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Jurnal Warna Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : IAIIG Cilacap

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Kota Padangpanjang terkenal dengan udaranya yang sejuk dan memiliki potensi wisata yang perlu dikembangkan. Berada pada jalur yang strategis merupakan peluang besar untuk memperkenalkan objek wisata tersebut agar lebih dikenal. Objek wisata yang terdapat di Kota Padangpanjang meliputi wisata alam, wisata kuliner, wisata pendidikan, wisata budaya, dan wisata sejarah. Potensi wisata yang ada di Kota Padangpanjang tersebut belum terpublikasi dengan maksimal. Informasi yang lengkap seputar objek wisata Kota Padangpanjang masih sulit ditemukan. Perlu sebuah strategi kreatif agar semua informasi tersebut tersaji secara lengkap dan mudah dipahami. Salah satu strategi kreatif tersebut adalah melalui perancangan infografis. Perancangan infografis Kota Padangpanjang sebagai strategi kreatif promosi wisata mampu menyajikan informasi seputar objek wisata yang menarik, mudah dipahami, singkat, jelas dan kompleks. Sehingga melalui Perancangan Infografis Kota Padangpanjang tersebut dapat meningkatkan rasa keingintahuan dan kunjungan wisatawan ke objek-objek wisata yang terdapat di Kota Padangpanjang.
Customer Insight for Goodism Inc Future Product Development: A Laddering Approach Ghifari, Muhammad; Iskandar, Budi Permadi
Journal of Business and Management Vol 5, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract. GOODISM Inc. is a startup business established on September 2013. GOODISM Inc. creates a unique and one-of-a-kind leather wallet with a focus on its main functions. As a new startup company, GOODISM Inc. should do rapid research and development to compete with the competitor. For the initial step, GOODISM Inc. is going to develop the direction to be more in line with the customer needs. Therefore, this research has objective to know the important factors of a wallet product based on consumer preference and to explore GOODISM Inc. target market core values by using the hierarchical value map. The study was conducted using laddering method in form of direct interview with the help of Mean-ends Chain Theory. Descriptive analysis used to explain the attributes come out from the interview result. The result of this study shows that the concrete attributes that customer want in a wallet are Size, Card Slot, Money Slot, Material, and Extra Slot. Moving to abstract attributes, the respondents pointed out three points of slim, unique, and elegant. For functional consequence, there are handy, pocketable, contain more items, well organized, and durable. As for psychological consequence, there are comfortable, practicality, safety, distinction, and pride that all leads to the values of self-confidence, self-fulfilment, and social recognition. By those results, the recommendation for GOODISM Inc. for its future development is to create big size compact wallet, small size compact wallet, and small size slim wallet. Keywords: Startup, Wallet, Means-end chain, Laddering approach, Customer insight
Teori External Criteria dan Implikasinya Terhadap Studi Hadis; Telaah Atas Pemikiran Michael Cook Ghifari, Muhammad
Tahdis: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Al-Hadis Vol 14 No 2 (2023): Tahdis
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/tahdis.v14i2.38329


This article discusses the theory of External Criteria and its implications for hadiths, with a focus on the thoughts of Michael Cook. The External Criteria theory is an approach in the study of hadiths that uses criteria outside the hadith texts to determine their authenticity and genuineness. This article explains the background and development of the External Criteria theory, as well as Cook's role in developing this approach. Cook introduced the use of critical methods and historical analysis to evaluate the authenticity of hadiths. He argues that External Criteria such as historical consistency, social context, and critical methods can help identify hadiths that are questionable or not authentic. Furthermore, this article discusses the implications of the External Criteria theory for hadiths. One of the implications is the challenge of obtaining reliable sources to determine the External Criteria. The results of this research show that Michael Cook's thoughts have made an important contribution to the development of the External Criteria theory and the investigation of hadith authenticity. Researchers and academics can use this approach to gain deeper insights into the authenticity and genuineness of hadiths.
Promoting Wives’ Rights From a Hadith Perspective Anggraini, Rizki; ghifari, Muhammad; Ash, Abil
Al-Bukhari : Jurnal Ilmu Hadis Vol 7 No 1 (2024): Al-Bukhari: Jurnal Ilmu Hadis
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Hadis Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Langsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32505/al-bukhari.v7i1.8378


