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Perbandingan Efektivitas Kaplet Antipiretik Dua Merek Dagang Parasetamol Dan Produk Generik Terhadap Mencit (Mus Musculus) Jantan Ulfa Ni'ammah; Nasruhan Arifianto
Pharmed: Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Medical Research Vol 1, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (525.499 KB) | DOI: 10.25273/pharmed.v1i2.2972


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan efektivitas antipiretik dari parasetamol bermerek dengan harga mahal, parasetamol bermerek dengan harga generik (murah) dan parasetamol generik pada mencit demam. Hewan coba dalam penelitian ini menggunakan mencit Mus musculus jantan. Tahapan penelitian pemberian perlakuan pada hewan coba meliputi sebelum diberi perlakuan mencit diukur suhu rektalnya (suhu awal), kemudian disuntik dengan pepton 5% secara subkutan. Satu jam kemudian suhu rektal kembali diukur, setelah itu mencit diberi perlakuan dengan bahan uji dan kontrol negatif. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh berupa persentase daya antipiretik parasetamol bermerek dengan harga mahal, parasetamol bermerek dengan harga generik (murah) dan parasetamol produk generik berturut-turut sebesar 0,86%, 1,07% dan 0,41% pada waktu pengamatan menit ke-60. Efek antipiretik parasetamol paling efektif digunakan untuk menurunkan suhu rektal mencit demam yaitu parasetamol merek B dan efektivitas terkecil terdapat pada parasetamol generik.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Care Anwar Medika (J-PhAM) Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Journal of Pharmaceutical Care Anwar Medika
Publisher : STIKES Rumah Sakit Anwar Medika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36932/jpcam.v4i2.66


Patients with moderate and severe brain injury have increased recently. They were having a lot of complications namely seizures,hyperthermia, pain and several other complications. One of the most common complication in patients with moderate and severebrain injury is acute hyperthermia. Acetaminophen is often used for this case. The study of this clinical observation isto compare the effectiveness of Acetaminophen as an antipyretic in patients with moderate and severe brain injuriesin one of the hospitals in Surabaya. The population of this study was patients with moderate and severe brain injuries in ward in one of the hospitals in Surabayawho obtained paracetamol as the therapy. The study was taken from January to April. We studied 16 patients who had febrile episode, 8 patients with moderate brain injury and 8 patients with severe brain injuryreceived acetaminophen, 8 byaxilla examination. Patient's temperature was measured before and 15, 30 minute, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 hours after drug infusion. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of acetaminophen as anantipyretic in moderate brain injury were significantly different (p = 0.583). The Effectiveness of acetaminophen as antipyretic in severe brain injury does have a significant difference (p = 0.651). Acetaminophen have the antipyretic activity in moderate and severebraininjuryinone of the hospitals in Surabaya.
Perbandingan Efektivitas Antipiretik dan Analgesik Dua Merek Dagang Parasetamol dan Produk Generik Terhadap Mencit (Mus Musculus) Jantan Cinthya Ratna Yuniar; Nasruhan Arifianto; Dian Nita Triana
Journal of Pharmaceutical Care Anwar Medika (J-PhAM) Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Journal of Pharmaceutical Care Anwar Medika
Publisher : STIKES Rumah Sakit Anwar Medika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36932/jpcam.v4i2.67


Antipyretics and analgesics are drugs that can suppress or reduce the increase in body temperature and suppress pain by inhibiting COX. In the market, branded products are often considered to have a higher quality than generic products, and patients are often found who are fanatical about one of these trademarks. Even though the products on the market have been tested for the quality of these products. Therefore, a study was conducted to compare the antipyretic and analgesic effectiveness of branded paracetamol at a higher price with branded paracetamol at a generic price (cheap) and generic paracetamol in mice induced by fever and induced pain. Experimental animals in this study used male mice (Mus musculus). The stages of antipyretic research are giving treatment to experimental animals before being treated, mice are measured rectal temperature (initial temperature), then injected with 5% peptone subcutaneously. One hour later the rectal temperature was measured again, after which the mice were treated with the test material and negative control. To test the effectiveness of analgesics, a chemical stimulation method was used which was carried out on male mice (mus musculus) given the pain-inducing compound acetic acid 0.6% (writhing test). The antipyretic test results obtained in the form of the percentage of the antipyretic power of branded paracetamol at an expensive price, branded paracetamol at a generic price (cheap) and paracetamol generic products at 0.86%, 1.07% and 0.41%, respectively, at the minute to minute observation. -60. The most effective antipyretic effect of paracetamol used to reduce the rectal temperature of febrile mice was brand B paracetamol and the lowest effectiveness was found in generic paracetamol. The analgesic effectiveness test in this study showed that there was a significant difference in analgesic effectiveness from each test group. The greatest analgesic effectiveness occurred in brand A paracetamol products with % pain inhibition in a total of 20 minutes by 47.37% and the smallest analgesic effectiveness occurred in generic paracetamol products with % pain inhibition in a total time of 20 minutes by 38.05%.
Peran Apoteker dalam Pengobatan Swamedikasi Diare Anak Yaya Sulthon Aziz; Nasruhan Arifianto; Dea Hayyu Khofifa Fi’if
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/jipmi.v2i2.101


