Retanisa Rizqi
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro

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Agama dan Moral dalam Pembentukan Substansi dan Struktur Hukum Aziza Aziz Rahmaningsih; Retanisa Rizqi
As-Siyasi : Journal of Constitutional Law Vol 2, No 2 (2022): As-Siyasi
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/as-siyasi.v2i2.13884


Religious and moral relations are interrelated in the formation of a country's legal system. Religion is the initial foundation for building a moral society. In this way, religion, morals, and the state cannot be separated. A law becomes empty if it is not imbued with morality. Likewise with religion which gives color to the law to base substantive values on the public good and the upholding of justice, so that religion and morals can become elements in the development of the aspired law. This study aims to determine whether religion and morals have a role in the formation of legal substance and structure. This research is normative, studying the legal system with library research. The approach used is a historical approach, examining and studying developments regarding religion, morals, and the legal system. The study's findings indicate that the presence of religion and morality in human life has a nature, has an ontological function to regulate social life, and religion can substantively influence behavior in the formation of legal substance and structure. Morality and religion have a significant impact on the substantive formation of law. Law is formed on the basis of morality, so the effectiveness of legal products will be good, so that religion and morality create humanist and liberated laws that will help solve problems that exist in society. This study concludes that religion and morals influence the formation of substantive legal thinking and legal structure. The existence of religious and moral influences provides inspiration for the development of legal science and plays a role in creating a humanist and liberating law.
MILRev : Metro Islamic Law Review Vol 2 No 1 (2023): MILREV: Metro Islamic Law Review
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia, IAIN Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/milrev.v2i1.7354


Social media is currently overgrowing, which certainly impacts people's lifestyles. However, these advances are often exploited, with cyberporn being one example. This essay seeks to evaluate and critique pornography from the point of view of Indonesian Islamic criminal law. Examining the application of criminal sanctions for pornography by Islamic criminal law, as well as the reasons why it is created and prohibited, is the aim of this study. This study examines laws and regulations with a normative legal approach. It is the study of normative juridical law. This research data set comes from legal sources. The research findings suggest several behaviors, weaknesses in judgment, constitutive consequences, additional circumstances, additional requirements for a criminal prosecution, and additional requirements for punishment that fall under the category of pornography crimes of Islamic criminal law. Criminal sanctions in Islamic law allow adultery and ta'zir as punishment for pornography offenders. Criminal acts in pornography include various forms, including sounds, moving images, animations, cartoons, conversations, body movements, and public performances containing sexual exploitation or obscene content that violates the norms of social decency.
Agama dan Moral dalam Pembentukan Substansi dan Struktur Hukum Aziza Aziz Rahmaningsih; Retanisa Rizqi
As-Siyasi : Journal of Constitutional Law Vol 2, No 2 (2022): As-Siyasi
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/as-siyasi.v2i2.13884


Religious and moral relations are interrelated in the formation of a country's legal system. Religion is the initial foundation for building a moral society. In this way, religion, morals, and the state cannot be separated. A law becomes empty if it is not imbued with morality. Likewise with religion which gives color to the law to base substantive values on the public good and the upholding of justice, so that religion and morals can become elements in the development of the aspired law. This study aims to determine whether religion and morals have a role in the formation of legal substance and structure. This research is normative, studying the legal system with library research. The approach used is a historical approach, examining and studying developments regarding religion, morals, and the legal system. The study's findings indicate that the presence of religion and morality in human life has a nature, has an ontological function to regulate social life, and religion can substantively influence behavior in the formation of legal substance and structure. Morality and religion have a significant impact on the substantive formation of law. Law is formed on the basis of morality, so the effectiveness of legal products will be good, so that religion and morality create humanist and liberated laws that will help solve problems that exist in society. This study concludes that religion and morals influence the formation of substantive legal thinking and legal structure. The existence of religious and moral influences provides inspiration for the development of legal science and plays a role in creating a humanist and liberating law.
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26753/jlr.v2i1.1022


Abstract: Islamic law is a collection of the efforts of jurists to apply the Shari'a to the needs of the community. In the treasury of Islamic law in Indonesia, the term Islamic law is understood as a combination of two words, law and Islam. Law is a set of rules regarding behavior or behavior that is recognized by a country or society that applies and is binding on all its members. Then the word law rested on Islam. So it can be understood that Islamic law is a regulation formulated based on Allah's revelation and the Sunnah of the Prophet regarding the behavior of the mukallaf (people who can be burdened with obligations) which are recognized and believed to be binding on all adherents of the Islamic religion. The sources of Islamic law are the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet. These two sources are also called the main arguments of Islamic law because they are the main clues to Allah. There are also other postulates besides the Qur'an and Sunnah such as ijma' and qiyas, but this latter argument is only a supporting argument which is only a tool to arrive at the laws contained in the Qur'an and Sunnah. Rasulullah.Keyword : Law, Islamic, Sharia amd Regulation.  Abstrak: Hukum Islam adalah koleksi daya upaya para ahli hukum untuk menerapkan syariat atas kebutuhan masyarakat. Dalam khazanah ilmu hukum Islam di Indonesia, istilah hukum Islam dipahami sebagai penggabungan dua kata, hukum dan Islam. Hukum adalah seperangkat peraturan tentang tindak tanduk atau tingkah laku yang diakui oleh suatu negara atau masyarakat yang berlaku dan mengikat untuk seluruh anggotanya. Kemudian kata hukum disandarkan kepada Islam. Jadi dapat dipahami bahwa  hukum Islam addalah peraturan yang dirumuskan berdasar wahyu Allah dan sunah Rasul tentang tingkah laku mukallaf (orang yang sudah dapat dibebani kewajiban) yang diakui dan diyakini berlaku mengikat bagi semua pemeluk agama Islam. Sumber hukum Islam adalah Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah Rasulullah. Dua sumber tersebut disebut juga dalil-dalil pokok hukum Islam karena keduanya merupakan petunjuk (dalil) utama kepada Allah. Ada juga dalil-dalil lain selain Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah seperti ijma’ dan qiyas,  tetapi dalil disebut terakhir ini hanya sebagai dalil pendukung yang hanya merupakan alat bantu untuk sampai kepada hukum-hukum yang dikandung oleh Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah Rasulullah.Kata Kunci : Hukum, Islam, Syariah, dan Aturan.