In Islam, women have equal rights to those of men, albeit with certain differences in specific contexts. This research explores the impact of hadiths concerning women's rights as wives on the formation of contemporary Muslim identity. Employing a qualitative approach and library research methodology, this study collects and analyzes data from various secondary sources, including journals, tafsir (Quranic exegesis), and relevant hadiths. The analysis reveals several hadiths that has the matan that concerns to the rights of wives. Research findings indicate that these hadiths provide guidelines that support women's empowerment. The study emphasizes the significance of interpreting hadiths contextually to nurture dynamic and responsive female identities capable of addressing contemporary challenges.
GOVERNANCE: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Politik Lokal dan Pembangunan Vol. 10 No. 3 (2024): 2024 Maret
Publisher : Lembaga Kajian Ilmu Sosial dan Politik (LKISPOL)

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This study aims to analyze Bibliometrics on Economic Empowerment and Food Security from a Development Economics Perspective. The method used is qualitative research with a literature study approach, where the data found and analyzed includes 99 documents obtained from the Scopus database. The analysis used VOSviewer to map and analyze the data. The analysis results show a global trend showing a significant increase in publications from 2018 to 2023, reflecting the growing interest and focus in Economic Empowerment and Food Security research from a Development Economics Perspective. The United States is the country that contributes the most research publications on this topic. In 2023, Anwar, S., Elum, Z.A., Gitaharie, B.Y., Handayani, D., Khan, M.T.I., Mayo Wilson, L.J., Omotayo, A.O., and Slotow, R. were the most productive authors, each contributing 2 documents. Research trends show an increasing focus throughout the decade, highlighting the importance of understanding and research efforts in addressing complex challenges related to economics and food security.
Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa Vol 12, No 2 (2023): Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/gr.v12i2.50352


