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Al-Akhbar Vol 6, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Al-Akhbar

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Peserta didik dengan segala kemampuan di dalamnya mempunyai berbagai keunikan yang berbeda satu dengan yang lainnya. Manusia tidak hanya berkembang dalam sebuah bentuk fisik semata, akan tetapi pikiran ataupun akal yang ada dalam diri manusia juga ikut berkembang dalam sebuah bentuk fisik semata, akan tetapi pikiran ataupun akal yang ada dalam sebuah fisik semata, akan tetapi pikiran ataupun akal yang ada dalam diri manusia juga ikut berkembang. Berkembangnya akal manusia inilah yang kemudian akan membedakan kedewasaan manusia. Membangun kesadaran akan fungsi dan tujuan diciptakanya manusia hendaknya telah ditanam sejak sebelum dewasa, di mana terciptanya manusia di bumi dan segala konsekuensi yang harus dihadapi manusia, tidak bisa terlepas dari kuasa sang khaliq, dalam hal ini adalah Allah SWT, sehingga pemahaman ini hendaknya menjadi sebuah kesadaran untuk berbuat yang lebih baik dalam kehidupan ini.  Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam secara tidak langsung sangat dibutuhkan dalam mengatasi permasalahan yang ada di sekolah khususnya di MTs Negeri 1 Kabupaten Indramayu, ini tidak lepas perlunya kerjasama yang saling mengisi dan memberi dalam setiap mengatasi masalah dengan melakukan pembinaan kepada siswa di sekolah. Karena secara tidak sadar keduanya saling membutuhkan. Peran pembinaan oleh guru keagamaan yaitu melaksanakan dan membimbing pendidikan agama yang dilaksanakan dalam lingkup sekolah bertujuan untuk memahamkan peserta didik tentang pengertian pendidikan agama Islam. Peran guru pembina adalah haruslah memiliki mempunyai pengaruh besar dalam pembentukan tingkahlaku siswa secara Islami setelah mempelajari tentang agama Islam di sekolah. Peran guru pembina dalam pembentukan karakter, disebut sebagai peran agama dalam pembentukan karakter siswa dimaksudkan agar siswa mempunyai karakter muslim yang sempurna dan menjadi muslim yang sejati. Kata Kunci : Pembinaan, Motivasi, Minat.
Strategy for Improving Service Performance through Organizational Culture and Climate Kurnaedi, Endang; Agustina, Kania; Karyono, Otong
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute May
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v3i2.994


The problem of competition and the demands of changing times towards globalization and modernization are quite dynamic, so that demands high performance and high performance can be realized by the conducive organizational climate and organizational culture that is open to technological and information changes. This study aims to determine the extent of the role and influence of organizational culture and climate on service performance. This research method uses descriptive and verification research. Descriptive research tries to provide an overview of research variables that are able to provide information on current conditions, while verification research to draw a conclusion to provide an explanation of the relationship between variables, so that by doing verification analysis can provide an explanation of the contribution of the magnitude of the relationship or influence and the results of hypothesis testing that was submitted. The results of the study prove that the organizational culture, organizational climate and service performance variables are descriptive in the good category. While the results of the verification study prove that organizational climate has a greater effect on service performance when compared to organizational culture. The results of this study provide recommendations to the PD. BPR Sukahaji should always maintain, maintain and even improve the creation of climate and organizational culture, especially for the creation of a work environment related to organizational climate.
Determining the Priority Strategy in the Implementation of E-Government Through SWOT Analysis Model Karyono, Otong; Agustina, Kania
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute May
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v2i2.238


The implementation of technology and information in the government environment or Electronic Government (E-Government) is a very important factor to be carried out by the government in order to implement more responsive, transparent, accountable services to realize a more quality service system in responding to the challenges of technological development today. Thus, the government, society, and business parties can access information and transact quickly, precisely and cheaply. Therefore, the strategy formulation is indispensable in responding to challenges and weaknesses to maximize strengths and opportunities. The strategy formulation that is considered relevant for conducting this present research is the SWOT analysis. This research uses a descriptive qualitative research model by identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats through research questionnaires and interviews conducted on 30 employees involved in the process of public service activities. Technique for analyzing internal and external business environments uses SWOT. The results show that by considering the strengths and weaknesses as well as external factors to take into account the opportunities and threats, it can be seen that the appropriate strategies to realize the implementation of E-Government to achieve quality service is the aggressive strategy, which refers to the strategy of development regarding very good situations because there are strengths to be utilized to seize profitable opportunities.