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Praktek Penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) dan Keselamatan Kerja Mahasiswa di Laboratorium Keperawatan, Poltekkes Tanjungpinang : The Practice of Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Student Work Safety in Nursing Laboratories, Tanjungpinang Health Polytechnic Santa Novita Yosephin Silalahi; Yas Suriani
JURNAL ILMU DAN TEKNOLOGI KESEHATAN TERPADU Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kesehatan Terpadu (JITKT)
Publisher : Poltekes Kemenkes Tanjungpinang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53579/jitkt.v2i2.57


There were several incidents of work accidents in the form of needle sticks recorded in several studies in Indonesia from 2014-2021, totaling 57 cases. Potential hazards in educational laboratories are considered lower than in health laboratories and industrial laboratories because they use relatively fewer materials. However, it will still result in financial losses, injuries and damage to equipment and infrastructure. Based on the results of interviews with the head of the nursing laboratory sub-unit, it was found that some students did not wear PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) during the practicum. In 2019 there were 2 incidents of students getting needle sticks during practice. There were 3 students who did not wear full PPE when the practicum took place in 2022. Compliance with the use of PPE at the Tanjungpinang Health Polytechnic Nursing Laboratory during the practicum greatly affects the personal safety of the students themselves. This study aimed to determine the practice of using PPE on student work safety in the nursing laboratory. The researcher involved all students of the second semester of Nursing Study Program for the 2021-2022 academic year and were willing to be involved in research. The number of respondents as many as 78 people. Data were obtained through a questionnaire in the form of a test sheet containing 30 questions. The results of data analysis showed that 55% of respondents had high knowledge of the use of PPE and as many as 46% had a positive attitude in using PPE and 54% had a negative attitude. Students are required to read laboratory rules and provide sanctions to students who do not comply with the use of PPE in the laboratory.
International Journal of Social Science Vol. 1 No. 3: October 2021
Publisher : Bajang Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53625/ijss.v1i3.3717


Stroke is a disorder of the central nervous system that is most often found and is the main cause of impaired functional activity in adults. The prevalence of stroke incidence based on RISKESDAS tajun 2018 is increasing from 7% to 10.9% at the age of ≥ 15 years. Stroke attacks can cause weakness and paralysis in one or even both sides of the patient's body, this weakness can cause difficulties when walking and doing activities. The degree of disability experienced by stroke patients depends on the severity of hemiparesis, 30-60% of patients who experience hemiparesis will experience a complete loss of body functions within 6 months after the stroke. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of public knowledge about stroke in the work area of the Kawal public Health Center.. The method in the study was a descriptive survey of the knowledge of the community in the working area of the Kawal Public Health Center, Riau Islands Province, about stroke. The study was carried out in July 2020 with a total sample of 39 respondents. The results of the study were obtained where the picture of public knowledge about stroke with good knowledge was 16 people (41.02%) and sufficient knowledge as many as 7 people (17.94%). Suggestions need to improve health promotion about stroke through print or electronic media and further research on the identification of stroke risk factors in the community of the Kawal Public Health Center work area.
OVERVIEW OF STROKE INCIDENCE IN THE WORK AREA OF PUSKESMAS KAWAL Romalina Romalina; Asmarita Jasda; Meisa Daniati; Yas Suriani; Widia Jannatul Amani; Adila Hidayati
International Journal of Social Science Vol. 2 No. 4: December 2022
Publisher : Bajang Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53625/ijss.v2i4.4299


Stroke is a disease that attacks a person suddenly and it is one of the leading causes of death and neurological disability in Indonesia except heart disease and cancer. Various conditions related to the increase in the incidence of stroke. The purpose of this study is to determine the picture of stroke incidence in the work area of the Kawal Health Center in 2019. The source of data from this study is a secondary data source, namely patient medical records at the Kawal Health Center from October 2018 to April 2019. The data source is then processed and made a frequency distribution. The results showed that the incidence of stroke in 2019 was 9 events. Other supporting conditions are the discovery of stroke risk factors, including Hypertension as many as 41 people (77%), Diabetes Mellitus 12 people (23%) for 2018. Meanwhile, in 2019, data on hypertension risk factors were obtained by 196 people (85%) and risk factors for Diabetes Mellitus 34 people (15%). It is hoped that the puskesmas can provide counseling to the community about the emergency of stroke