Zainal Abidin Nasution, Zainal Abidin
Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Medan Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 24 Medan Sumatera Utara

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Pengaruh temperatur terhadap pembentukan pori arang cangkang sawit sebagai adsorbansi Nasution, Zainal Abidin; Rambe, Siti Masriani
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 22, No 2 (2011): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN INDUSTRI
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

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Had been conducted to influence temperature in burning process for getting carbon (C) and palm shell pore, that’s important to explore activated carbon otherwise useful for absorption. Carbonization process had been done for palm shell became activated carbon product varied with temperature to know the difference. Carbonization process had done with vacuum furnace with temperature 500 oC and 1000 oC, each as 40 minutes. During carbonization process, many smoke out at temperature 500 oC and after temperature 1000 oC no anymore smoke out. After that condition, it will getting activated carbon and thus it will done testing laboratory XRF to determine the composition. Testingresult shows that forming the graphite phase to all carbon obtained result content of carbon to high enough as 48 % for 500 oC and 50 % for 1000 oC. Testing Laboratory for SEM shows that for forming porous size was obtained 10 μm for 500 oC and 5 μm for 1000 oC. Temperature higher will getting large amount porous palm shell. Large amount active palm shell will good for using as absorber.Keywords: Carbonization, palm shell , activated carbon, temperature, porous AbstrakTelah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh temperatur dalam proses pembakaran dalam proses pembentukan unsur karbon (C ) dan jari – jari pori arang cangkang sawit, sebagai salah satu hal penting untuk mengetahui arang cangkang sawit dapat digunakan sebagai penyerap. Proses karbonisasi dilakukan pada cangkang sawit menjadi arang dengan variasi temperatur guna mengetahui perbedaannya. Proses karbonisasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan tungku vacuum furnace dengan variasi 500 oC dan 1000 oC selama 40 menit. Selama proses karbonisasi, cangkang sawit banyakmengeluarkan asap pada temperatur mencapai 500 oC dan pada pembakaran 1000 oC. Setelah diperoleh temperatur yang ditentukan, arang cangkang sawit akan terbentuk lalu dilakukan uji XRF untuk mengetahui komposisi unsurnya dan SEM guna mengetahui besarnya jari – jari pori arang tersebut. Hasil XRF menunjukkan data pembentukan fase grafit di semua karbon yang dihasilkan dan diperoleh jumlah unsur karbon cukup tinggi yaitu sekitar 48 % untuk temperatur 500 oC dan 50% pada 1000 oC. Hasil uji laboratorium dengan menggunakan alat SEM menunjukkan bahwa pembentukan ukuran pori-pori diperoleh 10 μm (macropori) untuk temperatur 500 oC dan untuk temperatur 1000 oC diperoleh hasil ukuran pori sebesar 5 μm. Semakin tinggi temperatur pemanasan, jumlah yang lebih besar terbentuk pori pori dan karbon yang dihasilkan semakin tinggi. Dengan banyaknya jumlah pori yang dihasilkan maka akan semakin baik digunakan sebagai penyerap.Kata Kunci: Karbonisasi, cangkang sawit, arang aktif, temperatur, pori-pori
PEMANFAATAN SERAT JARINGAN VASKULAR BATANG KELAPA SAWIT SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU KERTAS (Useful of Fibers from Oil Palm Trunk as Raw Material of Paper) Nasution, Zainal Abidin
Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Industri Vol 27, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Baristand Industri Banda Aceh

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Oil palm trunk will have been farming waste contain fibre (vascularbundles) and powder (parenchym), to be able advantage of sources of fibers and starch.Fibers of vascular bundles from oil palm trunk can be obtained by degradation oil palmtrunk against time with long duration. Or can be obtained from separation vascularbundles and parenchym by mechanization. The process of making wood pulp palm oil(palm stem vascular bundles) conducted by the soda. Cooking-I, by cooker with 1,5%NaOH solution for 2 hours. Cooking-I is to reduce lignin content on the network vascular,so that consumption and subsequent concentration of the solution cookers to reduced, inorder to ovoid damage to ripening fibers. Yield of cooking-I is 78%. Cooking-II, by cookerpressure vessels with a solution of 3% NaOH at temperatur 146oC (4,2 atm) for 4 hours.And next, expected penetration into the fiber network solution cooking to vascular fibers.Yield of cooking-II is 73%. Pulp from the cooking was washing free black liquor, bleachedand refined or blended. Characteristrics of paper from fibers vascular bundles are : Width = 0,2821 mm up to 0,4033 mm, Grammature = 78,3 gr/m2 up to 105,9 gr/m2, Tensilestrenght = 1,14 kN up to 1,40 kN, Tear strenght = 329,1 mN up to 378,9 mN, Index tensilestrenght = 0,0017 kN-m/gr up to 0,0257 kN-m/gr, Index tear strenght = 3,1418 mN-m2/grup to 4,8080 mN-m2/gr.