development of creativity and improvement in the field of business and creating jobs through art and culture to the community can be a basic step in creating new works of art. There needs to be collaboration between ISBI Aceh through lecturers and students with the community so that the development of creativity in the community can run. Through a community organization that aims to empower women or commonly called the PKK Group, the author and his team try to introduce painting that is close to their lives. Conventional painting media is commonly known as using canvas, but creativity in exploration continues to grow so it does not rule out the use of various applied-based media. The association of women in bags is the main goal for the writer in terms of introducing painting to the PKK group in Jantho Makmur City. The PKK group will be given basic knowledge in creating decorative paintings on a media bag. The method carried out is by socialization and introduction of bag media painting to the community, the PKK group is given a decorative painting technique but is still free to explore with their respective creativity. Creative products of painting bags with decorative techniques produced by the PKK group must be marketable both offline and online. Creative products of painting bags with decorative techniques are packaged attractively and given harmonious packaging in order to attract the attention of consumers.Keywords: painting, bags, decorative, creative products.AbstrakPengembangan kreativitas serta peningkatan dalam bidang usaha dan menciptakan lapangan kerja melalui seni dan budaya kepada masyarakat dapat menjadi langkah dasar dalam menciptakan karya seni baru. Perlu adanya kolaborasi antara ISBI Aceh melalui Dosen dan mahasiswa dengan masyarakat agar pengembangan kreativitas pada masyarakat dapat berjalan. Melalui organisasi kemasyarakatan yang bertujuan untuk memberdayakan perempuan atau biasa disebut dengan Kelompok PKK, penulis bersama tim mencoba mengenalkan seni Lukis yang dekat dengan kehidupan mereka. Media lukis konvensional biasa dikenal dengan menggunakan kanvas, namun kreativitas dalam eksplorasi terus berkembang sehingga tidak menutup kemungkinan penggunaan berbagai media berbasis terapan. Keterkaitan perempuan pada tas menjadi tujuan utama bagi penulis dalam hal mengenalkan seni Lukis kepada kelompok PKK Kota Jantho Makmur. Kelompok PKK akan diberikan pengetahuan dasar dalam menciptakan lukisan dekoratif pada sebuah media tas. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan cara sosialisasi serta pengenalan seni Lukis media tas pada masyarakat, kelompok PKK diberikan sebuah teknik lukis dekoratif namun tetap bebas melakukan eksplorasi dengan kratifitasnya masing-masing. Produk kreatif tas lukis dengan teknik dekoratif yang dihasilkan oleh kelompok PKK harus dapat dipasarkan baik secara offline maupun secara online. Produk kreatif tas lukis dengan teknik dekoratif dikemas dengan menarik dan diberikan packaging yang selaras agar dapat menarik perhatian konsumen.Kata Kunci: seni lukis, tas, dekoratif, produk kreatif. Authors:Miftahun Naufa : Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia AcehAnni Kholilah : Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia AcehMuhammad Ghifari : Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia Aceh References: Ghifari, M., Kholilah, A., & Naufa, M. (2021). Pengenalan Lukis Kaca Sebagai Media Hias dan Cenderamata Pada Siswa-Siswa SMA N 1 Jantho. Gorga Jurnal Seni Rupa, 10(01),73-79., J., & Triyanto, R. (2020). Tinjauan Ketepatan Bentuk, Gelap Terang, Dan Warna Pada Gambar Bentuk Media Akrilik. Gorga Jurnal Seni Rupa, 09(02), 300-308, Michael. (2015). Apa Itu Seni, Posisi Estetika dari Platon sampai Danto. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.Kartika, Dharsono Sony (2016). Kreasi Artistik Perjumpaan Tradiri Modern dalam Paradigma Kekaryaan Seni. Karanganyar: Citra Sains.Komalayakti, D., Mustika, I, K., & Kondra, I, W. (2023). Tas Kanvas Lukis dengan Perca Endek Bali dan Kain Motif Khas Lombok yang Bernilai Seni dan Ekonomis. CITA KARA Jurnal Penciptaan dan Pengkajian Seni Murni, 3(1), 46-52., A., Naufa, M., & Ghifari, M. (2022). Pembuatan Seni Lukis Mural Dinding Sekolah Yayasan Paud/TK Almuhajirin Kota Jantho Untuk Meningkatkan Pendidikan Karakter. Gorga Jurnal Seni Rupa, 11(02), 433- 438., D., & Saleh, K. (2020). Menggambar Bentuk Melalui Media Vidio Tutorial Di SMP Negeri 12 Pematangsiantar. Gorga Jurnal Seni Rupa, 09(01), 218-225., Mikke. (2002). Diksi Rupa. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.Sunaryo, Aryo. (2011). Ornamen Nusantara: Kajian Khusus tentang Ornamen Indonesia. Semarang: Dhara Prize.
VCoDe : Visual Communication Design Journal Volume 2, Nomor 1, Desember 2022
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26887/vcode.v2i2.3647


Perancangan ini dilatarbelakangi dari perancang yang bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan dan mempertahankan warisan budaya tari Poh Kipah yang beredar di Aceh Utara. Tari Poh Kipah merupakan warisan budaya yang keberadaanya kini mulai menghilang dari peredaran masyarakat, hal tersebut diakibatkan oleh perang dan konflik berkepanjangan yang terjadi di Aceh. Oleh karena itu, perancang tertarik untuk mencari tahu dan menceritakan kembali sejarah tari Poh Kipah dalam bentuk motion graphic kepada masyarakat khususnya para remaja yang merupakan generasi penerus agar warisan budaya tari Poh Kipah tidak menghilang. pada proses perancangan motion graphic perancang menggunakan metode design thinking yaitu emphatize, define, ideate, prototype dan test, sebagai acuan pecancangannya. Proses perancangan motion graphic meliputi pembuatan narasi, sketsa storyboard, digitalisasi, coloring, editing dan test. Motion graphic adalah salah satu media penyampaian informasi yang unik kreatif dan modern. Media tersebut dapat diakses di mana saja dan kapan saja sehingga informasi yang disampaikan dapat diterima dengan baik kepada masyarakat.
The Origin of Isnad in Orientalist Perspective: Critical Study of Michael Cook’s Thought Ghifari, Muhammad; Zakiyah, Ulfah
Mashdar: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Hadis Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Mashdar: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Hadis
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/mashdar.v3i1.2609


