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The Role of the Police in Combating the Crime of Cockfighting Gambling Eko Adi Setiawan; Herman Bakir; Boy Nurdin
Edunity Kajian Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Edunity : Social and Educational Studies
Publisher : Publikasiku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (77.658 KB) | DOI: 10.57096/edunity.v1i05.47


Gambling practices that have various kinds and techniques are very easy to do, making this gambling very rapidly growing in countries around the world and one of them is Indonesia. Although gambling is prohibited and contrary to applicable law in Indonesia. Gambling is very detrimental to society and the nation's morals. Order, security, and peace in society are disrupted as a result of gambling. In addition, the impact of this gambling is that it can lead to crimes such as theft, molestation, murder, and even interference in a relationship in the household which results in domestic violence. The government's steps in taking action against gambling crimes are by issuing regulations such as Article 303 of the Criminal Code and in Law no. 7 of 1974 concerning the regulation of gambling. In addition to the issuance of regulations by the government, the police also take part in dealing with gambling crimes through preventive and repressive efforts. Preventive action is a way that the police do before a crime occurs. In this case, the efforts made by the police in uncovering the crime of gambling in the community include investigations, finding sources of information, spying, snooping, making arrests, and confiscating evidence and socialization. Repressive efforts are also one of the methods used by the police in dealing with cockfighting gambling during this activity. The police immediately raided the cockfighting gambling place and arrested everyone who was directly involved in the cockfighting gambling activity.
Legal Status of Land Rights of the Former Eigendom Verponding After the Issuance of the Conversion Rules Mahmuddin Mahmuddin; Herman Bakir; Faisal Santiago
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains Vol. 4 No. 05 (2023): Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains
Publisher : CV. Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59141/jiss.v4i05.835


Beginning on September 24, 1960, there were not any more western freedoms and standard terrains. The organization no longer exists while the freedoms have been changed over by the BAL into one of the new privileges. In such manner, beginning in 1961 there could have been as of now not any land that its arrangements could be dependent upon European Verponding, Indonesian Verponding, and Lanrente or Land Expense. The assessment endorsements that existed and were held by individuals around then and were not detailed for substitution of new privileges under the UUPA, were still as Eigendom Verponding. In any case, in all actuality, there are still holders of land privileges who after September 24, 1980, still have confirmation of responsibility for freedoms as western privileges and standard freedoms that poor person been changed over, which will create legitimate issues assuming that these are not directed in regulation. To expect lawful issues that emerge because of changes in guidelines in the land area, the public authority through transformation guidelines reaffirmed the lapse of privileges to the place that is known for beginning of the Change of Western Freedoms on September 24, 1980, which is likewise the standard framed in the BAL., to end the legitimacy of the excess Western privileges to land in Indonesia with every one of attributes are not by Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution
The Efforts to Prevent Money Laundering in Indonesia Muhammad Alhadi Haq; Herman Bakir; Ahmad Redi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains Vol. 4 No. 06 (2023): Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains
Publisher : CV. Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59141/jiss.v4i06.816


Due to its criminal nature, money laundering by transnational organized criminal groups will negatively impact the country's micro and macro economies. These impacts can disrupt the functioning of the market mechanism, create distortions that disrupt economic efficiency and the distribution of income and wealth in society and disrupt national development. The crook demonstration of tax evasion is an interaction or action that expects to stow away or mask the beginning of cash and resources got from criminal demonstrations which are then changed over into resources that seem to start from genuine exercises. Corruption, bribery, goods/labor/immigrant smuggling, banking, narcotics, psychotropic, trafficking, kidnapping, terrorism, theft, embezzlement, and fraud are all criminal acts that can lead to money laundering. The stages in the crime of money laundering are Placement, Layering, and Integration. The legal instrument for money laundering is Article 3 of RI Law No. 8 of 2010 concerning Money Laundering. And the way to deal with money laundering in Indonesia is to postpone transactions on assets originating from criminal acts. Furthermore, it did the blocking of criminal act assets and suspended transactions related to money laundering crimes.
Mimbar Hukum Vol 36 No 1 (2024): Mimbar Hukum
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/mh.v36i1.10434


Abstract This project aims to highlight the anatomy of The Law-Job Theory, one of the most influential philosophical theories throughout Legal Realism. This theory emerged as a response to tearing through the web of illusion created by Formalism, which is suspected of “smuggling” monolithic dangers that often lurk behind the bland, flat, and seemingly “bloodless” processes of legal proceedings. Developed in US, it reflects the concerns of its initiator, Karl Llewellyn regarding the stiffness, rigidity, or hibernation in how formalist judges handle cases, often viewed with disdain by sharp-minded sociologists. The theory’s central idea is that law is “something that works.” Law works continuously to embody four administrative objectives that have become its absolute responsibility to realize: (a) resolving cases, (b) suppressing destructive behaviour, (c) delegating/revoking authority, and (d) maintaining harmony within social structures. For these works to achieve maximum effectiveness, the law requires adequate flexibility. The key lies in the hands of judges. They must transcend paper’s rigid certainties to prevent the law from losing its vital sociological essence and becoming a “cold, dysfunctional social force.” In their hands, the law is not static but progressive, evolving to reach the pinnacle of pragmatic maturity. Abstrak Proyek ini bertujuan mengetengahkan anatomi The Law-Job Theory, salah satu teori kefilsafatan yang dianggap paling berpengaruh dalam tradisi Realisme Hukum. Teori ini berupaya merobek jala ilusi Formalisme yang dicurigai menyelundupkan ancaman monolitik, yang sering kali mengintai di balik proses persidangan yang hambar, datar dan seakan “tidak memiliki darah”. Teori ini dikembangkan di Amerika, sebagai ungkapan kekhawatiran penggagasnya, Karl Llewellyn terkait kekakuan, rigiditas, atau hibernasi dalam cara hakim formalis mengapresiasi perkara-perkara, yang sering kali dianggap menjijikkan oleh sosiolog-sosiolog berpandangan tajam. Top of form idenya, hukum adalah “sesuatu yang bekerja”. Hukum bekerja sepanjang waktu, demi mengejawantahkan empat tujuan administratif yang secara mutlak telah menjadi tanggung jawabnya untuk merealisasikannya: (a) mendisposisikan perkara; (b) meredam perilaku destruktif; (c) mendelegasikan/mencabut otoritas; (d) mempertahankan harmoni dalam struktur-struktur sosial. Agar pekerjaan ini mencapai tingkat efisiensi dan efektivitas yang maksimum, yang diperlukan hukum adalah tingkat fleksibilitas yang memadai. Kuncinya di tangan hakim. Mereka harus mampu menjelajah lebih jauh, meninggalkan titik-kepastian yang kaku di atas kertas. Bagi teori ini, kepastian yang berlebihan dapat mengakibatkan hukum mengorbankan sebagian besar dari esensi sosiologisnya yang vital—mengubahnya menjadi “kekuatan sosial yang dingin-disfungsional”. Di tangan mereka perlu ditunjukkan bahwa hukum bukanlah sesuatu yang statis, melainkan progresif, tengah bertumbuh-kembang untuk mengincar taraf tertinggi dari hierarki kedewasaan yang pragmatis.