Budianastas Prastyatama, Budianastas
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TATANAN Vol 4, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Katolik Parahyangan

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Abstract            Bandung, like many other major cities in Indonesia, aspires to be a vibrant, progressive city and a pride to its citizens. Stakeholders’ efforts to materialize that aspiration manifests physically in urban spaces as witnessed in Bandung. Admittedly, interpretations of that novel aspiration more than often are amissedly executed.            Shopping centres (malls) as one of the types of built environment frequently revered as one of key investment items in a city are many times considered as symbol of progress and modernization. Along with that, ownership of motorized vehicles, residences, and other consumption materials strengthened the symbol. The rate of presence of malls in Bandung, increasing frequency and quality of traffic jams are some of the tangible indicators to underline the phenomenon. This, to some extent, increases the burden unto the city itself.            This paper aim is to study critically what such burden occurred. Specifically, this paper studies the change(s) of architectural and public space(s), occurred through the presence of malls in the spirit of capitalism, “modernity”, “progress”, in their relationship with their human citizens/users.            The method that used in this study is qualitative method, observation and reference study. It concluded that the current mall growth shifts the meaning of architectural space(s) into commodity, and public space(s) into quasi public space(s) which is private (essentially).  Key Words: malls, capitalism, car culture, spatial meaning, man–space relation AbstrakBandung, sebagaimana kota besar lain di Indonesia, memiliki aspirasi menjadi kota yang hidup, maju, dan menjadi kebanggaan warganya. Upaya berbagai pemangku kepentingan untuk mewujudkan aspirasi tersebut tertuang ke dalam manifestasi fisik pada ruang kota seperti yang dapat disaksikan langsung di Bandung. Patut diakui bahwa interpretasi atas aspirasi yang baik tersebut seringkali tidak tepat dalam eksekusinya.Pusat perbelanjaan (mal) sebagai salah satu jenis lingkungan binaan yang sering dijadikan salah satu butir investasi utama di sebuah kota, sering dianggap pula sebagai simbol kemajuan dan modernisasi. Bersamaan dengan itu, kepemilikan kendaraan bermotor, rumah, dan benda-benda konsumsi lainnya hadir memperkuat simbol tersebut. Laju kehadiran mal di Bandung, peningkatan frekuensi dan kualitas kemacetan lalu lintas, menjadi beberapa indikasi kasat mata yang menegaskan fenomena tersebut. Sedikit banyak hal ini memberi beban kepada kota itu sendiri.Tulisan ini bertujuan meninjau secara kritis beban seperti apakah yang timbul. Secara khusus, studi ini membahas perubahan yang ditimbulkan kehadiran mal dalam nafas kapitalisme, “modernitas”, “kemajuan” terhadap makna ruang arsitektur dan ruang publik dalam hubungannya dengan manusia warga/penggunanya.Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode kualitatif, pengamatan langsung, dan studi literatur. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa gerak pertumbuhan mal yang terjadi sekarang ini menggeser pemaknaan ruang arsitektur ke arah komoditas, dan pengalihan ruang publik menjadi ruang quasi publik yang berhakekat privat.  Kata Kunci: mal, kapitalisme, budaya mobil, pemaknaan ruang, hubungan manusia-ruang
TATANAN Vol 4, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Katolik Parahyangan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstract            Bandung, like many other major cities in Indonesia, aspires to be a vibrant, progressive city and a pride to its citizens. Stakeholders’ efforts to materialize that aspiration manifests physically in urban spaces as witnessed in Bandung. Admittedly, interpretations of that novel aspiration more than often are amissedly executed.            Shopping centres (malls) as one of the types of built environment frequently revered as one of key investment items in a city are many times considered as symbol of progress and modernization. Along with that, ownership of motorized vehicles, residences, and other consumption materials strengthened the symbol. The rate of presence of malls in Bandung, increasing frequency and quality of traffic jams are some of the tangible indicators to underline the phenomenon. This, to some extent, increases the burden unto the city itself.            