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Calvyn F. A. Sondak
Sam Ratulangi University

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Identification of Coraline Algae In Meras Waters Bunaken District Kristy Sofia Pondaag; Grevo Soleman Gerung; Chatrien Annita Sinjal; Calvyn F. A. Sondak; Sandra O. Tilaar; Reny L. Kreckhoff
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v10i2.42462


Marine algae are part of marine organisms, especially plants, and are included in lower plants that do not have different skeletal structures such as roots, stems, and leaves. Although it looks different, algae is actually just a form of the thallus. Coralline algae belong to the Rhodophyta Division, Class Florideophycidae, Order Corallinales. Coralline algae are divided into two parts based on their shape (morphology), namely non-geniculate and geniculate. This study aims to identify the types of coralline algae that are crustose (non-geniculate) and branched (geniculate) found in Meras, Bunaken District and can explain the morphology of coralline algae in diffuse non-geniculate and geniculate forms. This research was conducted in Meras, Bunaken District by means of SCUBA diving at a depth of 3 – 7 meters, and samples were taken using the cruising survey method. After that, the samples were brought ashore for the next identification process. The results of the research that has been conducted on samples of coralline algae obtained in Meras, Bunaken District are that there are 2 types of non-geniculate, namely Peyssonnelia caulifera and Peyssonnelia Orientalis, and 1 species of geniculate, namely Tricleocarpa fragilis identified.Keywords: Identification, Coralline Algae, MerasAbstrakAlga laut adalah bagian dari organisme laut khususnya tumbuhan dan termasuk dalam tumbuhan tingkat rendah yang tidak mempunyai perbedaan susunan kerangka seperti akar, batang dan daun. Walaupun terlihat memiliki perbedaan, sebenarnya alga hanya merupakan bentuk talus belaka. Alga koralin tergolong kedalam Divisi Rhodophyta, Kelas Florideophycidae, Ordo Corallinales. Alga koralin terbagi menjadi dua bagian berdasarkan bentuknya (morfologi), yaitu non geniculate (tidak bercabang) dan geniculate (bercabang). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat mengidentifikasi jenis alga koralin bentuk tidak bercabang (non geniculate) dan bentuk bercabang (geniculate) yang terdapat di Perairan Meras, Kecamatan Bunaken serta dapat menjelaskan morfologi alga koralin bentuk tidak bercabang (non geniculate) dan bentuk bercabang (geniculate). Penelitian ini dilakukan di Perairan Meras Kecamatan Bunaken dengan cara SCUBA diving pada kedalaman 3 – 7 meter dan sampel diambil menggunakan metode survey jelajah. Setelah itu sampel dibawa ke darat untuk proses identifikasi selanjutnya. Hasil dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan pada sampel alga koralin yang didapat di Perairan Meras, Kecamatan Bunaken adalah terdapat 2 jenis spesies alga koralin bentuk tidak bercabang (non geniculate) yaitu Peyssonnelia caulifera dan Peyssonnelia orientalis serta 1 jenis spesies alga koralin bentuk bercabang (geniculate) yaitu Tricleocarpa fragilis yang berhasil teridentifikasi.Kata Kunci: Identifikasi, Alga Koralin, Meras
Study of Seagrass Beds Condition Nearby Waters in Mokupa Village, Tombariri District, Minahasa Regency Nicole Theresa Lasut; Sandra O. Tilaar; Calvyn F. A. Sondak; Royke M. Rampengan; Chatrien A. L. Sinjal; Unstain N. W. J. Rembet
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2023
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v11i2.47685


The existence of seagrass beds in a shallow water environment has an important ecological role for the organisms that depend on this ecosystem. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the types of seagrass and the condition of the seagrass beds in the waters near Mokupa Village, where the beach is between Mokupa Resort and Lotus Resort Manado. The method used is a quadrant transect (vertically to the shoreline), the coordinates point 1°24'53" N 124°42'22" E is transect 1, 1°24'54" N 124°42'22" E is transect 2,  and 1°24'56.7" N 124°42'23.5" E is transect 3. In this study, 5 species of seagrass were found, namely: Syringodium isoetifolium, Cymodocea rotundata, Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, and Halophila ovalis. Cymodocea rotundata had the highest average seagrass cover per species, 15.349%, and Enhalus acoroides had the lowest average seagrass cover, 0.053%. The condition of the seagrass beds at the study site was included in the unhealthy category with a seagrass cover of 31.432%. Keywords: Mokupa Waters, Seagrass conditions, Cover, Seagrass bed Abstrak Keberadaan padang lamun di lingkungan perairan dangkal memiliki peranan ekologis yang penting bagi organisme yang bergantung dalam ekosistem ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis lamun dan kondisi padang lamun di perairan sekitar Desa Mokupa, dimana pantai berada di antara Mokupa Resort dan Lotus Resort Manado. Penelitian ini mengikuti Pedoman Status Padang Lamun KEPMEN LH 200/2004. Metode yang digunakan yaitu transek kuadran (tegak lurus garis pantai), dengan titik koordinat Transek 1 1°24'53" N 124°42'22" E, Transek 2 1°24'54" N 124°42'22" E, Transek 3 1°24'56.7" N 124°42'23.5" E. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan 5 jenis lamun yaitu: Syringodium isoetifolium, Cymodocea rotundata, Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides dan Halophila ovalis. Cymodocea rotundata memiliki rata-rata penutupan lamun per jenis tertinggi yaitu 15,349%, dan Enhalus acoroides memiliki rata-rata penutupan lamun terendah yaitu 0,053%. Kondisi padang lamun di lokasi penelitian termasuk dalam kategori kurang sehat dengan penutupan lamun sebesar 31,432%. Kata kunci: Perairan Mokupa, Kondisi lamun, Penutupan, Padang lamun