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Strategi Meningkatkan Kompetensi 4C (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, & Collaborative) Partono Partono; Hesti Nila Wardhani; Nuri Indah Setyowati; Annuriana Tsalitsa; Siti Nurrahayu Putri
Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 14, No 1 (2021): Maret
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpipfip.v14i1.35810


Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui strategi dalam meningkatkan kompetensi 4C (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, Collaborative). Kompetensi 4C sangat diperlukan di masa mendatang dalam mencari tenaga kerja karena persaingan semakin ketat. Banyak juga tugas-tugas yang seharusnya dilakukan oleh manusia tetapi tergantikan dengan robot. Hal tersebut dikarenakan pada abad ke-21 ini perkembangan teknologi semakin pesat. Sehingga perlu ada keterampilan yang tidak dimiliki oleh robot yaitu keterampilan kompetensi 4C. SIDH (Sekolah Indonesia Den Haag) merupakan salah satu sekolah Indonesia luar negeri yang sangat memperhatikan kompetensi 4C. Pada sekolah tersebut selalu berupaya untuk meningkatkan kompetensi 4C dengan berbagai strategi. Dengan cara diskusi saat pembelajaran, mengikuti ekstrakulikuler, dan bekerjasama dengan pusdatin. Meningkatkan kompetensi 4C di SIDH juga dapat melalui melalui pembelajarn PAI. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode diskriptif kualitatif. Metode ini memberikan data berupa data verbal. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara dengan guru di SIDH yaitu Safreni Candra Sari dan Ponco Handayawati melalui media aplikasi zoom dan dokumen yang diperoleh berupa gambar atau foto yang menunjukkan beberapa kegiatan di SIDH. Strategies to Improve 4C Competencies (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication Collaborative)The purpose of this research is to find out strategies to improve 4C competence (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, Collaborative). 4C competence is needed in the future is looking for workers because the competition is getting tougher. There are also many tasks that should be done by humans but are replaced by robots. This is because in the 21st century the development of technology is increasingly rapid. So there need to be skills that robots don't have, namely 4C competency skills. SIDH (Sekolah Indonesia Den Haag) is one of the Indonesian overseas schools that pays attention to 4C competencies. The school always tries to improve 4C competence with various strategies. For example, through discussions during learning, taking extracurricular activities, and collaborating with Pusdatin. Improving 4C competence at SIDH can also be done through learning PAI. This study using a qualitative descriptive method. This method provides data in the form of verbal data. Data collection techniques used were interviews with teachers at SIDH, namely Safreni Candra Sari and Ponco Handayawati through the zoom application media and documents obtained in the form of pictures or photos showing some of the activities at SIDH.
Penerapan Metode Tasmi’ dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Hafalan Al-Qur’an di Pondok Pesantren Putri Tahfidz Al-Ghurobaa’ Tumpangkrasak Jati Kudus Partono Partono; Shinta Ulya Rizqiyah
MA'ALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 3, No 02 (2022): MA'ALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/maalim.v3i2.4927


This study aims to determine: 1) The application of the tasmi’ tasmi' method in improving the quality of memorizing the Qur'an in the female Islamic boarding school Tahfidz Al-Ghurobaa' 2) The effectiveness of the application of the tasmi' method in improving the quality of memorizing the Qur'an at the female Islamic boarding school. Tahfidz Al-Ghurobaa' 3) What are the factors that support and hinder the application of the tasmi' method at the Tahfidz Al-Ghurobaa' Islamic Boarding School for Girls. This research includes field research using a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques were obtained from participant observation, interviews, and documentation. While the data analysis of this research includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that (1) The application of the tasmi' method can improve the quality of memorizing the Qur'an because it can detect errors in reading. (2) The tasmi' method is an effective method to apply because it can improve the quality of memorizing the Qur'an (3) The achievement of the tasmi' method is influenced by inhibiting and supporting factors. Supporting factors include creating a Qur'anic nuanced environment, always repeating readings with friends, and having an ideal age, while the inhibiting factors are laziness, lack of istiqomah, and difficulty in managing time.Keywords: Tasmi' Method, Memorizing Al-Qur'an, Quality of Memorizing Al-Qur'an