Saptahari Sugiri, Saptahari
Prodi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung.

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Potential of Reinforced Indonesian Glulam Beams Using Grade I (Bengkirai), Grade II (Kamper), Grade III (Nyatoh) Woods for Use in Structural Wood Design Sugiri, Saptahari; Alamsyah, Eka Mulya; Usman, Arie Putra
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol 48, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (268.482 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2016.48.2.2


Wood is a natural resource that is renewable and available in various species in tropical countries. Its abundancy in nature makes it easy to obtain, thus making it a nature friendly material for use in construction. Indonesia is the most important source of tropical wood in the world after Brazil, making the use of wood for structural elements very desirable. It is estimated that 4000 different varieties of wood exist in Indonesia. This estimate is based on the herbarium species collected by the Forestry Research Institute, currently counting nearly 4000 types of trees with a diameter of more than 40 cm. In the Indonesian wood structure code, the strength of woods is divided into 3 grades (grade I, II and III). This paper presents an evaluation of the mechanical properties of glulam wood sourced from native Indonesian timber: Bengkirai wood (grade I), Kamper wood (grade II), and Nyatoh wood (grade III), thus proving the potential for Indonesian wood as industrial structural elements in wooden constructions.
Analysis of the Strength of Timber and Glulam Timber Beams with Steel Reinforcement Usman, Arie Putra; Sugiri, Saptahari
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol 47, No 6 (2015)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (328.843 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2015.47.6.1


Indonesia is a tropical country with abundant tropical timber that can be used as a building material. Wood is a renewable material, thus making it an environmentally friendly construction material. However, the dimensional limitations of solid wood may pose problems in structural constructions. Wood material also has some disadvantages, such as brittle failure. However, the ductility of wood can be increased because of plasticity occurring in the compression zone. Wood material with good ductility can be obtained by reinforcing it in the tensile zone. This study is about the strength of wood material for use as a material for structural elements. Based on the analytical findings, the bending capacity of wood can be improved by adding reinforcements to the tensile zone.
Penggunaaan Terak Nikel Sebagai Agregat Beton Pemberat Pipa Gas Lepas Pantai Sugiri, Saptahari; Soemardi, Biemo W.; Sutha, Gde Pradnyana; Louis, Louis
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 12, No 4 (2005)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (309.341 KB)


Abstrak. Terak nikel merupakan produk limbah industri nikel yang banyak terdapat di Soroako, Sulawesi Selatan dan merupakan hasil limbah industri nikel PT. INCO. Dalam seminggu limbah terak nikel yang dihasilkan   mencapai 48679 ton. Terak nikel memiliki bobot yang berat sehingga sangat cocok digunakan sebagai bahan agregat beton pemberat pipa. Dengan semakin berkembangnya explorasi gas lepas pantai, maka penggunaan beton pemberat pipa gas semakin meningkat, dan oleh karenanya terak nikel menjadi sangat potensial untuk digunakan sebagai agregat beton pemberat karena bobotnya yang berat dan jumlah terak nikel yang sangat banyak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian beton pemberat agregat terak nikel, dengan metoda ACI didapat kuat tekan 50.77 Mpa, kemudian campuran tersebut memenuhi persyaratan absorpsi beton dibawah 5% yaitu 0.69% dan berat jenis beton pipa pemberat terak nikel didapat 3267 kg/m3.Abstract. Nickel slag is a by-product from “PT INCO”, a nickel mining industry in Soroako, South Celebes. The quantity of nickel slag product can reach to 48679 tons per week. Nickel slag has a very heavy weight thus making it suitable for use as aggregate material in concrete for weighted pipes. The rapid expansion of offshore gas explorations has given rise to the need and development of weighted pipes, and therefore nickel slag is very potential for use as aggregate in concrete for weighted pipes due to its heavy weight and abundance as by-product. Research studies on concrete for weighted pipes using nickel slag aggregate using ACI method resulted in a compression strength of 50,77 Mpa. Furthermore the mixture complies with the requirement for concrete absorption to be lower then 5% which is 0,69%, and the specific gravity is 3267 kg/m3.
Persamaan Korelasi Sifat Mekanik Beton Mutu Tinggi dengan Agregat Alami dan Slag Nikel Sugiri, Saptahari; Saloma, Saloma; Yulianti, Ria Catur
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 14, No 1 (2007)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (336.594 KB)


