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Administratio Vol 8 No 2 (2017): Administratio : Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Publik dan Pembangunan
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (270.417 KB)


Abstract. Low ASN welfare greatly affects the performance of public services ?. This can be based on thelow payroll system. This paper intends to explain some of the payroll issues in Indonesia and how theyaffect the performance of ASN. Regional Performance Allowances as the only incentive to ASN in additionto the salary and benefits attached to Salary, overpriced benefits and transportation allowances forStructural and Functional Officials provided on the basis of attendance and performance appraisal. Thewriting is referred to in the Supplement of Conditional Income (TPB) as pergub no. 11 of 2014 in the RegionalSecretariat of Papua Province, as a manifestation of policy implementation by the governor to presumablymotivate ASN to be more disciplined and achievement in carrying out duties and responsibilities in order torealize a good public service. Key Words: Supplemental Conditional Income, ASN Performance
The Analysis of The Youth Political Perception of 2019 General Elections in Jayapura City Terianus L. Safkaur
International Journal of Social Service and Research Vol. 2 No. 11 (2022): International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/ijssr.v2i11.163


Community participation in politics is an important indicator in measuring whether a country is democratic or not. The higher level of community participation results in the transparency of democracy. However, towards the 2019 elections, the absent of people in giving their voice was dominant in Indonesia. The apathetic groups who decided not to vote in elections have a variety of reasons. One of the reason is the distrust of the electoral system. Refers to the 2019 elections in the city of Jayapura, there was a tendency for some young people not to vote. In fact, elections are an important instrument in selecting leaders through democratic mechanisms. The two main objectives to be achieved through this research are first to find out the perspective of young people to view the general election. This is related to the understanding of the election as well as their hopes for the election and their political references if they decide to vote or not vote (abstentions). Second, this study aims to examine the models of youth participation in the election. Furthermore, this research will contribute to the gap of knowledge and studies related to youth their participation in general election, especially in the city of Jayapura. The city of Jayapura will become an important place of this case study because it’s social and political dynamics in analyzing youth perceptions.
Jurnal Scientia Vol. 12 No. 03 (2023): Education, Sosial science and Planning technique, 2023 (June-August)
Publisher : Sean Institute

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This study aims to analyze the empowerment of civil servants at the BKN Regional IX Jayapura office and to identify obstacles to the empowerment of civil servants at the BKN Regional IX Jayapura office. This research uses qualitative methods. Key informants and informants in this study were carried out to the Head of Field, Section Head and several other employees. Data collection techniques are carried out through documentation and interviews/interviews. The results of the study, including 4 indicators that became a reference for research, namely apparatus knowledge, that apparatus knowledge is different because everyone must have differences in any aspect (for example patterns of thought and opinion) but in the office for civil servants who want to continue their study will be given the authority to increase the knowledge, performance and quality of the employees themselves, with a note that the costs are borne by the office not from the office. Apparatus skills, a skill of an ASN is indeed needed, so that employees can complete tasks quickly and well, so it is important for an ASN to attend a training or training, because with the training or training, the work can run as desired. However, in the office only a few employees have attended training or training. Attitudes of Apparatus Towards Their Duties, Attitude of Apparatus towards Their Duties Has Followed the Existing Tupoksi, therefore almost every employee who participates in training is adjusted to their respective tupoksinya because then knowledge of their tupoksinya increases and their attitude and quality of work are better than before.
Implementasi Program Stategis Pembangunan Kampung Terhadap Pembangunan Infrastruktur di Kampung Yewena Distrik Depapre Kabupaten Jayapura Terianus L. Safkaur
Syntax Literate Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
Publisher : Syntax Corporation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (257.43 KB) | DOI: 10.36418/syntax-literate.v8i6.12307


