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LEGAL ANALYSIS OF CRYPTO INVESTMENT IN ERA 4.0 VIEW FROM CREDO THEORY Dedah Jubaedah; Hisam Ahyani; Haris Maiza Putra; Armelia Prakasa; Naeli Mutmainah
Diponegoro Law Review Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Diponegoro Law Review October 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/dilrev.7.2.2022.262-278


Today in the era of disruption 4.0, an interesting thing in Indonesia is related to the presence of Crypto Investments such as Bitcoin (digital currency), where which is one of the economic indicators that can affect the global economy. Now business transactions are using online media (digitalization). Therefore, the Indonesian people need legal certainty in utilizing transactions for this crypto investment activity. This study aims to legally analyze crypto investments used for buying and selling transactions in Indonesia from the perspective of Islamic law and creed theory. This study uses the Library Research Method, where the data is obtained by means of a literature study through laws, government regulations, Fatwa DSN MUI, and the theory of creed / testimony / Shahadah. As a result, by referring to the creed theory that Crypto Investments such as Bitcoin have laws that are permitted when used as a medium of exchange. This law only applies to parties who acknowledge and are willing to use it. Meanwhile, Bitcoin as an investment is illegal. However, Crypto as a transaction tool in online trade is a renewable innovation in economic development in Indonesia today. So there is a need for special regulations to use Crypto.
Islamic Economic Literacy: A Paradigma Economic Thought In Indonesia Ahmad Lukman Nugraha; Sofian Al Hakim; Dedah Jubaedah; Antoni Julian; Mohamad Anton Athoillah
Journal of Islamic Economics and Philanthropy Vol. 5 No. 3 (2023): February
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (779.794 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/jiep.v6i1.9279


The author aims to find out the relationship between Islamic economic philosophy and developing economic ideology. The author tries to put forward the relationship between Islamic economic philosophy and the Pancasila ideology as the foundation of the nation. The method research used descriptive qualitative method by a literature study and a normative phisopic. The results of the analysis of this paper suggest that the post-sila economy has aspects in common with the principles of Islamic economic values, namely; the first precept with at-Tawhid, the second with al 'Adalah, the third precept with Ukhuwwah, the fourth precept with Musywarah and the fifth precept with Falah.
Akhlak Tasawuf Dan Penyadaran Anti Korupsi Dedah Jubaedah
ISLAMICA Vol 4 No 1 (2016): ISLAMICA
Publisher : STAI Siliwangi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Scandinavian and South Korean countries, the high levels of corruption in Muslim countries are linked to weak political will and public tolerance to corruption. These two factors are born because the understanding and the religious attitude of the community. In this case, corruption in Muslim countries, particularly in Indonesia deals with the problem of the concept of piety that is understood by its society which emphasizes ritualistic piety rather than social piety, lack of contextualization of religious values ​​which is in accordance with anti-corruption, socialization, Internalization through educational institutions, and institutionalization or process where the value or norms of anti-corruption of Islam practiced in everyday life.Surely Islam is rich with normative values ​​and its traditional law for anti-corruption. Among them is forbidden risywah / bribe, that is a gift of material value or something that is promised to a person with the intention of influencing the decision of the recipient in order to benefit the patron unlawfully. This is because bribes will disrupt the legal and political system. In Islam, bribery as forced to obtain certain rights or to bring benefits, is allowed by some experts, but by some still prohibited / forbidden. The argument is that bribery is a bondage of sin; Bribery leads to the birth of decisions or actions that are unlawful; The act of bribery is tyranny; Because the principle in Islam that preventing harm should be put on rather than taking benefit, and for emergency reasons it is often subjective.Furthermore, normative values ​​and traditional Islamic law are also seen from the concept of ghulul (the taking of state or public property by a non-entitled official) prohibited by QS 3: 161 and Hadith of Bukhari and Muslim where both mention that the perpetrators are threatened not to enter Paradise; The concept of khiyanat which means corruption or abuse of authority to enrich themselves; And corruption as a criminal act similar to hirabah or qath at-thariq (robbery). The reason is since the damage caused massive corruption (mafasid) of corruption in which corruption is caused is greater than the of ordinary individual theft.
HALAL CERTIFICATION IN INDONESIA: Study of Law Number 6 of 2023 on Job Creation Dedah Jubaedah; Mohd Roslan Mohd Nor; Asman Taeali; Haris Maiza Putra; Moh. Ahsanuddin Jauhari; Ahmad Fathan Aniq
Jurisdictie: Jurnal Hukum dan Syariah Vol 14, No 1 (2023): Jurisdictie
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/j.v14i1.19948