Abstrak. Beton merupakan material konstruksi bangunan yang sering digunakan karena mudah pada waktu pelaksanaan konstruksi dan biaya pemeliharaan yang relatif murah dibandingkan material lainnya. Dengan maraknya pembangunan dimana aspek lingkungan harus diperhatikan, maka agregat kasar dan halus yang berasal dari sumber daya alam sebaiknya dibatasi, bila memungkinkan diganti dengan agregat produk limbah dari industri. Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan di bidang teknologi beton memungkinkan penggunaan limbah menjadi bahan dasar pembentuk beton, sehingga di satu sisi penggunaan bahan alam yang merusak lingkungan dapat diatasi dan di sisi lain bahan limbah dimanfaatkan seoptimal mungkin untuk bahan dasar pembentuk beton. Dalam setiap minggu, PT. INCO menghasilkan limbah padat berupa terak nikel dalam jumlah relatif besar, yaitu 77.441 ton. Sehingga dapat dilakukan penelitian mengenai penggunaan limbah padat tersebut sebagai bahan dasar pembentuk beton, baik sebagai agregat kasar maupun halus. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan persamaan korelasi sifat mekanik beton kinerja tinggi (high performance concrete) dengan agregat alami dan slag nikel. Terhadap seluruh bahan pembentuk beton dilakukan pengujian mengikuti standar ASTM. Bahan dasar pembentuknya terdiri dari semen, agregat kasar, agregat halus, air dan bahan tambahan lainnya. Semua pengujian sifat mekanik beton juga mengikuti standar ASTM dan dilakukan untuk umur beton 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 dan 56 hari dengan masing-masing umur sebanyak tiga sampel. Seluruh data hasil penelitian yang telah diperoleh dilakukan analisis regresi nonlinier. Selanjutnya dibahas berbagai model korelasi sifat mekanik beton yang telah diuji. Berdasarkan analisis model korelasi diperoleh bentuk persamaan sebagai berikut :y = abttcfc28 , dimana untuk :Kuat tekan beton :                 a = 0,389       b = 0,996       c = 0,323Modulus elastisitas :               a = 353         b = 1,001       c = 0,083Kuat tarik tidak langsung :      a = 0,03        b = 1,002        c = 0,115Kuat lentur :                          a = 0,052       b = 0,998       c = 0,224Adapun kelebihan persamaan korelasi yang diusulkan dibandingkan persamaan dalam peraturan yang ada adalah dapat menganalisis sifat mekanik beton kinerja tinggi berdasarkan fungsi waktu 0 < t ≤ 56 dan mempunyai nilai standar error yang lebih kecil. Abstrack. Concrete is construction material of building that is often is applied by easy to when realization of construction and maintenance cost that is cheap relative compared to other material. With the hoisterous of development where environmental aspect to paid attention, hence fine and coarse aggregate coming from natural resources better be limited, if possible is changed with waste product aggregate from industry. Development of science in concrete technology area enables usage of waste becomes concrete former base material, so that in one usage sides of nature material destroying area can be overcome and on the other side waste material is exploited as optimal as possible for concrete former base material. In each week, PT. INCO yields solid waste in the form ofnickel slag in number relative big, that is 77.441 tons. So can be done research about usage of the solid waste as component of concrete former basis, either as fine and coarse aggregate. Purpose of principal of this research is to get correlation equation of high performance concrete with natural aggregate and nickel slag. To all concrete former material is done assaying to follow ASTM standard. Its the former base material consisted of cements, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, water and other admixture. All assayings of concrete mechanical property also follows ASTM standard and done for concrete age 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 56 days, in which three sample specimens were tested for each age. All research result data which has been obtained done by regression analysis nonlinier. Here in after is studied various correlation models of concrete mechanical property which has been tested. Based on correlation model analysis is obtained form of equation as follows : y = abttcfc28, where for :1. Compressive strength :      a = 0,389      b = 0,996       c = 0,323    2. Modulus of elasticity :        a = 353         b = 1,001       c = 0,083         3. Indirect tensile strength :   a = 0,03        b = 1,002       c = 0,1154. Modulus of Rupture :         a = 0,052      b = 0,998      c = 0,224  The advantage of this correlation equation over the standard equation is the ability to analyze the mechanical properties of high performance concrete by function of time 0 < t ≤ 56 and has a smaller standard error