Pembangunan di papua sangat kompleks, bahkan diwarnai dengan berbagai paradoks. Masyarakat Papua diibaratkan sebagai masyarakat yang sementara berada dalam kapsul sang waktu (The Capsule Of Time). Semua masyarakat papua yang berada didalam The Capsule Of Time, memiliki hak yang sama untuk menikmati pembangunan yang bermartabat dan bermutu dan tidak ada satupun diantara mereka yang diabaikan, sehingga muncul pertanyaan-pertanyaan sebagai berikut: (1). Bagaimana kita bias melakukannya? (2). Bagaimana kita bias bertindak adil bagi semua, tetapi pada saat yang sama peka terhadap karakteristik-karakteristik social dan ekonomi yang melekat pada setiap tingkat pembangunan kebudayaan masing-masing. Tujuan penelitian ini, (a). Untuk mengetahui kondisi implementasi program PROSPEK terhadap peningkatan pembangunan infrastruktur pada kampung Yewena Distrik Depapre Kabupaten Jayapura. (b). Untuk mengetahui manfaat yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat dari peningkatan pembangunan infrastruktur pada Kampung Yewena Distrik Depapre Kabupaten Jayapura. Metode penelitian diarahkan pada jenis penelitian kuantitatif, namaun penelti memadukan dengan data kualitatif dengan tujuan agar validasi data lebih lengkap dan sah. Memadukan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif memiliki pendekatan tertentu dalam kegiatan penelitian harus didasari bahwa akan memiliki konsekuensi tersendiri sebagai proses yang harus diikuti secara konsisten dari awal sampai akhir sehingga tepat sasaran dalam pengambilan data, maka validitas dan reabilitas data tidak menjadi bahan perdebatan. Populasi dan sampel, diambil dari jumlah penduduk kampung Yewena serta sampel yang dipilih peneliti yaitu 30 orang yang dianggap memahami kondisi dan fenomena masalah penelitian ini. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu : - Studi Kepustakaan (library research), - Penelitian Lapangan (field research) : (1) Pengamatan (Observasi), (2) Wawancara (interview), dan (3) Angket (Quiesioner). Teknik pengolahan data yaitu melalui (1) Perbaikan (Editing), (2) Pengkodean (Coding), (3) Penyusunan (Tabulating). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa variabel implementasi kebijakan program Prospek sangat baik, hal ini dibuktikan dengan jawaban respenden cenderung memberikan jawaban “”ya” karena variabel diatas dapat dilihat dari indikator “komunikasi” sangat baik, begitu pula indikator “sumber daya”, dan indikator “disposisi, serta indikator “struktur birokrasi” cenderung sangat baik juga. Hal demikian terjadi pula pada variabel pembangunan infrastruktur, Bertolak dari diagram 2 di bawah ini, hasil rata-rata analisis variabel pembangunan infrastruktur menunjukan bahwa presentase tertinggi berada pada kategori “Ya” dapat dikatakan bahwa variabel pembangunan infrastruktur dikampung Yewena sudah sangat efektif. Jika kita lihat dari indikator prasarana umum, prasarana pendidikan, prasarana kesehatan, dan prasarana transportasi rata-rata mendapat kategori “ÿa”.
Dampak Pemekaran Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Publik di Kabupaten Waropen Terianus L. Safkaur
Syntax Literate Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
Publisher : Syntax Corporation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (297.303 KB) | DOI: 10.36418/syntax-literate.v7i11.12341


Pemekaran akan mempersingkat rentang kendali antara pemerintah dan masyarakat, khususnya pada wilayah-wilayah yang belum terjangkau oleh fasilitas pemerintahan. Pemekaran daerah juga diaspirasikan untuk memperbaiki pemerataan pembangunan. Berdasarkan pengalaman di masa lalu, daerah-daerah yang terbangun hanya daerah yang berdekatan dengan ibukota pemerintahan daerah. Pemekaran memungkinkan sumber daya mengalir ke daerah yang masih belum berkembang. Alasan lainnya yang juga dikemukakan adalah bahwa pemekaran akan mengembangkan demokrasi lokal melalui pembagian kekuasaan pada tingkat yang lebih kecil. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui sejauh mana keberhasilan penerapan DOB terhadap keberhasilan pelayanan publik di wilayah pemekaran seperti pada Kabupaten Waropen Provinsi Papua. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif yaitu menggambarkan sifat-sifat individu, keadaan, gejala atau kelompok-kelompok tertentu atau menemukan penyebaran (frekuensi) suatu gejala. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu: teknik Observasi, teknik Wawancara, dan teknik studi kepustakaan. Adapun teknik pengolahan data menggunakan model interactive model analysis dari Milles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa melalui kebijakan Daerah Otonom Baru atau pemekaran daerah dapat mendekatkan pelayanan publik kepada masyarakat. Artinya bahwa tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam pelayanan public dan akses masyarakat dalam pelayanan public dapat terbuka dengan baik.
Implementation of Village Funds for Infrastructure Development in Nafri Village, Abepura District, and Jayapura City Terianus L. Safkaur
Journal of Social Science Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Social Science
Publisher : Syntax Corporation Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/jss.v5i1.743


The Jokowi government is implementing infrastructure development policies as a form of seriousness in developing society from village to city level (Bottom Up - Top Down). Through budget allocations such as PNPM Mandiri/DANA DESA, the government provides space for the community to participate in development. In Jayapura City, Papua Province, Village Funds and Prospect Funds (sourced from OTSUS) are used to finance strategic village development programs. The research results show that Nafri Village in the Abepura District of Jayapura City is able to manage funding sources, including Village Funds and Village Funds from the Jayapura City APBD. In 2022-2023, this village will carry out various infrastructure activities such as road construction, construction of a people's market, toilets and renovation of the village hall office. Thus, the implementation of Village Funds and Prospect Funds has made a positive contribution to infrastructure development, economic empowerment and strengthening village institutional capacity.