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JOMANTARA Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Vol. 3 No. 1 January 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pasundan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23969/jijac.v3i1.7059


This study aims to compare the differences and similarities in the meaning of proverbs in Japanese and Indonesian using the words dog and cat. This research was designed with a qualitative descriptive research design. The method used to describe research objects in words. The data for this research are 143 proverbs in Indonesian and Japanese that use the words 犬 (dog) and 猫 (cat) with the analytical technique used is contrastive analysis. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that there are differences and similarities between Japanese proverbs and Indonesian proverbs that use the words 犬 (dog) and 猫 (cat). Meanwhile, based on these findings, the conclusions of this research are as follows: Japanese proverbs are special sentences that form is fixed, and their constituent elements cannot be changed. In other words, Japanese proverbs do not follow grammatical rules like in ordinary sentences. Based on the analysis of the structure of Japanese proverbs containing the words dog and cat, the proverbs use the comparison of words in a sentence. Japanese proverbs use numbers, expository descriptions, and impressionistic descriptions to correlate two or more things. Japanese proverbs have two meanings; lexical meaning and idiomatic meaning. Likewise, the meaning of the Indonesian proverb, which contains elements of dogs and cats, representing that dogs are a nuisance and a hindrance but are viewed positively as animals loyal to their masters. In contrast, cats are described as cute animals, but only close in the domestic area. Both of them interpret the same dog as a fierce animal, scary but loyal, to their masters. Both languages ​​equate to betrayal committed by those closest to us as a form of dog disloyalty to their masters because, naturally, the closest people to us are like dogs, loyal to their masters. As for the suggestions/recommendations in this study, further research should be carried out regarding Japanese proverbs containing dogs and cats with proverbs. Regional languages ​​in Indonesia are rich in forms of proverbs containing the words dogs and cats, but this must be done using different analytical techniques. For example, by pragmatic analysis or functional linguistic systems initiated by Haliday in 1972.
Undergraduate thesis proposal writing: Problems and causes Novia Hayati; Via Luviana Dewanty; S. Sudjianto
Inovasi Kurikulum Vol 21, No 2 (2024): Inovasi Kurikulum, May 2024
Publisher : Himpunan Pengembang Kurikulum Indonesia (HIPKIN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jik.v21i2.63241


Writing a research proposal is one of the requirements for university students to be able to write an undergraduate thesis. It requires high academic writing skills that most students find challenging. Even so, this skill can still be taught as long as lecturers have knowledge of students’ abilities and difficulties in writing. This qualitative study is conducted to serve this purpose. They involve two data collection methods: document analysis and Focused Group Discussion (FGD). This case-study research investigated problems and causes in writing a research proposal faced by students studying Program Japanese Language at a public university in Bandung in writing a research proposal. The results were analyzed from general and specific factors as follows: generally, their problems lie in the lack of students’ knowledge of systematicity, components, and elements supporting the components of a research proposal. Further, three factors were responsible for the causes of the problems, including low-quality references, insufficient information provided in the teaching materials and the teaching, and less exposure and effort on readings. The results of identifying the problems and causes will be used as a reference for developing teaching materials for writing research proposals in the Research Methodology Course. AbstrakSebagian besar mahasiswa jenjang pendidikan Sarjana menganggap penulisan proposal cukup menantang karena membutuhkan keterampilan menulis akademis yang tinggi. Pengetahuan tentang menulis akademik memegang peranan penting untuk membantu mahasiswa mengembangkan kemampuan dan meminimalisir kesulitan mereka dalam menulis proposal penelitian skripsi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan melibatkan dua jenis metode pengumpulan data yaitu analisis dokumen (dokumen proposal penelitian) dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Penelitian studi kasus ini menyelidiki apa yang menjadi penyebab permasalahan dalam penulisan proposal penelitian yang dihadapi mahasiswa Program Studi Bahasa Jepang di salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri di Bandung. Dokumen dan data FGD dianalisis berdasarkan faktor umum dan faktor khusus, dan memiliki hasil sebagai berikut; permasalahan secara umum terletak pada kurangnya pengetahuan mahasiswa mengenai sistematika, komponen, dan unsur pendukung komponen proposal penelitian; sedangkan permasalahan khusus yang ditemukan adalah kesulitan mahasiswa dalam menentukan tema atau topik, mengorganisasikan ide dan teks, dan menggunakan fitur-fitur kebahasaan. Lebih jauh lagi, terdapat tiga faktor yang menjadi penyebab permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut, yaitu rendahnya kualitas referensi, kurangnya informasi yang diberikan dalam bahan ajar dan pengajaran, serta kurangnya upaya dalam membaca. Hasil identifikasi masalah dan penyebab yang didapat dari penelitian ini akan dijadikan acuan pengembangan bahan ajar penulisan proposal penelitian pada Mata Kuliah Metodologi Penelitian.Kata Kunci: Proposal penelitian; masalah; mata kuliah metodologi penelitian; menulis; skripsi.