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Qardhul Hasan: Media Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 8 No. 3 (2022): DESEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (699.08 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/qh.v8i3.6628


This Community Service activity aims to provide knowledge related to quality control aspects through assistance in quality control of the yogurt production process in the yogurt SME business actors Sukabirus, Megamendung-Bogor District. The marketing of yogurt is quite extensive while quality control does not yet exist, it is hoped that the quality of the products marketed is of good quality and can compete in the market. Assistance in quality control of final product analysis on pH parameters and brix degrees. Analysis of the data on the quality control of the final product using a simple Microsoft Excel analysis whose results are compared with the competitor's products and SNI. The results of this yogurt quality control assistance show that the pH value of the yogurt flavor variant in yogurt SMEs is around 3.5-3.8 and the brix degree value is 13.5%. Prior to the quality control assistance, yogurt SMEs did not know the quality of the products produced. After the assistance of quality control in the analysis of the final product, the yogurt produced meets SNI standards, there are no damaged products because the production of yogurt is adjusted to market demand, the yogurt produced is fresh and of good quality so that it can compete in the market. Keywords: Quality Control Assistance, yogurt SMEs.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Pangan Halal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): JURNAL ILMIAH PANGAN HALAL
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda

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This study aims to determine the ability and real picture of warteg in the application of food safety, aspects of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) which are inhibiting factors for the application of food safety, implementation of SSOP (Standard Sanitation Operating Procedures). The research design is an assessment of the application of GMP by using a processing facility inspection form (BPOM, 1999) or by using a revised draft of the CPMB examination form (BPOM, 2005). After the data is collected, problem identification is carried out by referring to the results of the assessment of the application of GMP in processing facilities. SSOP and list of forms are prepared based on the identification results. Research on the questionnaire checklist to 65 respondents about GMP and SSOP statistically, namely; The numbers obtained (r Pearson) are compared with the r table for α = 0.05 with N = 65 at 0.2027. Based on the analysis results it can be seen that items 11, 15, 23, and 24 have a correlation value less than 0.2027. The results of the assessment of the weight of the GMP application at the warteg are in accordance with KEPMENKES RI 715 / MENKES / SK / V / 2003 with a total score of 62 that has not met the minimum score of 70 from the maximum value of 82, this is caused by several factors such as location, air conditioning system, employee hygiene , employee discipline, use of equipment and materials, repeated cooking processes, use of Food Additive, very low wages, the training program from the related agency is still not sustainable.
PENJAMINAN MUTU DAN KEHALALAN PRODUK OLAHAN SUSU Octaviannus Amen; Aji Jumiono; Mohamad Ali Fulazzaky
Jurnal Ilmiah Pangan Halal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): JURNAL ILMIAH PANGAN HALAL
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda

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Quality assurance and halalness of processed milk products must be started from the process of producing cow's milk on farms to the distribution process and its direct use by consumers or for industrial use. In the process of processing milk that is processed into various processed milk products in the form of cheese, yoghurt, ice cream, and butter, it has a critical point of halalness. The source of additional materials used during the product processing process is the main critical point for its halalness. The use of additives such as sugar as a sweetener, microbial starter culture for the fermentation process, coloring, flavor, and fatty acids as emulsifiers are examples of critical points for materials that the sources can from non-halal animal materials or halal animals that are not slaughtered according to Islamic law.
Filosofi Ilmu Pengetahuan Dilihat Dari Prespektif Profesionalisme Dunia Kerja Desi Tirtawati; Ali Fulazzaky
Jurnal Ilmiah Pangan Halal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Pangan Halal
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30997/jiph.v3i2.9694


Ilmu pengetahuan merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari filsafat. Ilmu pengetahuan mencakup tiga hal yaitu rasionalitas, menyeluruh dan mendasar. Dalam dunia kerja penerapan ilmu pengetahuan sering dikaitkan dengan istilah profesionalisme dimana saat ini profesionalisme sering dinilai berdasarkan sertifikasi kompetensi yang dimliki oleh pekerja. Sejauh mana pentingnya kompetensi dalam menilai profesionalitas seorang pekerja dapat dilihat dari sejauh mana seorang pekerja mampu untuk menerapkan tiga unsur profesionalisme yaitu knowledge, skill, integrity yang dilandasi dengan iman yang teguh, pandai untuk bersyukur dan kemauan untuk belajar secara terus menerus. Seorang pekerja yang yang baik memiliki pemahamam maupun penguasaan terhadap ilmu pengetahuan yang luas, tidak hanya berdasarkan pada satu kompetensi keilmuan saja, dan mampu bekerja dengan profesional. Pada hakikatnya ilmu pengetahuan terus berkembang sesuai dengan zaman. Profesionalisme tanpa didasari oleh pemahaman akan ilmu pengetahuan sama halnya dengan sesorang bekerja tanpa tujuan, apa yang mau diperoleh dari hasil pekerjaan yang dilakukan serta apa dampak yang dapat dirasakan oleh orang lain yang menerima pekerjaan kita. Karena itu, bekerja bukan hanya sekedar menunaikan kewajiban tetapi lebih pada pengamalan ilmu pengetahuan yang kita miliki untuk bisa memberikan dampak yang baik bagi orang lain yaitu masyarakat yang menerima hasil dari pekerjaan kita.