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Education of Marginalized Groups: A Study on the Religiosity of Street Children in the Regency of Jember Safrudin Edi Wibowo; Aminullah Elhady; Badrut Tamam; Fathiyaturrahmah Fathiyaturrahmah
Ulumuna Vol 26 No 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/ujis.v26i2.547


Street children's rights are often neglected, including their right to receive religious education.This study examines the dimensions of religiosity of street children and the influencing factors, as well as the appropriate mentoring method for them. Data were gathered through observations, in-depth interviews, and focused group discussions were analyzed, and the results indicate that family, educational institutions, and social environment influence street children's religiosity. This study is built upon the researchers' experience carrying out a religious mentoring program for street children. The study suggests that street children maintain a sense of religiosity and its various dimensions. Formulating religious mentoring programs that align with the dimensions of religiosity is recommended.
Tafsir Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Tentang Politik Dinasti Perspektif Fiqh Siyasah Lailatul Fitria; Muhammad Faisol; Badrut Tamam
Rechtenstudent Journal UIN KHAS Jember Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): Rechtenstudent December 2022
Publisher : Sharia Faculty, KH. Achmad Siddiq State Islamic University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/rch.v3i3.185


Dynastic politics is defined as leadership that only relies on the hands of groups that still have blood ties or kinship. In the Constitutional Court Decision Number 33/PUU-XIII/2015 concerning arrangements related to dynastic politics after a judicial review was carried out by parties who have legal standing and considered the law related to the prohibition of dynastic politics to be contrary to the 1945 Constitution. Because it was considered to formulate new norms and there was a violation of constitutional rights citizens to get equal opportunities in government. The interpretation of human rights following the issuance of the Constitutional Court decision No. 33/PUU-XIII/2015 concerning dynastic politics is that every citizen has the right to be elected and elected in regional head elections, so there is no longer any prohibition for incumbents to participate. in politics. Interpretation of Human Rights in the Constitutional Court Decision No. 33/PUU-XIII/2015 regarding dynastic politics if seen and understood more deeply from the point of view of fiqh principles based on the Constitutional Court's decision, regarding human rights, especially members of the incumbent' family to nominate regional heads, looking at so many data and surveys that show the negative impact of this dynastic politics, one of which often occurs is corruption, so based on fiqh principles it provides recognition that public interests must take precedence over special interests.
Tradisi Larangan Nikah Ngalor Ngulon di Daerah Purwoharjo Banyuwangi Perspektif Teori Sistem Jasser Auda Badrut Tamam; Risna Ismawati
MAHAKIM Journal of Islamic Family Law Vol 6 No 2 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (486.742 KB) | DOI: 10.30762/mahakim.v6i2.167


The purpose of this research is to find out the background factors and description of the tradition of prohibiting Ngalor Ngulon marriage in Purwoharjo Village from the Perspective of Jassir Auda's System Theory. This research method uses qualitative field research with a conceptual approach using Jassir Auda's systems theory concept. The research data was generated through direct interviews with the people of Purwoharjo Village, Purwoharjo District, Banyuwangi Regency as the research location. The conclusion of this study is that the Ngalor Ngulon Marriage Prohibition tradition is prohibited in Purwoharjo Village due to several factors, namely habit or customs, lack of religious knowledge, belief, and social structure. Based on Jasser Auda's view, the purpose of Islamic law must be universal so that Islamic law can be accepted anytime, anywhere, and in all circumstances, with the aim of the common good rather than individuals. A system for dealing with problems must be in accordance with the goals of Islam itself. Referring to the Ngalor Ngulon Marriage Prohibition tradition, it can be preserved by removing fasid or harmful elements in the custom. This is because this tradition is a custom or custom of Purwoharjo Village which cannot be simply erased. This tradition also does not necessarily prohibit marriage, but only in certain directions, namely Ngalor Ngulon.
COFFEE PROCESSING ASSISTANCE FOR HYANG ARGOPURO COFFEE FARMERS USING THE ABCD (ASSET BASED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT) APPROACH Badrut Tamam; Rohmad Agus Solihin; Ubaidillah Al Akhro; Nur Hafidhotul Ilma; Musfikil Wildan; Mochammad Sholeh; Syarifatul Amaliyah; Ifadatullailiyah; Firda Infitahul Mawarddah; Muhammad Aldin Hamdani
Qardhul Hasan: Media Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 9 No. 2 (2023): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30997/qh.v9i2.8222