This paper aim is to study critically what such burden occurred. Specifically, this paper studies the change(s) of architectural and public space(s), occurred through the presence of malls in the spirit of capitalism, “modernity”, “progress”, in their relationship with their human citizens/users.            The method that used in this study is qualitative method, observation and reference study. It concluded that the current mall growth shifts the meaning of architectural space(s) into commodity, and public space(s) into quasi public space(s) which is private (essentially).  Key Words: malls, capitalism, car culture, spatial meaning, man–space relation AbstrakBandung, sebagaimana kota besar lain di Indonesia, memiliki aspirasi menjadi kota yang hidup, maju, dan menjadi kebanggaan warganya. Upaya berbagai pemangku kepentingan untuk mewujudkan aspirasi tersebut tertuang ke dalam manifestasi fisik pada ruang kota seperti yang dapat disaksikan langsung di Bandung. Patut diakui bahwa interpretasi atas aspirasi yang baik tersebut seringkali tidak tepat dalam eksekusinya.Pusat perbelanjaan (mal) sebagai salah satu jenis lingkungan binaan yang sering dijadikan salah satu butir investasi utama di sebuah kota, sering dianggap pula sebagai simbol kemajuan dan modernisasi. Bersamaan dengan itu, kepemilikan kendaraan bermotor, rumah, dan benda-benda konsumsi lainnya hadir memperkuat simbol tersebut. Laju kehadiran mal di Bandung, peningkatan frekuensi dan kualitas kemacetan lalu lintas, menjadi beberapa indikasi kasat mata yang menegaskan fenomena tersebut. Sedikit banyak hal ini memberi beban kepada kota itu sendiri.Tulisan ini bertujuan meninjau secara kritis beban seperti apakah yang timbul. Secara khusus, studi ini membahas perubahan yang ditimbulkan kehadiran mal dalam nafas kapitalisme, “modernitas”, “kemajuan” terhadap makna ruang arsitektur dan ruang publik dalam hubungannya dengan manusia warga/penggunanya.Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode kualitatif, pengamatan langsung, dan studi literatur. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa gerak pertumbuhan mal yang terjadi sekarang ini menggeser pemaknaan ruang arsitektur ke arah komoditas, dan pengalihan ruang publik menjadi ruang quasi publik yang berhakekat privat.  Kata Kunci: mal, kapitalisme, budaya mobil, pemaknaan ruang, hubungan manusia-ruang
KINERJA STRUKTURAL INTERLOCKING COMPRESSED EARTH BLOCK [ICEB] DENGAN SERAT IJUK SEBAGAI STABILISATOR (Structural Performance of Interlocking Compressed Earth Block with Ijuk [Arenga pinnata] Fiber as Stabiliser) Prastyatama, Budianastas; Maurina, Anastasia
ARTEKS Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira, Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30822/artk.v3i1.144


Modular block building materials have been well-known in the design and construction of built-environment. In its simplest form, the modular block is known as brick, red brick, lime brick, conblock, etc. The modularity of its unit lends itself for  easy of production, application and transport. The drawbacks, however, are the generallyrelated to  high energy consumption and pollution level in the production process (brick burning, high temp heating of cement and lime). In the perspective of sustainable and environmentally friendly built environment, the drawbacks need to be addressed in order to minimize its carbon footprint in human habitation.  The challenge is how to obtain modular blocks with low energy consumption, while achieving stability and structural performance up to the standard. In this research, the earthen block test units were conducted  without burning or use of cement and lime. Ijuk fibre (Arenga pinnata) was chosen as replacement of cement and lime was choses as stabilizer in producing modular blocks. The main test units and their comparisons underwent a compression test in the compressive testing machine to evaluate the structural performance. The comparison test blocks were blocks with similar form, dimension and production method, while the diffrentiating factor was the mixture. The standards SNI 15-2094-2000 (Indonesia) and IS 1077 : 1992 (India) were used as reference to compressive strength of common fired brick.Keywords: earthen material, ecological material, modular block, ijuk fibre, structural performance