The enactment of the Job Creation Law in approval of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 2 of 2022, which became Law No. 6 of 2023 on Job Creation, has resulted in significant changes in halal certification in Indonesia, which is the main focus of this research. This study aims to discuss halal certification in Indonesia following the implementation of the omnibus law on job creation. The author adopts a standardized legal approach and a descriptive-analytical approach through literature research. The research findings indicate that comprehensive legislation is expected to streamline the halal certification process in Indonesia. There are important changes regarding halal certification in Law No. 6 of 2023 compared to Law No. 11 of 2020 on Job Creation. This regulation aims to accelerate and enhance efficiency in halal certification, ensuring legal certainty and fostering trust among Muslim consumers in halal products. The growth of micro-enterprises in terms of expediting halal certification shows positive trends. The research contributes new perspectives and original findings that positively impact problem-solving or theory development in the advancement of halal certification in Indonesia.Lahirnya UU Cipta Kerja sebagai pengesahan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2022 menjadi Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2023 tentang Cipta Kerja telah menghasilkan perubahan signifikan dalam sertifikasi halal di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membahas sertifikasi halal di Indonesia pasca penerapan omnibus law penciptaan lapangan kerja. Penulis mengadopsi pendekatan hukum standar dan pendekatan deskriptif-analitik melalui penelitian literatur. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peraturan yang komprehensif diharapkan dapat merampingkan proses sertifikasi halal di Indonesia. Ada perubahan penting terkait sertifikasi halal pada UU No 6 Tahun 2023 dibandingkan dengan UU No 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja. Regulasi ini bertujuan untuk mempercepat dan meningkatkan efisiensi dalam sertifikasi halal, menjamin kepastian hukum dan menumbuhkan kepercayaan konsumen muslim terhadap produk halal. Pertumbuhan usaha mikro dalam hal percepatan sertifikasi halal menunjukkan tren yang positif. Penelitian ini menyumbangkan perspektif baru dan temuan orisinal yang berdampak positif terhadap pemecahan masalah atau pengembangan teori dalam kemajuan sertifikasi halal di Indonesia.
Phenomena of Domestic Violence Against Women and Divorce in 2020-2022 in Indonesia: An Islamic Perspective Hasanudin Hasanudin; Oyo Sunaryo Mukhlas; Muhammad Farhan Bin Mat Noradin; Ending Solehudin; Dedah Jubaedah
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam Vol. 17 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Sharia Faculty of State Islamic University of Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri, Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24090/mnh.v17i2.7686


