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Pancasila as an Enforcer of Justice and Equality Fandiatira Junarizki; Farhan Yoga Hamdani; Pandu Aji Prasojo; Riska Andi Fitriono
QISTINA: Jurnal Multidisiplin Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : CV. Rayyan Dwi Bharata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (179.188 KB) | DOI: 10.57235/qistina.v1i2.170


Pancasila is the spirit of the people (soul of the nation) which is the ideology of the nation and state. Indonesia needs police who have the soul of Pancasila to build their own integrity and justice in society. The purpose of writing this article is to explain to law enforcement agencies the nature of Pancasila in upholding its own integrity and justice. This writing method is normative writing through an analytical approach. The result of writing this article is that Pancasila has valuable elements that can be used to build integrity for Polri members and has positive energy to realize social justice. The role of Pancasila in enhancing the integrity of law enforcement is to encourage police officers to internalize, investigate, seek and find values in the soul of the community to realize justice which is not only legal, but also social justice. namely justice that respects equality between humans and other humans in society.
Pancasila as a Container for Character Building Ellen Rolinda; Prety Niken Mustofa; Tanaya Marlian Alfianti; Riska Andi Fitriono
IJRAEL: International Journal of Religion Education and Law Vol 1, No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : CV. Rayyan Dwi Bharata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (177.976 KB) | DOI: 10.57235/ijrael.v1i2.129


Pancasila represents the good character of the Indonesian nation and is a very appropriate spirit if applied in Indonesia, a country with many cultural problems, and a complex government. Pancasila contains five very good rules used to build the character of the Indonesian nation. Pancasila is the basic ideology of the Indonesian nation, inherited from the ancestors of our founders. Pancasila consists of two Sanskrit words, panca which means five and sila which means principle or principle. Pancasila represents the character of the Indonesian nation and is a very appropriate spirit when applied in Indonesia, a country with many cultural problems, and complex governance. The life of the Indonesian nation demands the application of the values contained in Pancasila, which reflects the original personality of the Indonesian nation. The values, norms, and ethics contained in Pancasila become a very complete and unified part of the personality of every Indonesian citizen, as well as giving direction to the Indonesian nation. Furthermore, Pancasila also signifies character values that are incorporated into the lives of Indonesian citizens.
Pancasila as Law Enforcement Ethics Bagas Setyo Nugroho; Nurul Muarifah; Terysa Puji Rahayu; Riska Andi Fitriono
JETISH: Journal of Education Technology Information Social Sciences and Health Vol 1, No 2 (2002): November 2022
Publisher : CV. Rayyan Dwi Bharata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (159.615 KB) | DOI: 10.57235/jetish.v1i2.134


Pancasila is not only a source of derivation of legislation, but also a source of morality, especially in relation to the legitimacy of power, law and various policies in the implementation and administration of the state. The existence of the first precept of “The Almighty Godhead”, and the second precept of “Fair and Civilized Humanity” is the source of moral values for national and state life. The state of Indonesia which is based on the first precept of “The Almighty God” is not a “theocracy” state which bases state power and state administration on religious legitimacy. The power of the head of state is not absolute based on religious legitimacy but based on legal legitimacy and democratic legitimacy. Therefore, the principle of the principle of “Godhead of the Almighty” has more to do with moral legitimacy. This is what distinguishes the Almighty God from theocracy. The writing method in this journal is a qualitative method, with an interdisciplinary approach. Although in the Indonesian state it is not based on religious legitimacy, morally the life of the state must be in accordance with the values derived from God, especially the law and morals in the life of the state.
Pancasila as the Ideology of the State and Nation Andika Fikri Wirasena; Faiza Ryszard Ardana; Niken Ayu Nurmawati; Riska Andi Fitriono
JETISH: Journal of Education Technology Information Social Sciences and Health Vol 1, No 2 (2002): November 2022
Publisher : CV. Rayyan Dwi Bharata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (171.593 KB) | DOI: 10.57235/jetish.v1i2.136


