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Legalite : Jurnal Perundang Undangan dan Hukum Pidana Islam Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : IAIN Langsa

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Penelitian ini ingin menganalisis pengaturan autopsi dalam perpektif hukum Islam, menganalisis pelaksanaan autopsi di provinsi Aceh, dan ingin mengetahui kendala pelaksanaan autopsi pada masyarakat Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif dan yuridis sosiologis. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan ditemukan hasil: Pertama, Dalam kondisi tertentu, autopsi dibenarkan menurut hukum Islam. Beberapa ulama berpendapat bahwa autopsi forensik melanggar rasa hormat mayat karena memotong atau menghancurkan tulang. Akan tetapi, sebagian ulama membenarkan autopsi dengan dalih menciptakan manfaat di bidang keselamatan, keadilan dan kesehatan. Kedua, Autopsi di Aceh dilaksanakan berdasarkan Pasal 133 KUHAP. Untuk penegakan hukum, jenazah dikirim ke ahli medis untuk perawatan yang layak, dengan penghormatan terhadap jenazah, dan label identitas jenazah, lokasi, dan stempel. Kemudian penyidik mengeluarkan surat permintaan dan autopsi dilakukan setelah keluarga dihubungi, atau dua hari kemudian jika keluarga menolak autopsi atau keluarga tidak dapat ditemukan. Selanjutnya dilakukan autopsi, meliputi pemeriksaan luar dan dalam, meliputi: sayatan (sectioning), pengangkatan organ dalam, pemeriksaan masing-masing organ dalam satu per satu, pemulihan organ dalam tubuh, jahitan, dan pemeriksaan penunjang. Kemudian dikembalikan ke pihak keluarga untuk proses mandi, kafan dan penguburan. Organ internal yang dikeluarkan kemudian dimasukkan kembali ke dalam tubuh atau disimpan dalam stoples yang diisi formalin untuk dipelajari atau diteliti. Ketiga, Hambatan pelaksanaan autopsi di Aceh adalah Pola pikir masyarakat yang terbatas, kurangnya keahlian petugas penegak hukum, kurangnya kesadaran dan pemahaman keluarga korban, biaya untuk melakukan autopsi, keterbatasan fasilitas untuk melakukan autopsi, dan kurangnya sumber daya manusia sebagai dokter bedah autopsi.
Relevansi Pembiayaan Haji pada Pegadaian Syariah Lhokseumawe dengan Fatwa MUI No: 92 Tahun 2014 Iswandi Iswandi
Syarah: Jurnal Hukum Islam & Ekonomi Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): SYARAH : Jurnal Hukum Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47766/syarah.v11i2.868


The presence of arrum haji products in Islamic pawnshops KCP Lhokseumawe makes people obsessed with borrowing money at Islamic pawnshops. However, this has also led to a sense of doubt and curiosity and even anxiety to customers about arrum Hajj products. This is because indirectly financing Hajj through arrum Hajj products seem the same as financing Hajj through Hajj bailout funds. In addition, the Qur'an also states that Hajj is only required for those who are able to carry it out, not vice versa. Of course this becomes a dilemma that has implications for customer anxiety and unrest. To get a definite answer related to the legal status of Hajj financing through arrum Hajj products, this study was studied using qualitative methods. The nature of this study is normative empirical. The results of this study is that the product arrum Hajj at pegadaian syariah KCP Lhokseumawe different from the financing of Hajj through bailout Hajj. In addition, the financing of Hajj through arrum Hajj products in terms of mechanisms and operations is relevant to the provisions of the Mui DSN Fatwa number: 92/DSN-MUI/IV/2014 on financing accompanied by Rahn, the law may register Hajj through arrum Hajj products. However, it is better to perform Hajj do not use borrowed funds or debt.
Konsep Suaka Politik dalam Perspektif Fikih Siyasah Iswandi Iswandi
TANFIDZIY Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Tanfidziy: Jurnal Hukum Tata Negara dan Siyasah
Publisher : Constitutional Law and Siyasah Department, Sharia and Law Faculty, IAIN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (384.82 KB) | DOI: 10.47766/tanfidziy.v1i2.1059


human rights is a right owned by every human being in all parts of the world. Human rights have been owned by mankind since birth to the surface of the Earth, such as the right to life, religious rights and citizenship rights. All these rights cannot be taken away from humanity, even the whole world recognizes them. However, the reality that occurs in some countries there are still those who do not get human rights protection in their own country so they are forced to seek asylum in other countries. The method used in this study is a qualitative method. Sources of data are derived from primary data and secondary data obtained by tracing the literature related to the problems studied in this study. The nature of this research is included in the research that uses descriptive analytical method. The results of this study explain that every country is obliged to protect applicants for political asylum without distinction of Religion, Nation, tribe, race and group. The granting of asylum is based on humanitarian principles to protect human rights