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Magister Ilmu Hukum Universitas Brawijaya

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Jurnal Bina Mulia Hukum Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Bina Mulia Hukum Volume 7 Nomor 1 September 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23920/jbmh.v7i1.787


ABSTRAK Penyelesaian tindak pidana di Indonesia selalu identik dengan pidana penjara. Padahal pemenjaraan belakangan ini justru menimbulkan masalah baru seperti menyebabkan kelebihan kapasitas lembaga pemasyarakatan dan dianggap tidak ramah dengan hak-hak korban. Keadaan ini kemudian mendorong lahirnya ide keadilan restoratif, yang menginginkan pidana itu tidak hanya bertujuan mengobati pelaku namun juga memulihkan hak korban. Belakangan ini gerakan keadilan restoratif di Indonesia semakin marak, hal ini dapat dilihat dari kebijakan yang dikeluarkan lembaga Kepolisian, Kejaksaan hingga Mahkamah Agung. Tidak seperti kepolisian dan kejaksaan yang mengeluarkan kebijakan keadilan restoratif melalui proses non-penal (diluar proses pidana) Mahkamah Agung melalui Keputusan Direktur Jendral Badan Peradilan Umum Nomor 1691/DJU/SK/PS.00/12/2020 justru mencoba menerapkan keadilan restoratif pada proses pemeriksaan di persidangan. Sayangnya kebijakan Mahkamah Agung ini hanya berlaku pada tindak pidana tertentu saja seperti tindak pidana ringan, pidana anak (diversi), perkara perempuan berhadapan dengan hukum (restitusi) dan perkara narkotika (rehabilitasi) tidak untuk perkara pidana biasa. Padahal, Mahkamah Agung dapat memanfaatkan lembaga pidana bersyarat yang diatur dalam Pasal 14a – Pasal14f KUHP sebagai alternatif keadilan restoratif pada perkara pidana. Oleh karena itu, Penelitian ini menawarkan mengenai bagaimana pidana bersyarat dapat mewujudkan keadilan restoratif serta kendala-kendala apa yang menghambat penerapannya di Indonesia. Kata kunci: hukum pidana; keadilan; keadilan restoratif; pidana bersyarat. ABSTRACT Criminal sentencing in Indonesia is often implemented as imprisonment. However, nowadays imprisonment is always causing issues, such as prison overcapacity and it does not favorable for the victim’s rights. This issues then trigger the invention of restorative justice concept, which desire that criminal sentencing shall not only to remedy the criminals but also rectify the victim’s rights. Recently in Indonesia, the movement on restorative justice is massively increase, it may be seen by the policies that taken by the law enforcement institutions. The Police Department, General Attorney and the Supreme Court have issued their policy on the guidance of restorative justice implementation. Unlike the others policy, which use the non-penal process, the Supreme Court regulation that stated in Directorate General of General Jurisdiction Court Decree No. 1691/DJU/SK/PS.00/12/2020, is trying to apply the restorative justice during the court proceedings. Unfortunately, this policy only accommodates the minor crimes, juvenile crime, crime related woman and narcotics crime. There is no guidance on how the restorative justice shall be carried out in the ordinary crime proceedings. In fact, if we refer to Articles 14a – 14f of the Criminal Code on the conditional sentencing institution, by applying the special condition of this institution then may be the solution in order to achieve the restorative justice in criminal cases. Therefore, this research offers on how the CP may fulfill the principles of restorative justice and what are the issues on its implementation in Indonesia. Keywords: conditional sentencing; criminal law; justice; restorative justice; sentence