Latar belakang: Swamedikasi merupakan penggunaan obat modern, dan tradisional secara selektif oleh individu untuk mengobati penyakit. Berdasarkan data provinsi Jawa Timur, ada 30 kematian terkait diare pada anak usia 12 hingga 59 bulan pada tahun 2020.Peran apoteker dalam hal ini sangat penting untuk memastikan bahwa pasien menerima obat dan perawatan yang tepat, efektif dan aman sesuai dengan tujuan terapeutik. Tujuan: Pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengubah pola piker dan cara pandang masyarakat agar pasien dapat lebih merespon informasi tentang diare anak yang dapat dilakukan sendiri dengan Pedoman Pengobatan LINTAS diare. Metode: Pengabdian ini berupa edukasi Pendidikan Kesehatan di bidang kefarmasian dengan menggunakan metode desaincross sectional yang mengeksplorasi antara factor risiko dan efek melalui pendekatan observasional atau pengumpulan datasekaligus di waktu yang sama. Hasil: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan pasien pasca pengabdian tentang pengobatan diare pada anak dan pengobatan sendiri untuk diare pada anak lebih unggul dalam hal penggunaan obat yang benar, dan dalam hal penggunaan obat yang tepat dan benar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari pasien sudah melaksanakan dengan benar. Kesimpulan: Peran apoteker mengenai kesesuaian pengobatan sendiri untuk diare dengan menggunakan Pedoman LINTAS diare adalah positif. Kata kunci: anak, diare, swamedikasi ___________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract Background: Self-medication is the selective use of modern and traditional medicine by individuals to treat disease. Based on data from the province of East Java, there were 30 deaths related to diarrhea in children aged 12 to 59 months in 2020. The role of pharmacists in this regard is very important to ensure that patients receive the right, effective, and safe medicines and treatments in accordance with therapeutic goals. Objective: This service is to change people's mindsets and perspectives so that patients can better respond to information about childhood diarrhea that can be done on their own with the LINTAS Treatment Guidelines for diarrhea. Method: This service is in the form of health education in the pharmaceutical field using a cross-sectional design method that explores risk factors and effects through an observational approach or data collection at the same time. Result: This study shows that post-service patient knowledge about treating diarrhea in children and self-medication for diarrhea in children is superior in terms of using the right medicine, and in terms of using the right medicine in everyday life the patient has carried it out correctly. Conclusion: The pharmacist's role regarding the suitability of self-medication for diarrhea using the LINTAS diarrhea guideline is positive. Keywords: child, diarrhea, self-medication
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 6 (2023): Volume 4 Nomor 6 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/cdj.v4i6.20906


Pemilihan antibiotika yang tepat harus mempertimbangkan  sensitivitas bakteri terhadap antibiotika, keadaan tubuh hospes, serta biaya pengobatan. Pada praktek keseharian, tidak mungkin dilakukan identifikasi bakteri yang berkembang sebelum dilakukan pemilihan antibiotika. Pemilihan antibiotika didasarkan pada perkiraan kuman penyebab infeksi dan pola kepekaan. Kepatuhan mengkonsusmsi antibiotika bertujuan memperkecil resiko efek samping, juga mencegah terjadinya resistensi. Resistensi adalah kondisi dimana bakteri kebal terhadap antibiotika tertentu. Untuk itu diperlukan antibiotika baru atau yang memiliki potensi lebih tinggi. Resistensi ini adalah masalah utama yang harus diminimalisir atau dihindari. Resistensi muncul karena penggunaan Antibiotika yang salah dan penyalahgunaannya. Perlunya penyuluhan kepada guru sebagai pendidik dalam limgkungan masyarakat dan perlunya memberikan wawasan yang lebih dalam pada tenaga pendidik. Perlu mengetahui seberapa besar pemahaman guru tentang penggunaan antibiotik, serta menambhakan pemahaman tersebut sehingga akan meingkatkan pengetahuan pada peseta didiknya.