mendalam terkait informasi dan pencegahannya. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai stunting, penyebab stunting, bahaya stunting dan bagaimana pencegahan terhadap stunting.Stunting cases in South Kalimantan are one of the problems currently faced by the community, especially for children; even in 2022, they are among the top three provinces with the most cases. This Community Service (PkM) activity aims to increase public knowledge and understanding regarding insights about stunting and its prevention from an early age. Mitra resides in Purwosari II village, Tamban District, Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan Province. The number of partner participants was 30 people, consisting of village officials, women, and mothers. The date of service is July 30, 2023. The problem of partners is the high incidence of stunting in Barito Kuala Regency due to economic factors and lack of public knowledge. Based on partner problems, the method to overcome these problems is counseling and socialization related to the role of women and mothers in preventing studying together. The result of this activity is the formation of community understanding of the causes and ways of preventing and overcoming stunting in the family line; this can be seen from the percentage of community understanding before service activities, which was only around 58.7% and then increased to 85.7% after being given a deep understanding of information and prevention. The conclusion of this activity is to increase public knowledge about stunting, its causes, its dangers, and how to prevent stunting.