Moh. Sutrisno
Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin

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PENINGKATAN KUALITAS TEMPAT MINUMAN SARABBA SEBAGAI BAGIAN DARI DAYA TARIK WISATAWAN KAMBO DI KOTA PALOPO Moh. Sutrisno; Muhammad Chaidar Febriansyah; Andi Tenrisanna Syam; Rahmiani Rahim; Mayyadah Syuaib; Suci Q. Ramadhani
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 4 (2022): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Oktober 2022
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v6i4.12899


Kambo area is a strategic area geographically located in the highland area of Palopo City. The natural conditions of Kambo are fertile, and the distance from Palopo city is quite close. On the other hand, the limited land for residents and the location of buildings on hillsides prone to landslides are problems that need mediation. This activity aims to provide input to residents about the importance of protecting the natural environment, increasing awareness of landslide disasters, and optimizing the place as a tourist area with the characteristic of Sarabba drink. Sarabba is a typical drink from South Sulawesi. Sarabba drink is made from ginger and brown sugar as ingredients. The community service used the lecture method in the counseling process and placemaking to identify problems and potential within the community. The results of service community activities positively impact the development of more quality and modern building facades. The idea of optimizing the potential of Kambo's natural wealth with the characteristics of a more comfortable and contemporary Sarabba drink can be accepted by residents without leaving the rules of local wisdom. The emergence of a business place with a modern concept, both in terms of form and building materials. The youth community made markers to enter the Kambo village, marking the peaks of nests to enter natural tourist areas. The uniqueness of Kambo is increasingly known through social media. --- Kawasan Kambo termasuk wilayah strategis yang secara geografis terletak di kawasan dataran tinggi Kota Palopo. Tidak hanya kondisi alam Kambo yang subur tetapi juga jarak dengan kota Palopo yang cukup dekat. Dilain sisi, keterbatasan lahan warga, letak bangunan di lereng-lereng bukit yang rawan terjadinya longsor menjadi permasalahan yang perlu dilakukan mediasi. Kegiatan ini bertujuan memberikan masukan kepada warga tentang pentingnya menjaga lingkungan alam sekitar, meningkatkan kewaspadaan terhadap bencana longsor, serta optimalisasi tempat sebagai kawasan wisata dengan ciri khas minuman Sarabba. Sarabba adalah minuman khas Sulawesi Selatan. Minuman Sarabba terbuat dari bahan baku Jahe dan gula merah. Pengabdian menggunakan metode ceramah dalam proses penyuluhan, dan placemaking dalam mengidentifikasi permasalahan dan potensi yang ada bersama-sama masyarakat. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian berdampak positif kepada perkembangan fasad bangunan yang lebih berkualitas dan modern. Gagasan mengoptimalkan potensi kekayaan alam Kambo dengan ciri khas minuman Sarabba lebih nyaman dan modern dapat diterima oleh warga tanpa meninggalkan kaidah-kaidah kearifan lokal. Munculnya tempat usaha dengan konsep modern, baik dari segi bentuk maupun material bangunan. Komunitas pemuda membuat penanda untuk masuk ke dalam kelurahan Kambo, penanda puncak sarang-sarang untuk masuk ke area wisata alami. Keunikan Kambo semakin dikenal melalui media sosial.
Journal of Islamic Architecture Vol 7, No 4 (2023): Journal of Islamic Architecture
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Maliki Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/jia.v7i4.19372


This study explores the meaning of Mosques and Mausoleums in South Sulawesi as Islamic architecture influenced by Persian civilization. Previous research on the shape of the mausoleum scattered in South Sulawesi indicated the justification of Persian civilization. The research used a rationalistic paradigm with qualitative methods. The study's results explained that the meaning of mosques and mausoleums indicated the development of the spread of Islam in South Sulawesi. The old mosque has concluded as an iconic Islamic architecture in the category of Islamic heritage buildings. The Old Jami Mosque in Palopo, the al-Hilal Mosque of Katangka Gowa, and the old al-Mujahidin Mosque in Bone represent the three old mosques. The syntactic relations of the three regions were compiled in a historical relationship as the three great kingdoms in the classical period of Islam in South Sulawesi. The similarity aspect is shown by the alignment of the shape of the mosque with the architectural forms of the archipelago's mosques through the shape of the roof and its layers—shapes from nature such as leaves, mean fertility. The creativity of carving on the mihrab shows public awareness to present the mosque's beauty through calligraphy.