Ideology has a central position for every nation. This main position is because ideology functions as a direction or guideline for the nation to achieve its goals. Furthermore, another function possessed by ideology is as a tool to stem the occurrence of social conflicts in society so that every society can live in centrism and also have a high sense of solidarity. Another function of ideology is to be a unifying tool of a nation. Every nation, of course, has diversity both in tribes, languages, customs, cultures, and so on. Therefore, in this article, the author intends to explore the position of pancasila as the ideology of the Indonesian nation. The research method used in this article is to explore supporting concepts such as e-books, articles, and the internet. The purpose of this writing is to explore the concept of pancasila which is positioned as the ideology of the Indonesian nation. Ideology has a function to unite the diversity that exists in society so that a good national and state life can be formed.
Implementation of Pancasila as a National Identity in Era 4.0 Anugrah Ratri Pangestuti; Salma Septyaningrum; Yunita Nur Hidayah; Riska Andi Fitriono
JETISH: Journal of Education Technology Information Social Sciences and Health Vol 1, No 2 (2002): November 2022
Publisher : CV. Rayyan Dwi Bharata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (177.84 KB) | DOI: 10.57235/jetish.v1i2.124


Values, histories, and ideals are a community bond called national identity. National Identity itself has factors that affect the dynamics of globalization. Globalization can develop various aspects of life such as science, technology, values and culture. In this study using the literature study method by collecting various references and secondary sources such as journals, books, articles, research reports, and various good internet sites. Efforts to maintain national identity in the era of globalization can be studied in literature studies that can be studied in literature studies that can strengthen the problem.The challenges in facing the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 are: (1) based on pancasila (2) increasing human resources based on the value of pancasila (3) choosing pancasila as the state ideology.
Pancasila as an Ethical System Stefany Dian Nugraheni; Victorya Angel; Vika Herta Puspita; Widya Nirmala Santi; Riska Andi Fitriono
JETISH: Journal of Education Technology Information Social Sciences and Health Vol 1, No 2 (2002): November 2022
Publisher : CV. Rayyan Dwi Bharata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (184.728 KB) | DOI: 10.57235/jetish.v1i2.126


Pancasila and Ethics are two things that cannot be separated, remember that in both Pancasila and Ethics both contain and teach each other good values. Pancasila ethics is a behavior to regulate life society, nation and state which has a fundamental assessment according to view of the values of Pancasila, namely the values of democracy, the values of justice, and the values of unity. An activity or deed can be said to be good not only if it is not neglected the values of Pancasila, but how to practice the characteristics of Pancasila which there has become something that can provide more benefits for others. Although the values in Pancasila are a form of value crystallization process who live in a social reality, customs and religion, however actually Pancasila also has a universal nature so that it can be recognized by anyone anywhere and anytime. Pancasila Ethics discusses very essential qualities in human existence. Implementing one of the Pancasila values is not enough, because Pancasila is a system of values that cannot be separated from one another each other. Therefore, Pancasila is used as a moral formation and implemented in the life of society, nation and state. Effective implementation of Pancasila values can be done through education and social media. Education can be supported through formal education in the school environment, informal in the family environment, and non-formal in the community environment. Meanwhile, through social media, the media must have a vision and mission which can build and educate the character of society to think forward with Indonesian personality
Pancasila as the Basis of the State Alya Fitria Nida; Diah Wening Rizky; Revan Ramadhani; Riska Andi Fitriono
JETISH: Journal of Education Technology Information Social Sciences and Health Vol 1, No 2 (2002): November 2022
Publisher : CV. Rayyan Dwi Bharata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (153.745 KB) | DOI: 10.57235/jetish.v1i2.138


Pancasila is the basis of the state or commonly referred to as the Ideology of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Pancasila is the legal basis in the implementation of state and national life. Pancasila is a guideline for norms that regulate life both in terms of economic, social, legal culture, education and others. Pancasila as the basis of the state means that every item of Pancasila values is a foundation in the state as an Indonesian citizen and is a guideline in living daily life in order to create an alignment of values and norms according to the teachings of Pancasila as the basis of the state.