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The Relationship Of Religiosity, Producer's Knowledge, and Understanding Of Halal Products to Halal Certification Nikmatul Masruroh; M. Khoirunnas Esa Mahendra
EKONOMIKA SYARIAH : Journal of Economic Studies Vol 6, No 2 (2022): July - December 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30983/es.v6i2.5179


Halal is present as a form of demand from consumers for the safety and health of the products consumed. Producers must capture the trend of this consumer behavior model as a business opportunity. So, all producers through the Law on Halal Product Guarantee No.33 of 2014, whether they understand it or not. From this, it is necessary to analyze the relationship between producer religiosity as a basis for making decisions on halal certification and the producer's knowledge and understanding regarding halal products. This study also aims to explore the relationship between religiosity, producer knowledge and understanding of halal products on certification decisions. This study uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive type. The results of this study state that if the variables of religiosity, producer knowledge and understanding of halal products are tested partially, they have no relationship with halal certification decisions by producers, but once these three variables are tested simultaneously have an impact on halal certification decisions by producers. It means that producers deciding on halal certification are not impacted by the level of religiosity, producer knowledge and understanding of halal products they have.
Peningkatan Integritas melalui Tata Kelola Kelembagaan oleh Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Kabupaten Jember Nikmatul Masruroh; Samsul Arifin; Agus Ahmad Faizy Alfawwaz; Sofiatul Munawwaroh
Catimore: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Catimore: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LSM Catimore dan Sahabat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56921/cpkm.v2i2.79


Pengabdian ini dilakukan sebagai bentuk kolaborasi antara Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) Kabupaten Jember bersama dengan Perguruan Tinggi Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember bertujuan untuk, pertama; peningkatan kualitas tata kelola zakat yang harus dilakukan oleh BAZNAS Kabupaten Jember untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat, kedua untuk meningkatkan integritas para karyawan di BAZNAS Kabupaten Jember agar menjadi lembaga yang kredibel, ketiga; untuk memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat tentang peran BAZNAS Jember sebagai lembaga yang kredibel dalam pengelolaan zakat. Pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode community development, yaitu sebuah metode dengan pelatihan peningkatan wawasan, skill serta pemberdayaan kepada masyarakat yang dalam hal ini menjadi binaan dari BAZNAS Jember. Sedangkan, pelatihan skill dan peningkatan wawasan diberikan kepada pengelola dan karyawan BAZNAS Kabupaten Jember agar menjadi lembaga yang berintegritas tinggi. Pengabdian kolaboratif ini menghasilkan tiga hal, yaitu pertama;  tata kelola kelembagaan dilakukan secara continue berkala untuk mewujudkan good zakat governance, mulai dari perencanaan hingga evaluasi dengan melakukan perbaikan manajerial, kedua, integritas karyawan ditingkatkan dengan pelatihan-pelatihan serta up grading dengan menghadirkan para pakar tentang zakat dari BAZNAS Pusat serta dari UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember dengan hasil komitmen pengelolaan zakat yang semakin baik terutama dalam hal pencatatan dan pendistribusian, ketiga; melakukan road show edukasi pentingnya berzakat melalui lembaga zakat yang resmi yaitu BAZNAS, serta melakukan pemberdayaan zakat dengan mendirikan kampung-kampung zakat di Kabupaten Jember.
ANALISIS Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): ANALISIS VOL. 13 NO. 2 TAHUN 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/als.v13i2.2932


This research aims, first; identify creative economic models based on local wisdom in the village; second; examine creative models that exist in the village from the perspective of maqashid shariah. This objective is carried out with a qualitative approach, the type of research used is a case study with data collection techniques of observation, interviews and documentation. The analysis used is interpretive and descriptive analysis by analyzing the validity of the data using technique and source triangulation. The results of these studies are first; in the some villages, a developing creative economy has several models, namely product creativity models, social media models, service models and industrial models. Second, these models when studied from the perspective of maqashid sharia can fulfill the aspects of hifdz annafs, hifdz al aql, hifdz al mal. However, in terms of the sustainability of the human dimension, it has not been able to increase public literacy about the importance of the human role in the development process, especially through the creative economy. The creative economy is not considered as a support for development, but according to the maqashid sharia perspective it can contribute to household economic growth
Green House and Ḥalāl Budget Allocation for Sustainable Household Finance Realization: Green House dan Halal Allocation Budget untuk Perwujudan Keuangan Rumah Tangga Berkelanjutan Nikmatul Masruroh; Ahmad Fadli; Attori Alfi Shahrin; Yazidul Fawaid
El-Qist: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB) Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): El-Qist
Publisher : Islamic Economics Department, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/elqist.2023.13.2.100-118


This research aims first to describe household budget allocation and the realization of sustainable financial management in the household, both formulations of the greenhouse model and ḥalāl allocation budget in realizing sustainable finance for households in Indonesia. The research method used is a library study approach with secondary data sources. Data was obtained from BPS, OJK and observations in villages where the community allocated a budget for greenhouses and environmental health. The collected data was analyzed using Ibn Khaldūn's thoughts on Trade and Social Change. The results of this research are as follows: first, budget allocation considers the sources of income they have; households tabulate their needs and make a percentage budget allocation. In this budget allocation, not everything is used for consumption but also for savings and righteous charity activities. The realization of sustainable financial management is carried out using the greenhouse model and ḥalāl budget allocation. Greenhouses are realized by the community participating in waste banks, Sustainable Food House Areas or Climate Resilient Integrated Service Post (Postaklim). Through this, community economic empowerment occurs. Second, the greenhouse model collaborates with the ḥalāl budget allocation model so that there is no waste in household expenditure because sustainable finances in the household do not only talk about current financial existence but also financial existence in the future.
Optimalisasi Keterlibatan Orang Tua dalam Meminimalisir Nomophobia Pada Anak di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: The Optimizing Parental Involvement in Minimizing Nomophobia in Children During The Covid-19 Pandemic Nikmatul Masruroh; Achmad Rifa'i; Aqila Abyani Rafitri; Fiki Anjani; Farikhatur Rohmah; Iqlil Sua'ibatul Islamiyah
Ngarsa: Journal of Dedication Based on Local Wisdom Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Ngarsa: Journal of Dedication Based on Local Wisdom
Publisher : LP2M UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/ngarsa.v2i1.234