This article review Michael Cook’s thoughts on the early history of the use of isnad. Michael Cook disagrees with the opinions of the hadith scholars who said that the system of isnad only exists in Islam and is not found in other religions. Michael Cook believes that Islam is not the only sole owner of the isnad system. Long before Islam came the system of isnad had been used by previous religions, that is, it had been used by Jews in transmitting Mishnah. Even Michael Cook concluded that Islam had plagiarized the Jewish isnad system. The Islamic isnad system is very closely related to the Jewish isnad system which both have similarities and similarities in many ways. Therefore, Michael Cook believes that the Islamic isnad is a plagiarism of the Jewish isnad system. In this paper, the author explores Cook’s idea which generates two problems, namely what and how are the fundamental ideas (main points) of Michael Cook related to the initial use of isnad? And the second, how is the methodological foundation of Jews in carrying out criticism of isnad? In this study, the authors used a type of qualitative research, or what is known as library research. By using two data sources, namely primary data and secondary data. 
Aswaja Material Learning Assistance with Peer Learning Method Ghifari, Muhammad; Masdar, Moh
Communautaire: Journal of Community Service Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024)
Publisher : Al-Qalam Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61987/communautaire.v3i2.461


This study discusses the assistance of learning Aswaja material through the application of peer learning methods in the religious education environment at the madrasah tsnawiyah level. The peer learning method was chosen as an approach to increase students' understanding and involvement in learning Aswaja concepts. This mentoring process involves students as facilitators in study groups, where they share knowledge and learning experiences with each other. A qualitative approach was used in this study, with case studies as the main framework. The research participants consisted of students, teachers, and school administrators who were directly involved in the learning process. Data was collected through interviews, participatory observations, as well as analysis of curriculum documents and evaluation of student learning outcomes. The results of the study show that the use of the peer learning method in Aswaja learning is able to increase student engagement, strengthen understanding of the material, and encourage collaboration between students. Challenges faced in the application of this method include differences in abilities between students and the need for facilitator training to be more effective in guiding groups. The discussion highlights the implications of these findings for the development of the Aswaja learning method in religious education institutions as well as strategic recommendations to optimize the application of peer learning methods to improve the quality of education.
Islamization of Knowledge Base Education in Islamic Boarding School to Face the Challenges of Western Civilization in 21st Century Ghifari, Muhammad
Progresiva : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): January-June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/progresiva.v10i1.17960


Islamic education faces serious challenges in modern era. One of these challenges was born as a result of massive Western secularism occurring in a number of countries where the majority of the population is Muslim. In Indonesia, for example, the education system in modern Islamic boarding school has been affected by the secularization process. Although there is no dichotomy between science and religion, there are still indications of secularism which only focuses on the implementation of general science learning. This article offers a knowledge-based Islamic boarding school education model as an alternative solution to minimize the occurrence of Islamic boarding school education secularization projects in Indonesia. By using a philosophical approach, this study wants to show that the Islamization of knowledge will be able to transform the orientation of the vision of educational institutions, and change the way students, kiai, ustadz and teachers think about general sciences. This paper concludes that the paradigm of learning general science in Islamic boarding schools should be oriented to two balances, namely aimed at meeting human needs without forgetting the divine aspect. Thus, the goals of Islamic education can be achieved better.