Januar Aziz Zaenurrohman
Department of Geological Engineering Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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TATA KELOLA TAMAN NASIONAL MERU BETIRI (TNMB) BERDASARKAN ASPEK GEOLOGI LINGKUNGAN Januar Aziz Zaenurrohman; Januar Fery Irawan; Indra Permanajati; Sachrul Iswahyudi
Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Departemen Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (887.935 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtsl.2020.007.1.3


Meru Betiri National Park (TNMB) is a natural conservation area related to land use that impact on the environment. Land-use suitability with land capability is essential so that the impact of the geological environment that can occur can be reduced and controlled. The research aims to determine the aspects of environmental geology and zoning land capability for governance of TNMB. Geological aspects of the environmental order that support this research are morphology (slope), lithology, hydrogeology (river density), and land cover. Each aspect is a parameter in the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) evaluation method. The weight of each parameter of the AHP evaluation result is 26% for slope, 19% for lithology, 11% for river density, and 44% for land cover. The result of overlay parameters yields a score of each zoning and is classified into 4 (four) zoning land capabilities for governance of TNMB. The land use zone for governance of TNMB is divided into high capability zones, medium capability, low capability, and very low capability. High and medium capability zones can be used as conservation of TNMB primary forests.
GEOGRAPHY : Jurnal Kajian, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Vol 11, No 1 (2023): APRIL
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/geography.v11i1.14380


Abstrak: Gerakan tanah (longsor) fenomena alam yang sering menimbulkan bencana dan kerugian besar baik dari segi harta benda, sarana dan prasarana, maupun nyawa manusia. Perhatian khusus diberikan pada zona bahaya longsor karena terkait dengan keselamatan masyarakat yang tinggal di sana, terutama dengan keadaan lingkungan alam di Indonesia, dimana faktor penyebab lingkungan geologi yang kompleks, topografi dan iklim sangat dominan. Beberapa wilayah Indonesia termasuk Kabupaten Purbalingga rawan longsor. Peta kerentanan longsor yang ada saat ini memiliki   skala   yang   besar   dan cakupan   wilayah   Kabupaten.   Penelitian   ini bertujuan untuk menentukan bobot parameter yang berpengaruh terhadap gerakan tanah serta memetakan zonasi kerentanan gerakan tanah pada lingkup kecamatan dengan skala yang lebih detail. Hasil dari peta zona kerentanan longsor skala kecamatan dapat menjadi acuan yang lebih aplikatif bagi pemerintah setempat untuk diterapkan sebagai panduan serta acuan dalam mengambil kebijkan tentang pemanfaatan lingkungan serta sebagai dasar mitigasi prabencana. Metode yang dilakukan adalah analisis data spasial dengan parameter kemiringan lereng, curah hujan, jenis batuan, tata guna lahan, struktur geologi, dan kerapatan sungai. Zonasi kerentanan gerakan tanah pada Kecamatan Karangjambu dibagi 3 (tiga), yaitu: zona kerentanan rendah dengan luas sekitar 20%, zona kerentanan menengah dengan luas sekitar 45%, dan zona kerentanan tinggi dengan luas sekitar 35%.Abstract:  Landslides are natural phenomena that often cause disasters and great losses in terms of property, facilities, and infrastructure, as well as human lives. Special attention is given to the landslide hazard zone because it is related to the safety of the people who live there, especially with the state of the natural environment in Indonesia, where the factors causing complex geological environments, topography, and climate are very dominant. Several areas of Indonesia, including the Purbalingga Regency, are prone to landslides. The current landslide susceptibility map has a large scale and covers the Regency area. This study aims to determine the weight of the parameters that affect ground motion and to map the zoning of ground movement vulnerability in the sub-district scope with a more detailed scale. The results of the sub-district scale landslide vulnerability zone map can be a more applicable reference for the local government to be applied as a guide and reference in taking policies on environmental utilization and as a basis for pre-disaster mitigation. The method used is spatial data analysis with parameters of rock type, geological structure, slope, rainfall, land use, and river density. Zoning landslide vulnerability in Karangjambu District is divided into 3 (three), namely: low landslide vulnerability zone with an area of about 20%, medium landslide vulnerability zone with an area of about 45%, and high landslide vulnerability zone with an area of about 35%.