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Pembelajaran Daring Berbasis Pendekatan Studi Kasus di Era Digital Syakur Wildan; Husni Idris
AS-SABIQUN Vol 5 No 1 (2023): JANUARI
Publisher : Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini STIT Palapa Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36088/assabiqun.v5i1.2717


Today's digital age learning is not teacher-centered, it will be entirely student-centered. This is because all aspects of learning use a lot of supporting media such as learning videos, PowerPoint, and so on. Planning needs to be done in terms of the readiness of teachers and students to utilize information and communication technology, such as the internet from laptops and computers as well as applications via smartphones. The case study approach as an approach to online learning is an alternative way to provide ways to make learning more innovative and fun. In essence, the case study in question is seeking data information aimed at solving a particular problem or case in an attempt to provide a precise and accurate solution by considering the data obtained from the field. Therefore, the case study approach in online learning is expected to be a new breakthrough in distance learning which has limitations in monitoring students intensely because they can only see their body movements. The research method used is a qualitative research method with observation and interview techniques which are the main data collected during the research. Data analysis used by researchers is data reduction, data presentation, and verification. This study aims to provide insight into the educational component in managing ways in the digital era by using targeted technology. Apart from that, educators and students must be able to adapt to today's more digitalized environment.
Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Autoplay dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa di MTs Kota Samarinda Husni Idris; Fathur Rahman; Rabiatul Adawiyah Syarief
Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Education Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Education, December 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of UINSI Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (412.701 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/sajie.v0i0.3929


Penelitian ini merupakan penilian research and development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan Borg dan Gall. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan produk multimedia autoplay pada pembelajaran biologi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada dua sekolah yaitu MTS N Samarinda dan MTSs DDI Tani Aman dengan tiga uji lapangan yaitu preliminary field testing, main field testing dan operational field testing pada aspek pembelajaran, materi dan media. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui bahwa, tahap preliminary field testing skor rata-rata keseluruhan aspek untuk MTS N Samarinda adalah 3,94 dan MTSs DDI Tani Aman 3,90 yang termasuk kategori baik. Tahap main field testing skor rata-rata keseluruhan aspek untuk MTS N Samarinda adalah 3,84 dan MTSs DDI Tani Aman 3,91 yang termasuk kategori baik. Tahap operational field testing skor rata-rata keseluruhan aspek untuk MTS N Samarinda 3,62 dan MTSs DDI Tani Aman 3,44 yang termasuk kategori baik. Peningkatan hasil belajar terlihat dari nilai pretes dan postes yang mengalami peningkatan yaitu pada MTS N Samarinda, nilai pretes 45,42% dan postes 89,68% sedangkan MTSs DDI Tani Aman, nilai pretes 44,30% dan nilai postes 88,25%.
Implementation of Project Base-Learning in Improving Critical Thinking Skills in Early Childhood Okta Sulistiyo Rina Hatuwe; Sy. Nurul Syobah; Husni Idris
ITQAN: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Kependidikan Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023): ITQAN: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Kependidikan
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan (FTIK) IAIN Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47766/itqan.v14i1.1543


This study investigates the implementation of Project-Based Learning (PBL) as a means to improve critical thinking skills in early childhood. The research was conducted at Nurul Hikmah Integrated Islamic Kindergarten (TKIT) and Handayani III Kindergarten (TK) in Penajam Paser Utara District, with the aim of supporting the implementation of the independent curriculum. This study uses a qualitative research design, using data collection techniques such as interviews, observations, and document studies. while data collection techniques are carried out by condensing data, displaying data, and drawing conclusions. The research findings show that PBL has proven to be an effective approach in improving early childhood critical thinking skills. Through the implementation of carefully planned PBL activities, children showed significant progress in their ability to identify problems, generate creative solutions, and consider different perspectives. In addition, PBL encourages the development of social skills, collaboration and creativity through teamwork and group discussions. Based on the research findings, it is recommended that the implementation of PBL in early childhood education follows a structured process. This includes defining clear learning objectives, selecting interesting and relevant project topics, setting realistic time frames, defining assessment criteria, providing necessary materials and resources, and offering guidance and support throughout the learning process. This research contributes to the existing literature by providing insights into the effective implementation of PBL to enhance critical thinking skills in early childhood education. The findings underscore the importance of well-structured planning, implementation, and evaluation to maximize the benefits of PBL. Further research is encouraged to explore additional factors and strategies that can further improve PBL implementation and outcomes in early childhood education settings. This study also identified several supporting factors that influence the successful implementation of PBL, including: the presence of creative and visionary teachers, a conducive learning environment, relevant learning content and the availability of resources. Conversely, inhibiting factors such as limited support from families, rigid curriculum constraints, limited resources and time constraints were also recognized.
Educational Institution Strategic Plan Model Erna Lutfijah; Nur Kholik Afandi; Husni Idris
Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33487/edumaspul.v7i1.6360


