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Korelasi Antara Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Persepsi Masyarakat Dengan Kesediaan Mengikuti Vaksinasi Covid-19 Moch Taufik Hidayatullah; Arif Sofyandi; M. Apri Andika
Empiricism Journal Vol. 3 No. 2: December 2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LITPAM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36312/ej.v3i2.1066


Salah satu upaya penanggulangan covid-19 adalah dengan cara melakukan vaksinasi. Pemerintah menghimbau kepada masyarakat untuk melakukan vaksinasi covid-19 sesuai dengan permenkes nomor 10 tahun 2021 tentang Pelaksanaan Vaksinasi dalam Rangka Penanggulangan Pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) atau lebih spesifik disebutkan sasaran vakisnasi salah satunya adalah masyarakat lainnya, akan tetapi masih terdapat masyarakat yang tidak bersedia mengikuti vaksinasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pengetahuan dan persepsi masyarakat dengankesediaan mengikuti vaksinasi covid-19 di Desa Kuranji Dalang Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan desain  penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Populasi seluruh masyarakat di Desa Kuranji Dalang yang berumur 17-60 tahun sebanyak 1.012 dan sampel sebanyak 91 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampling incidental. Uji statistic yang digunakan adalah untuk analisis bivariat menggunakan uji chi square sedangkan untuk uji multivariate menggunakan uji regresi logistik. Hasil analisis bivariat menggunakan uji chi square didapatkan hasil bahwa variabel tingkat pengetahuan dengan nilai P-Value sebesar 0,019 dan persepsi sebesar 0,004  terhadap kesediaan mengikuti vaksinasi. Sedangkan hasil uji multivariate menggunakan uji regresi logistic didapatkan hasil exp.B bahwa variable tingkat pengetahuan (Exp.B=2.653) dan persepsi (exp.B=3.693) terhadap kesediaan mengikuti vaksinasi. Kesimpulannya adalah varibel tingkat pengetahuan dan persepsi memiliki hubungan dengan kesediaan mengikuti vaksinasi. Variabel yang paling berpengaruh adalah variabel persepsi ditandai dengan nilai exp.B=3.693 artinya masyarakat yang memiliki persepsi negative tentang vaksin beresiko 3.693 kali untuk tidak bersedia mengikuti vaksinasi. Correlation Between Level of Knowledge and Public Perception and Willing to Follow Covid-19 Vaccination Abstract One of the efforts to deal with Covid-19 is by vaccinating. The government urges the public to carry out the Covid-19 vaccination in accordance with Permenkes number 10 of 2021 concerning Implementation of Vaccination in the Context of Mitigating the 2019 Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic or more specifically stated the target of vaccination is one of them is other people, but there are still people who are not willing to participate in vaccination. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the level of public knowledge and perceptions and the willingness to take part in the Covid-19 vaccination in Kuranji Dalang Village, West Lombok Regency. This type of research is a quantitative study using an analytic observational research design with a cross-sectional approach. The population of all people in Kuranji Dalang Village aged 17-60 years is 1,012 and the sample is 91 people. The sampling technique uses incidental sampling. The statistical test used was for bivariate analysis using the chi square test while for the multivariate test using the logistic regression test. The results of bivariate analysis using the chi square test showed that the variable level of knowledge with a P-Value of 0.019 and a perception of 0.004 on willingness to participate in vaccination. Meanwhile, the results of the multivariate test using the logistic regression test showed that the variable exp.B was the level of knowledge (Exp.B=2.653) and perception (exp.B=3.693) regarding willingness to participate in vaccination. The conclusion is that the variable level of knowledge and perception has a relationship with willingness to participate in vaccination. The most influential variable is the perception variable marked with the value exp.B = 3,693 meaning that people who have a negative perception about vaccines are at risk of 3,693 times not being willing to take part in vaccinations.
SAINTEKES: Jurnal Sains, Teknologi Dan Kesehatan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): SAINTEKES: Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Kesehatan, Januari 2023
Publisher : LPPM Institut Teknologi Dan Kesehatan Aspirasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55681/saintekes.v2i1.29