  Gunungsari Village, Maesan District is one of the villages in the Argopuro mountain region so that its natural potential is quite abundant, one of which is coffee. However, in terms of marketing, the community is only limited to selling green bean coffee. The focus of the chosen service is training and assistance related to coffee processing. The service location is located in Gunungsari Village, Maesan District, Bondowoso Regency. The approach used in this community service is the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) approach, which starts with mapping the existing assets in Gunungsari village, followed by discussions with government officials and the community door to door. Then do a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The FGD activities resulted in an agreement that the asset to be developed was coffee. The next step is to hold coffee processing training and assistance which aims to increase the selling price of coffee produced by farmers in Gunungsari Village..  
The Social Acculturation of The Abhekalaghi Tradition in Tempurejo from The Perspective of Islamic Law and Constitution No. 16 Of 2019 Badrut Tamam; Meka Dina Ramadhani; Nawawi Nawawi; Vais Vais; Ririn Sofiana; Farah Rofiqoh A; Syafril Wicaksono
Fenomena Vol 22 No 2 (2023): FENOMENA: Journal of the Social Sciences
Publisher : LP2M UIN KH.Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/fenomena.v22i2.148


The Abhekalaghi tradition in Tempurejo is the social acculturation of the people there as a tradition that has been carried out from generation to generation in matchmaking of their children and marrying them off, but in its current developments, is this tradition still relevant in the perspective of Islamic law and Marriage Law No. 16 The year 2019 has provided a change in the implementation of marriage by giving a new norm in the form of limiting the age of marriage which makes this tradition still following the times and applicable legal provisions. Then the question arises: What is the background of the social acculturation of the Abhekalaghi tradition in carrying out marriages in the Tempurejo community, Jember. And how the implementation of this tradition is the perspective of Islamic law and Law No. 16 of 2019. The method used in this research is empirical juridical, a descriptive qualitative or field study using a sociology of law and legislation approach—data generated through direct interviews with the Tempurejo community for research sites. So, the results of research on the acculturation of the Abhekalaghi tradition in the Tempurejo community can be concluded that the background to this tradition is due to several factors such as economic factors, educational factors, local customs factors, parental factors, and social factors. Based on the view of Islamic law, the Abhekalaghi tradition is not prohibited because the 'Urf in this custom is more directed to 'Urf Hasan, which may be carried out following Islamic law that applies to that society. Then, we review Law No. 16 of 2019 regarding changes to Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning marriage, so we can see that many early marriages are being implemented because they are not following these regulations, which has led to an increase in dispensation for marriage in this society.
Predatory Pricing in Buying and Selling Imported Products in E-Commerce According to the Perspective of Business Competition Law and Muamalah Fiqh Anis Kurlillah; Syifaul Hisan; Badrut Tamam
Syarah: Jurnal Hukum Islam & Ekonomi Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024): SYARAH : Jurnal Hukum Islam dan Ekonomi
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47766/syarah.v13i1.3154