The strategic plan model is to explain the actions in the process of achieving the goals to be completed. This study aims to examine the strategic planning model. This study uses the library research method by collecting materials containing content about the strategic planning model. This study describes the meaning of strategic planning models, strategic planning components, and strategic planning models. The strategic planning steps include the following: 1) Set organizational goals and direction; 2) Learn about the environment inside and outside; 3) Formulate strategies; 4) Implement strategies; 5) Evaluate and monitor strategies. The strategic planning models are as follows: 1) "Basic" Strategic Planning Model; 2) Planning model based on problems or objectives; 3) Alignment or Alignment Model; 4) Scenario Planning Model; 5) Organic or Self-Organization Planning Model.
Online Learning Model Implemented in Islamic Education in Post Covid-19 Pandemic: Case of Multicultural Students in Indonesia Husni Idris; Rabiatul Adawiyah
Dinamika Ilmu Vol 23 No 2 (2023): Dinamika Ilmu, 23(2), December 2023
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/di.v23i2.6376


Limited studies focused on the teaching and learning process in the Covid-19 pandemic with multicultural conditions of students. Thus, this study aims to determine the various models of online learning in the field of Islamic education lessons (PAI) after the Covid-19 pandemic in Islamic high schools in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, in the context of multicultural conditions of students. This research is a case study where the focus of research is to investigate the natural phenomenon that happened during the Covid-19 pandemic especially related to how online learning was implemented in the teaching and learning process after the Covid-19 pandemic. The data collected focuses on gathering information about the actual conditions related to the various models of learning used by teachers in the field of Islamic education lessons. The data sources in this study consist of primary and secondary data sources gained from 26 teachers in 8 Islamic high schools in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The results of the study showed that the online learning model for the field of Islamic education lessons implemented after Covid-19 is a blended learning model. It is supported by online learning media such as WhatsApp Group, Google Classroom, Zoom Meeting, YouTube, Google Meet, Madrasah e-learning, and Facebook which can ease the students with multicultural circumstances in acquiring lessons from teachers. Advantages and challenges faced by teachers and students are explored in this research, and novelty and pedagogical implications are offered for future studies.
Kafa’ah Dalam Membina Keluarga Harmonis: Suatu Tinjauan Konseptual Dalam Pernikahan Perspektif Maslahah: Kafa’ah In Building Harmonious Families: A Conceptual Review In The Perspective Of Maslahah In Marriage Mujenni Mujenni; Alfitri; Husni Idris
Jurnal Kolaboratif Sains Vol. 7 No. 6: Juni 2024 - In Progress
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56338/jks.v7i6.5402


Penelitian ini mengkaji konsep kafa’ah dalam membina keluarga harmonis dari perspektif maslahah dalam pernikahan. Kafa’ah menekankan pentingnya kesetaraan dan keseimbangan antara suami istri dalam berbagai aspek seperti agama, nasab, status sosial, dan ekonomi. Kesetaraan ini adalah landasan penting untuk memastikan kelayakan pasangan dalam menjalani kehidupan berumah tangga dan berkontribusi pada keharmonisan keluarga. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif deskriptif dan menggunakan pendekatan studi kepustakaan untuk mengkaji konsep kafa’ah dalam pernikahan berdasarkan perspektif maslahah. Sumber data utama berasal dari kitab-kitab klasik seperti al Fiqhi ’Ala Madzahib al-Arba’ah dan kitab-kitab kontemporer, sementara data sekunder diperoleh dari buku, artikel, dan jurnal yang relevan. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan metode Miles dan Huberman yang meliputi kondensasi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Uji keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi untuk memastikan validitas dan menghindari bias. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pemahaman mendalam tentang kafa’ah dan maslahah sangatlah krusial untuk membina keluarga yang harmonis dan bahagia. Dari perspektif maslahah, prinsip tersebut dapat disesuaikan dengan konteks dan kebutuhan masyarakat untuk menjaga kesejahteraan keluarga dengan memperhatikan lima kebutuhan dasar; agama, jiwa, akal, keturunan, dan harta. Penerapan prinsip-prinsip ini mendukung terciptanya keluarga yang harmonis dan sejahtera, dengan elemen-elemen penting seperti penghargaan, kasih sayang, komitmen, komunikasi positif, waktu bersama, kesejahteraan spiritual, dan kemampuan mengelola stres.