The phenomenon of domestic violence for women which leads to divorce has increased dramatically since 2020-2022. In fact, acts of domestic violence have never been justified in religious teachings. Therefore, this study aims to explore the phenomenon of domestic violence against women and divorce in 2020-2022 in Indonesia as well as Islamic views on both. This research uses a qualitative approach to the phenomenological method with data sources taken from reports on social media such as Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook about the phenomenon of domestic violence and divorce in 2020-2022. The research process is divided into three stages, namely the orientation stage, the reduction stage, and the selection stage. The results of this study reveal that: First, the phenomenon of domestic violence against women and leading to divorce has increased; in 2020 there were 226,062 cases increasing to 349,635 cases in 2022. From the search results, cases of domestic violence were caused by several factors such as: 1) unstable family economy due to the pandemic situation spanning 2020-2022; 2) jealousy among spouses because of social media, 3) spouse's family interferes too much in household affairs, and; 3) early marriage; Second, Islamic syari'at through the Qur'an and Sunnah condemns acts of domestic violence in the household for any reason according to the demands of QS: 4: 21, QS: 4: 34, and HR. Bukhari No. 4942. The findings of this study indicate that married couples need to be given education on how to navigate the household ship before they get married so that it is not easy to do domestic violence between partners.
Konsep Kerja dan Produksi Al-Syaibani Dihubungkan dengan Strategi Penanggulangan Pengangguran di Indonesia Anisa Ilmia; Yadi Janwari; Dedah Jubaedah
Al Qalam: Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan Vol. 17, No 5 : Al Qalam (September 2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an (STIQ) Amuntai Kalimantan Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35931/aq.v17i5.2636


Al-Syaibani merupakan pemikir Islam yang memiliki kontribusi besar terhadap teori dan pemikiran ekonomi mikro yang ditulisnya dalam kitab Al-Kasb. Banyak pemikiran-pemikiran ekonomi Al-Syaibaini yang dituangkannya dalam kitab tersebut, terutama mengenai kerja (kasb) dan produksi serta pengklasifikasian kerja. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pemikiran Al-Syaibani tentang kerja (kasb) dan produksi melalui analisis kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan historis. Konsep kerja dan produksi menurut Al-Syaibani merupakan bagian dari kewajiban yang harus ditunaikan setiap muslim karena akan mendukung ketaatan kepada Allah SWT. Pengklasifikasian kerja menurut Al-Syaibani dapat dilakukan pada sektor perdagangan, sewa menyewa, pertanian dan perindustrian. Di Indonesia, strategi dan kebijakan yang diterapkan pemerintah untuk mengatasi persoalan lapangan kerja dan pengangguran cukup relevan dengan pemikiran Al-Syaibani mengenai kerja (kasb) dan pengklasifikasian kerja.
Equality: Journal of Islamic Law (EJIL) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Equality: Journal of Islamic Law (EJIL)
Publisher : Program Doktor Hukum Islam Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/ejil.v1i1.479


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Eksistensi Fintech Alami Sharia pada pembiayaan Crowdfunding, di mana kehadiran Financial Technologi merupakan efek positif dari perkembangan teknologi di bidang keuangan, fintech yang berlandaskan syariat Islam menjadi inovasi besar pada keuangan syariah khususnya di Indonesia. Penelitian termasuk jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan fokus pada sumber data, terutama data-data yang ditemukan melalui analisis kepustakaan (library research). Metode ini masuk dalam kategori penelitian kepustakaan, yang dalam konteks penelitian hukum dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai penelitian yuridis normatif atau penelitian hukum kepustakaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kehadiran Fintech Alami sharia dengan segala inovasi dan eksistensinya terutama dalam pembiayaan crowdfunding yang sudah terbukti membantu banyak UMKM membuat keuangan syariah Indonesia diakui ruang internasional pada penghargaan GIFA 2022, hal ini menjadi motivasi sekaligus gerbang kesuksesan keuangan syariah bisa melaju dengan cepat. Abstract: This study aims to analyze the existence of Natural Sharia Fintech in Crowdfunding financing, where the presence of Financial Technology is a positive effect of technological developments in finance, fintech based on Islamic law is a major innovation in Islamic finance, especially in Indonesia. Research is a type of qualitative research with a focus on data sources, especially data found through library research. This method is included in the category of literature research, which in the context of legal research can be classified as normative juridical research or literature law research. The results of this study show that the presence of Fintech Alami sharia with all its innovations and existence, especially in crowdfunding financing which has been proven to help many MSMEs make Indonesian sharia finance recognized internationally at the 2022 GIFA awards, this is a motivation as well as a gateway to the success of Islamic finance can go quickly.