Wawan Kurniawan
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

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Konsep Ilmu dan Dua Tingkat Klasifikasinya Menurut Ibn Sina Wawan Kurniawan
Refleksi Vol 21, No 1 (2022): Refleksi
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuluddin Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/ref.v21i1.26072


The classification of the sciences is one of important topics in the Islamic intellectual history and has attracted the attention of philosophers, historians and even theologians, the great philosopher and polymath Abū ‘Alī Ibn Sina being no exception. However, despite some past studies which either focuses only to one or two works of Ibn Sina or else provides only a general description, still there are some lacunae regarding Ibn Sina’s classification of the sciences. In this article, the author is going to analyze historically and systematically two aspects of the topic: (1) Ibn Sina’s definition of science, and (2) Ibn Sina’s ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ classification of the sciences. As for the sources, the analysis will be based on five Ibn Sina’s works that are representative of his early, middle and last career: Risālah fī Aqsām al-‘Ulūm al-‘Aqliyyah, ‘Uyūn al-Ḥikmah, al-Madkhal, al-Ilāhiyyāt and Manṭiq al-Masyriqiyyīn. The author will conclude with three conclusions: (1) that Ibn Sina’s general conception of science is teleological in nature; that is, it puts the emphasize more on the aim of the sciences to perfect the human soul rather than on the essence of science in itself; (2) that the teleological conception gives Ibn Sina’s classification of the sciences a general structure by making man as the positive principle in the primary classification; and (3) that there is an incoherence in Ibn Sina’s classification in that the object of metaphysics is too general that it might cover the object of other theoretical sciences and even also the objects of practical sciences.
Argumentasi al-Ghazali tentang Eksistensi Tuhan dalam Kitab al-Iqtisad fi al-I'tiqad dan Risalah al-Qudsiyah Irsal Pohan; Wawan Kurniawan
Paradigma: Jurnal Kalam dan Filsafat Vol 5, No 02 (2023): Paradigma: Jurnal Kalam dan Filsafat
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuluddin UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/paradigma.v5i02.36473


Abstrak: Argumen eksistensi Tuhan menjadi penting untuk diketahui oleh umat beragama. Ini merupakan hal utama yang harus dipahami secara baik dan benar. Kelemahan dalam memahami tentang eksistensi Tuhan akan berimplikasi pada kokohnya Iman tiap-tiap individu. Terlebih pada saat ini, beberapa dari para ateis tak kalah gencar dalam menjelaskan dan membangun argumentasi mereka bahwa Tuhan bukan merupakan entitas yang eksis. Meski pada dasarnya agama telah menjelaskannya melalui wahyu, akan tetapi eksplorasi secara rasional diperlukan guna mendapatkan bangunan argumentasi yang kokoh. Al-Ghazali beranggapan bahwa dasarnya, dalil-dalil al-Qur’an memang sudah cukup untuk menjawab persoalan eksistensi ini, namun demikian ia memberi memberi argumentasi lebih lanjut untuk mengikuti jejak ulama-ulama pemikir. Dalam argumentasinya, al-Ghazali banyak menggunakan logika paripatetik dan menjelaskannya dengan silogisme-silogisme. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menjelaskan argumen Abu Hamid al-Ghazali mengenai eksistensi Tuhan dalam kitab al-Iqtis̠ad fi al-Iʻtiqad dan Risâlah al-Qudsiyyah serta mencoba untuk menemukan persamaan dan perbedaannya. Sebuah argumentasi kosmologis yang mencoba menjelaskan eksistensi Tuhan dengan menyelusuri awal mula keberadaan alam. Al-Ghazali di dalam dua kitabnya tersebut mengungkapkan argumennya dengan dua corak berbeda. Penelitian ini, selain untuk menjelaskan bagaimana argumentasi al-Ghazali mengenai eksistensi Tuhan, juga berusaha menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana perbedaan argumentasinya. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif-analitis yakni metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan objek yang diteliti berdasarkan data atau sampel yang telah dikumpulkan melalui pencarian data kepustakaan (library research) khususnya pada kitab Al-Iqtisad fi al-I’tiqad dan Risalah al-Qudsiyah serta sumber sekunder yang relevan.Abstract: The argument for the existence of God is important for religious people to know. This is the main thing that must be understood properly and correctly. Weakness in understanding the existence of God will have implications for the strength of each individual's faith. Especially at this time, some of the atheists are no less aggressive in explaining and building their arguments that God is not an existing entity. Although basically religion has explained it through revelation, but rational exploration is needed to get a solid argumentation building. Al-Ghazali thinks that basically, the arguments of the Qur'an are sufficient to answer this question of existence, but nevertheless he gives further arguments to follow in the footsteps of the scholars of thought. In his argumentation, al-Ghazali uses a lot of paripathetic logic and explains it with syllogisms. This research tries to explain Abu Hamid al-Ghazali's arguments regarding the existence of God in the book al-Iqtis̠ad fi al-Iʻtiqad and Risâlah al-Qudsiyyah and tries to find similarities and differences. A cosmological argument that tries to explain the existence of God by tracing the beginning of the existence of nature. Al-Ghazali in his two books expresses his argument with two different styles. This study, in addition to explaining how al-Ghazali's argumentation regarding God's existence, also tries to answer the question of how the differences between the two books are different. To answer these questions, researchers use descriptive-analytical methods, namely research methods used to describe or describe the object under study based on data or samples that have been collected through library research, especially in the book Al-Iqtisad fi al-I'tiqad and Risalah al-Qudsiyah and relevant secondary sources.