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Syntax : Journal of Software Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Vol 3, No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Universitas Dharmawangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46576/syntax.v3i2.2721


Abstrak— Perkembangan teknologi saat ini dan segala aktivitas manusia sangat bergantung pada kemajuan teknologi. Setiap aspek kehidupan modern diwujudkan secara digital. Hal ini berimplikasi pada pertumbuhan data dan informasi yang terus meningkat. Di Indonesia, kriptografi juga dikenal sebagai bagian dari pengkodean, yang secara bahasa mengacu pada seni melindungi data dan informasi dari pihak yang tidak diinginkan selama dalam perjalanan dan penyimpanan. Oleh karena itu, karena masalah keamanan dan kerahasiaan informasi sangat penting dalam suatu organisasi atau individu, maka diperlukan prosedur untuk menjaga dan melindungi kerahasiaan data informasi tersebut. Tentu saja, orang yang tidak berwenang tidak dapat melihat atau mengumpulkan informasi yang sangat penting ini. Badan Pusat Statistik membuat perbedaan sistematis tentang usaha rumah tangga , usaha bisnis kecil, menengah,  dan besar berdasarkan jumlah tenaga kerja yang ada didalamnya. Ada beberapa aplikasi kriptografi yang mungkin diterapkan dalam lingkungan Bisnis kecil menengah tersebut diantaranya sudah dapat diterapkan seperti mengenkripsi pada password, file, dan email.Kata Kunci: Keamanan, Kriptografi, Usaha Kecil Menengah, vigenere cipher.Abstract— Current technological developments and all human activities depend heavily on technological advances. Every aspect of modern life is realized digitally. This has implications for the growth of data and information that continues to increase. In Indonesia, cryptography is also known as part of coding, which linguistically refers to the art of protecting data and information from unwanted parties during transit and storage. Therefore, because the issue of security and confidentiality of information is very important in an organization or individual, procedures are needed to maintain and protect the confidentiality of the information data. Of course, non-masters cannot see or gather this vital information. The Central Statistics Agency makes systematic distinctions between household businesses, and small, medium, and large businesses based on the number of workers in them. There are several cryptographic applications that might be applied in this small and medium business environment, some of which can already be applied, such as encrypting passwords, files, and e-mails.Keywords - Security, Cryptography, Small and Medium Enterprises, vigenere cipher.
Factors Affecting the Spread of Narcotics in Simpang Dolok Village, Datuk Fifty District, Batubara Regency Anisa Sufia Sopang; Muhammad Rusdi; Fahmi Zahary; Fikri Aditiya Sitorus; Noor Azizah
PROMOTOR Vol. 6 No. 5 (2023): OKTOBER
Publisher : Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/pro.v6i5.417


Narcotics abuse is a serious problem that affects society in various countries. This research focuses on identifying factors that contribute to the spread of narcotics in Simpang Dolok Village, a rural area in Batu Bara Regency. The research results highlight the importance of social and economic inequality, high levels of poverty, and the easy availability of narcotics in driving the spread of narcotics. Social factors, including peer pressure, also influence young people in this village to try narcotics. Apart from that, low public awareness about the dangers of narcotics, especially among the less educated, also supports the situation. Handling the problem of the spread of narcotics in Simpang Dolok Village requires a holistic approach that includes economic empowerment, stronger law enforcement, and better education programs about the risks of narcotics. Close cooperation between government, society, and other stakeholders is needed to overcome this problem. This research provides an in-depth understanding of the factors that influence the spread of narcotics at the village level, guiding more effective prevention and control efforts in Simpang Dolok Village and the surrounding area.