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Journal : BALANTING Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Sosialisasi Submit Jurnal Online Untuk Dosen Akademi Maritim Nusantara Banjarmasin Galih Perdana; Noor Fathulliansyah
BALANTING Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Akademi Maritim Nusantara Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54315/balanting.v1i2.121


Abstract The socialization includes an examination of the cultural environment of the social environment of the community concerned, social interaction and social behavior, with community service this time socializing online journal subitems with several submission stages is the initial stage of the publication process of various scientific journals. After the submit process is complete or successfully carried out, all that remains is to wait for the journal publisher's review process. Online can be done anytime and anywhere because online on the internet does not have time and age restrictions so that everyone can access the internet comfortably. Techniques or stages of implementing community service in socializing the introduction of the world of Journals nationally by providing direct material by one of the Indonesian Volunteer Journals by Mr. Galih, to provide material and practice in submitting scientific journals. Community service regarding the socialization of online journal submissions for lecturers at the Maritime Nusantara Archipelago Banjarmasin, very much providing information or knowledge that is very useful for improving the try dharma of permanent lecturers at the AMNUS Banjarmasin campus, because recognizing an online journal submission, of course there must be direction from the Journal that handles either from editors or Journal managers who have been fostered. Thus, it will be more enthusiastic and useful to add independent journals according to knowledge and as a group with collaboration combined with the science of Shipping Commerce Management. Keywords: socialization, submit, journal
BALANTING Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Akademi Maritim Nusantara Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54315/balanting.v2i2.129


Abstract Love of the Rupiah is the treatment we show to treat the rupiah appropriately and protect it from evil elements who always counterfeit money for personal gain. Loving the rupiah is the same as respecting our own nation. Love for the rupiah can help maintain the stability of the value of our currency. Then, the background of the map image behind the rupiah symbolizes that the rupiah is a symbol of unifying the Indonesian nation. The form of love for the rupiah can be seen from the way we recognize its characteristics. Apart from that, we can also show our love for the rupiah by protecting and caring for the rupiah. Damaged or unusable money will be difficult to identify as authentic. Never damage rupiah currency intentionally, such as crossing out, wetting, squeezing, or even deliberately tearing the money. The method of implementing this is the socialization and interactive roleplay method, directly to the younger generation (teenagers and children), one of which is the cadets of the Banjarmasin Nusantara Maritime Academy who are introduced to the roleplay of how the buying and selling transaction process takes place in the setting of traditional markets and modern markets. This service activity was carried out taking into account the lack of information about the use and identification of money. The results of the Educational Outreach Activities to Love Proudly and Understand the Rupiah to the Young Generation for an Understanding of Financial Values ​​certainly provide a good understanding of the use and value of the currency which continues to increase, thus, there are appropriate techniques and uses in loving the Rupiah currency to the young nation in make better and better use of money. Keywords: education, pride, rupiah. Abstrak Cinta Rupiah adalah perlakuan yang kita tunjukkan untuk memperlakukan rupiah secara tepat dan menjaganya dari oknum-oknum jahat yang senantiasa memalsukan uang demi kepentingan pribadi. Kecintaan terhadap rupiah sama saja dengan kita menghormati bangsa kita sendiri. Kecintaan terhadap rupiah dapat membantu menjaga kestabilan nilai mata uang kita. Lalu, latar gambar peta yang berada di belakang uang rupiah melambangkan, rupiah merupakan simbol pemersatu bangsa Indonesia.Wujud rasa cinta kepada rupiah dapat dilihatkan dari cara kita mengenali karakteristiknya. Selain itu, mencintai rupiah bisa juga kita tunjukkan dengan cara menjaga dan merawat uang rupiah. Uang rusak atau tidak layak pakai akan susah dikenali keasliannya. Jangan pernah merusak uang rupiah dengan sengaja seperti mencoret, membasahi, meremas, atau bahkan dengan sengaja merobek uang. Metode pelaksanaan ini yaitu dengan metode sosialisasi dan roleplay interaktif, langsung kepada generasi muda (remaja dan anak) salah satunya taruna-taruni Akademi Maritim Nusantara Banjarmasin diperkenalkan roleplay bagaimana proses transaksi jual beli dengen mengambil setting keadaan pasar tradisional maupun pasar modern. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan kurangnya informasi tentang penggunaan dan cara identifikasi uang. Hasil dari Kegiatan Sosialisasi  Edukasi Cinta Bangga dan Paham  Rupiah Kepada Generasi Muda untuk Pemahaman Terhadap Nilai Keuangan tentu memberikan pemahaman baik dalam penggunaan dan nilai mata uang yang terus bertambah, dengan demikian, ada teknik dan penggunaan yang tepat dalam mencintai mata uang rupiah kepada negerasi muda dalam memanfaatkan uang dengan lebih baik dan bermutu.