Jamban sehat adalah suatu bangunan yang di pergunakan untuk membuang tinja atau kotoran manusia atau najis dengan kriteria jarak antara sumber air dengan lubang penampungan minimal 10 meter, tidak berbau, tidak mencemari tanah, kotoran tidak dapat di jamah oleh serangga dan tikus, di lengkapi dinding dan atap pelindung, pencahayaan cukup dan lantai kedap air. Berdasarkan data yang ada dari Sembilan Desa yang ada di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Jerowaru dengan cakupan jamban keluarga yaitu Desa jerowaru 67,27 %, Desa Pemongkong 51,69 %, Desa Pandan Wangi 74,35 %, Desa Sekaroh 78,14 %, Desa Mangku Buana 68,10 %, Desa Kwang Rundun 53,78 %, Desa Serewe 42,63 %, Desa Paremas 45,13 dan Desa Sepapan 92,07 %. Dari gambaran cakupan tersebut salah satu desa yaitu Desa Seriwe dengan cakupan yang paling rendah yaitu sebesar 42,63 % dari target 100%.Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara motivasi kepala keluarga dengan kepemilikan jamban sehat di Desa Seriwe Kecamatan Jerowaru Kabupaten Lombok Timur Tahun 2022. Desain penelitian ini adalah desain Observasional analitik menggunakan pendekatan crossectional dengan menggunakan tehnik simple random sampling yaitu pengambilan sampel secara acak dengan jumlah sampel 83 orang responden dengan criteria sample yang telah di tetapkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrument berupa kuesioner. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan sebagian besar kepala keluarga dengan motivasi tinggi (89,16%), kepemilikan jamban sehat (60,24 %).Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji Chi Square di dapatkan hasil p value 0,00<α0,05 artinya ada hubungan motivasi kepala keluarga dengan kepemilikan jamban sehat di Desa Seriwe Kecamatan Jerowaru Kabupaten Lombok Timur Tahun 2022.
Edukasi dan Penilaian Kesehatan Perumahan di Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Ampenan Kota Mataram Iwan Desimal; Ismail Marzuki; Arif Sofyandi
Bakti Sekawan : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Puslitbang Sekawan Institute Nusa Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35746/bakwan.v3i1.375


A healthy settlement is a place to live permanently, functioning as a place to live, rest, recreation and as a place of refuge from environmental influences that meet physiological and psychological requirements, free from illness and accident. Ampenan District is located in the western region of Lombok Island and is one of the famous coastal areas for tourist destinations. One of them is Ampenan Beach. It is a common concern that in this area there are rows of houses whose health needs to be considered so that they do not become a source of risk of disease transmission such as tuberculosis, pneumonia and other environment-based diseases related to the home environment. Education is needed to increase the knowledge of residents to avoid environmental-based diseases, especially the residential environment. The method used in community service is to provide understanding and knowledge of liveable healthy homes in the residents of Karang Bunyuk, Ampenan District, Mataram City. Education and assessment of healthy homes is carried out door-to-door (from house to house). Educational media in the form of brochures containing knowledge about calm and healthy homes. Healthy home assessments were carried out on 25 residents' house. Based on the results of a survey we conducted on 25 houses in the Karang Buyuk environment, Ampenan District, it was found that there were 2 houses that met the healthy home standards and 23 houses that did not meet the healthy home standards
SAINTEKES: Jurnal Sains, Teknologi Dan Kesehatan Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): SAINTEKES: Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Kesehatan, Juli 2023
Publisher : LPPM Institut Teknologi Dan Kesehatan Aspirasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55681/saintekes.v2i3.153


Scabies is infectious skin disease which is caused by mite Sarcoptes scabei varieta hominis female. Based on the result of interview at IIB Jail in Praya, people with scabies in 2020 was in the amount of 60 people every month and in 2021 was in the amount of 65 people up to November 2021. This study aimed to analyze personal hygiene and scabies on inmates at III B Class Jail in Praya 2021. This study used analytic observation by case control design. Number of samples was in the amount of 100 samples divided into 50 case samples ant other 50 control samples. Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate analyses by chi square test. Based on data analysis, it was found that there were 36 inmates (72%) have bad personal hygiene and got scabies. There were 46 inmates (92%) have good personal hygiene and did not get scabies. The OR value in this study was 29.571 meant the inmates who have bad personal hygiene got risk more than 29 times to get scabies compared with those inmates who have good personal hygiene. Statistic test by chi square showed p value was 0.000. It is expected to head officers of II B Class jail in Praya to prevent the spread of scabies by creating a self-isolation room for those inmates who got scabies to separate with other inmates who did not get scabies and by increase knowledge personal hygiene to inmates.