The presence of E-Commerce makes it easier to export and import goods without geographical boundaries, but it also gives rise to allegations of Predatory Pricing practices which are detrimental to other business actors and consumers. Predatory Pricing is a strategy of temporarily setting product prices below production costs or market prices in order to reduce competitors and gain market share. This suspicion arose because imported products were sold much cheaper than local products, as was the case at Fistyle and Biu.costore stores. However, this action needs to be proven by the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU). Problem Formulation 1) What are the indications of the implementation of Predatory Pricing by Fistyle and Biu.costore stores. 2) How is the legal review of Predatory Pricing practices by Fistyle stores and Biu.costore according to the Business Competition Law based on Law no. 5 of 1999. 3) What is the legal review of Predatory Pricing practices by Fistyle stores and Biu.costore according to Fiqh Muamalah. This article is empirical juridical research and the approach is statutory and conceptual. The data sources used are primary and secondary, data collection through interviews and observations and analysis using source and technical triangulation techniques. The research results show that the practice of Predatory Pricing is prohibited according to Article 20 of Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopoly Practices and Unfair Business Competition. This action is considered a violation if it meets the elements in Article 20. However, the Fistyle and Biu.costore stores were not proven to have violated this Article because they did not carry out Predatory Pricing. In Muamalah Fiqh, pricing in the market is expected not to exceed the prevailing market price, to maintain fairness and balance. The practices carried out by Fistyle stores include Siyasah al-Ighraq, because they cause losses to other business actors and consumers, such as selling defective goods and destroying market prices. Meanwhile, Biu.costore cannot yet be categorized as Siyasah al-Ighraq because it has just been established and there have been no complaints. Although both stores offer very low prices, not all actions considered Predatory Pricing are prohibited; Low prices can come from efficient and innovative business operations.  
Implikasi Yuridis Keputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 69/PUUXIII/2015 Tentang Perjanjian Perkawinan Terhadap Harta Bersama Bagi Pernikahan Campuran Badrut Tamam
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Law Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Law
Publisher : IJIL Research Centre of the Department of Islamic Family Law, Postgraduate Programme, Universitas Islam Negeri Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/ijil.v4i2.334


ABSTRACT Mixed marriages that occur in Indonesia, the perpetrators often do not pay attention to and know the steps of the rules before making a mixed marriage, especially those concerning the joint assets acquired throughout the marriage. someone who does mixed marriages cannot freely buy land rights in Indonesia because his spouse is a foreign national. This is due to the limitation of land ownership rights stipulated in Indonesian land law article 1 jo Article 21 of Law Number 5 Year 1960 which is based on nationality, in fact it has a socialization that is by conducting an Agreement on marriage, but lack of knowledge of mixed marriages so that it is still many do not enter into marriage agreements. In October 2016 the Constitutional Court gave decision No. 69 / PUU / XIII / 2015 made a shift in the meaning and norms related to the marriage agreement which impacted the joint assets for this study entitled "Juridical Implications of Constitutional Court Decree No.69 / PUU / XIII / 2015 Concerning Marriage Agreements on Joint Property for Mixed Marriage "The method used is normative literature with an interesting type of legal principle to get a comprehensive picture of the problems under study and analyze existing literature to obtain information as an academic text as a consideration for making rules regarding problems that arise. Referring to the decision of the Constitutional Court, the marriage agreement is no longer carried out before marriage but can also be done during the marriage, so it is interesting to examine how the background relates to the decision and how the joint property in mixed marriages follows the decision of the Constitutional Court. Key Work : Mixed Marriages, Marriage Agreement, Shared Assets.
Strategi Pemecahan Permasalahan Kredit Bermasalah Nasabah Di BPR Nusamba Rambipuji Jember Moh Luqman; Badrut Tamam
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Digital Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Januari - Maret

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BPR Nusamba Rambipuji Jember is a business entity that operates in Credit, Savings and Deposit products. Of course, carrying out these operations cannot be separated from the friction faced in its operations, especially in credit products. At BPR Nusamba Rambipuji Jember itself, in preserving and succeeding its business entity, it has a special strategy that is different from other institutions. However, it cannot be denied that every product will definitely not run smoothly, of course there are certain obstacles that it will face. Problematic credit is a problem that really needs to be paid attention to in running this business, there are many debtors who are sometimes unable to pay the principal and interest installments, but BPR Nusamba Rambipuji will not let this happen and develop by itself, of course it will be faced with various kinds of problems. method at BPR Nusamba Rambipuji Jember. In resolving Problematic Credit at BPR Nusamba Rambipuji Jember, the following strategy is carried out: BPR Nusamba Rambipuji carried out Credit Restructuring Legal Process Collateral Expropriation Write Off Books and Write Off Bills, however, since the establishment of BPR Nusamba until now, they have never done a Write Off Bill. This is a strategy used by BPR Nusamba Rambipuji Jember in dealing with Problematic Credit Products, where this is contained in the Credit Policy & Procedure Manual (PKPP) BPR Nusamba Rambipuji Jember from year to year which has been revised in accordance with the rules and authority of the Financial Services Authority and the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS).