Titik Juwariah
STIKes Ganesha Husada Kediri

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Hubungan Perilaku Caring Perawat dengan Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien di Poli VCT RSUD Gambiran Kota Kediri Berdasarkan Teori Watson Titik Juwariah; Nanang Bagus Witjayanto Joyo; Winanda Rizki Bagus Santosa
Journal of Ners and Midwifery Vol 1, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : STIKes Patria Husada Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26699/jnk.v1i3.ART.p177-183


Caring can be seen through the attitude and action that are characteristic of the behavior. As the health care service, caring so important for patient. Patient satisfaction is indicator of quality insurance of hospital. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of caring behavior of nurse with patient satisfaction in VCT clinic Gambiran hospital with Watson theory approach. Methode: Research study was analytic corelational design. Research samples was 50 of patient at VCT clinic Gambiran hospital. Data collected at July to September 2014 by using questionnaire and proceeded by Spearman Rho test. The result of this study was that caring behavior nurse correlated with patient satisfaction with p-value=0,000. According the result of this study are expected to be the input for hospitals to improve quality of service by apply minimum standart service that are caring behavior.
Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan dengan Perilaku Pencegahan Kekambuhan Luka Diabetik Titik Juwariah; Agus Priyanto
Journal of Ners and Midwifery Vol 5, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : STIKes Patria Husada Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26699/jnk.v5i3.ART.p233-240


Luka pada pasien diabetes mellitus yang sudah membusuk dan bisa melebar, ditandai dengan jaringan yang mati berwarna kehitaman dan berbau busuk, dan bila tidak tertangani dapat menyebabkan kematian jaringan dan bisa mengakibatkan kematian.Dalam keadan lanjut, amputasi menjadi terapi akhir untuk mencegah pelebaran luka. Penanganan luka pasca operasi dan pengetahuan tentang pencegahan terjadinya luka menjadi hal penting untuk mencegah kekambuhan ulang. Tanpa pengetahuan yang baik tentang perawatan , luka diabetik akan muncul berulang dan mengakibatkan hilangnya bagian tubuh karena kematian jaringan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan tingkat pengetahuan dengan perilaku pencegahan kekambuhan luka diabetik di Di Ruang Penyakit Dalam RSUD Gambiran Kediri.Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah korelasional. Populasinya pasien Diabed di ruang penyakit Dalam RSUD Gambiran . Sampel diambil dengan teknik consecutive samping sejumlah 29 responden.Variabel independennya adalah tingkat pengetahuan pasien tentang pencegahan luka diabetik dan variable dependennya adalah perilaku pencegahan kekambuhan luka diabetik. Data diambil dengan questioner dan dianalisis dengan Uji Spearman Rank.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan pasien tentang pencegahan luka diabetik adalah baik sebanyak 24 responden (82,75 %). Perilaku pencegahan luka diabetik sebagian besar adalah cukup 15 orng (51,726 %). Uji Spearman Rank menunjukkan Ada hubungan tingkat pengetahuan dengan perilaku pencegahan luka diabetik di Di Ruang RSUD Gambiran Kota Kediri (spearman rank dengan p = 0,003 < 0,05, artinya H0 ditolak dan H1diterima). Coefficient correlation = 0,404, menunjukkan adanya hubungan ke arah positif artinya semakin baik tingkat pengetahuan maka perilaku pencegahan luka diabetik juga semakin baik. Sebagai tindak lanjut dalam meningkatkan perilaku pencegahan kekambuhan luka dibetik pada pasien yang pernah menderita luka diabetik maupun yang belum pernah, perlu upaya untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan pasien dan kelarga tentang cara perawatan pasien Diabet terutama dalam menjaga kestabilan gula darah dalam batas normal,melalui pola diet dan cara pemeliharaan integritas kulit agar tidak terjadi luka dibetik.
Health Gate Vol 2, No 1 (2024): January
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia Kota Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.70111/hg2102


AbstractIncreasing age causes the elderly to experience biological, physical, psychological and social changes, these changes affect all aspects of life, including their health, one of which is pain. Previous research has shown that as many as 50% of elderly living in the community and 45% - 80% of those living in nursing homes suffer from this problem. Pain impacts the quality of sleep. Sleep quality affects physical and psychological aspects, namely fatigue, anxiety, irritability, disturbed concentration, stress which can increase the risk of suicide. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between pain intensity and quality of sleep for the elderly at Tresna Wherda Social Institution Tulungagung. The research design used in this study was a correlation study with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all elderly people at PSTW Tulungagung in January 2023, namely 80 people. The sample size is determined by the Lameshow formula, as many as 66 people. The sampling technique in this study was by means of purposive sampling. Data collection on pain intensity used the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) questionnaire, and sleep quality used the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Data analysis using Spearman Rank. The results showed that most of the elderly had mild pain intensity (51.5%), the quality of sleep for the elderly was mostly good (80.3%), and there was a relationship between pain intensity and quality of sleep in the elderly at PSTW Tulungagung with p-value = 0.012 with a correlation coefficient = 0.309 (medium). It is hoped that the results of this research can become a source and knowledge that can add insight in dealing with elderly people with pain and sleep disorders who are in the information community and special groups.Keywords: pain intensity; sleep quality; elderly
The Relationship Between Knowledge And Adherence To a Hypertension Diet In The Elderly Titik Juwariah; Yoyok yulianto; Agus Priyanto; Slamet Jayadi
Health Gate Vol 2, No 3 (2024): July 2024
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia Kota Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.70111/hg2305


  Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the non-communicable diseases caused by lifestyle. One prevention so that complications do not occur is to change lifestyle, food intake and routine blood pressure control. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation of level knowledge and elderly hypertension diet adherence in Nganjuk Regency This research design used was correlative with a cross-sectional approach. The population was 28 hypertension elderly people who actively participated in the elderly Posyandu of Cepoko Village the sample all of 28 people as taken by total sampling. The independent variable is the level of knowledge in hypertension, the dependent variable was Elderly Hypertension Diet Adherence. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires. The data was analysed by Spearmen Rank Correlation test with an alpha of 0.05. The results of the study found that 67.86% of respondents including compliant and 32.14% non- adherence, following the hypertension diet and the results of the calculation of SPSS 25 significance value of 0.000, meaning was Ho rejected.  The conclusion of this study was there are The Correlation of Level Knowledge and Elderly Hypertension diet adherence In Nganjuk Regency For this reason, it is hoped that the increasing role of families, cadres and nurses providing health education through interesting information such as using audiovisual such as social media content will be very capable of influencing knowledge that ultimately changes behaviour and compliance with something. Keywordslevel of knowledge, diet adherence, elderly hypertension