The COVID-19 pandemic leaves various problems in life, especially the problem of children's education. Children who should be able to experience school, meet friends and teachers during the learning process, are forced to learn from home using technology media, namely gadgets or cellphones or smartphones. The PSBB to PPKM policies have the impact of banning offline learning for students. So the selection of online learning must be done. So, it is inevitable that students must use gadgets to meet their needs in education. Students who in fact sit in elementary school every day have to look at their cellphones to find out the progress of learning given by their teachers at school. The problem of online learning creates nomophobia for children. Anxiety and fear when away from gadgets overshadows the psychology of children during the Covid 19 pandemic. From this problem, this article aims to provide an analysis of the assistance provided to mothers in Pasirian District, Lumajang Regency. This article describes the service activities carried out in Pasirian District in order to assist mothers to always be able to accompany their children in the learning process and be wise in using gadgets. This service uses the PAR technique, namely by using a ranking matrix of problems that will later be revealed from community activities. So it was agreed that the urgent problem to be solved was the existence of nomophobia. The results of this analysis stated that nomophobia can be solved by optimizing parental involvement in children's activities. Nomophobia can lead to mental disorders, so that the stages of completion are by first conducting parenting activities for mothers, then providing assistance to children in using gadgets and education in the wise use of gadgets. Pandemi covid 19 menyisakan berbagai persoalan dalam kehidupan, terutama masalah pendidikan anak. Anak-anak yang seharusnya bisa merasakan bangku sekolah, bertemu dengan teman dan gurunya pada saat proses pembelajaran, terpaksa harus belajar dari rumah dengan menggunakan media tekhnologi yaitu gadget atau handphone atau smartphone. Kebijakan PSBB sampai PPKM membawa dampak larangan pembelajaran secara luring bagi siswa. Sehingga pemilihan pembelajaran daring harus dilakukan. Sehingga, tak bisa dielakkan lagi siswa harus menggunakan gadget dalam memenuhi kebutuhannya dalam pendidikan. Siswa yang notabene duduk di bangku sekolah dasar setiap hari harus melihat handphonenya untuk mengetahui progress pembelajaran yang diberikan oleh gurunya di sekolah. Persoalan dari pembelajaran daring menciptakan nomophobia bagi anak-anak. Kecemasan dan ketakutan ketika berjauhan dari gadget membayangi psikologi anak-anak di masa pandemic Covid 19. Dari problem tersebut artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan analisis pada pendampingan yang dilakukan pada kaum ibu di Kecamatan Pasirian Kabupaten Lumajang. Artikel ini memaparkan kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan di Kecamatan Pasirian dalam rangka pendampingan kepada kaum ibu untuk selalu bisa mendampingi putera puterinya dalam proses pembelajaran serta bijak dalam penggunaan gadget. Pengabdian ini menggunakan teknik PAR, yaitu dengan menggunakan matrik ranking permasalahan yang nanti diungkap dari aktivitas masyarakat. Sehingga diperoleh kesepakatan bahwa masalah urgen yang harus dipecahkan adalah keberadaan nomophobia. Hasil dari analisis ini dinyatakan bahwa nomophobia bisa diselesaikan dengan cara optimalisasi keterlibatan orang tua dalam kegiatan anak. Nomophobia bisa mengakibatkan mental disorder, sehingga tahapan penyelesaiannya dengan melakukan kegiatan parenting terlebih dahulu kepada para ibu, kemudian dilakukan pendampingan pada anak-anak dalam penggunaan gadget serta edukasi dalam penggunaan gadget yang bijak.
International Conference on Humanity Education and Society (ICHES) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Third International Conference on Humanity Education and Society (ICHES)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


ABSTRACT This research will discuss exploratively about coastal communities live which they have different habits from the other. For fulfill these different needs, there is a different work ethic between fishermen and other proffesions. The aims of this research are; first; provide an exploration of the work ethic of coastal communities, secondly; conducting of shariah maqashid analysis on the work ethic of fishermen in coastal communities. These two objectives are achieved using a qualitative approach using a case study type. The study was conducted in the coastal community of Pengambengan Jembrana District. Data was obtained by observation, interviews and collecting documentation. Data were analyzed using interpretive methods using the Miles and Huberman flow model. Data validity is carried out by triangulation sources and techniques so that data is obtained validly. This process producer results, firstly, the coastal communities work ethic was demonstrated by maximizing the use of time in meeting daily need, for example discipline, being punctual, work hardly, but this work ethic ignores the element of honesty, so that in work there is still cheating. Secondly, in the maqashid sharia analysis, the work ethic of coastal communities fufills the elements of kulliyatul khomsah, namely addin, annafs, al aql, annasl and al mal. Even though the addin’s honesty and hifd addin still need to be evaluated.