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Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia pada Komunitas Sekolah Rumah (Homeschooling) Siddiq, Muhammad
UHAMKA Graduate School Thesis Abstract Collection Vol 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (162.59 KB)


This thesis aims to gain an understanding the process of the Indonesian language learning in the homeschooling community Klub Oase. This is done by understanding the human aspect, the concept of learning, and the learning systems at Klub Oase. This research is classified in the type of descriptive qualitative  study with ethnographic methods. Through this research, it is known that the Klub Oase is a family community that founded in the basis of a family friendship. Klub Oase trying to keep the identity of the community that is the hallmark of informality, which also became a counter model from the practice of homeschooling that is generally known to the public by learning patterns like formal and informal education. Most members of the Klub Oase agreed that children need a space to grow naturally. Education aims is understood as facilitating all childs potential not to drive the ability to incorporate various things that are considered important and determined by an adult. Most members of the Klub Oase tend to interpret the Indonesian language as a vehicle for social interaction, so that the learning process is done in an integrative manner, natural, and eclectic approach to develop skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through the project, presentations, discussions, games and more which optimize the use of information technology. For members of the Klub Oase, homeschooling children have the opportunity to explore the world around it, because the place to learn are not constrained by the bulkhead wall or a particular building. So that they can "learn anywhere, anytime, along with anyone with a happiness".  
Pengaruh Komposisi Media Tanam dan Pemberian Air Kelapa Terhadap Hasil Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) Siddiq, Muhammad; Barunawati, Nunun
Jurnal Produksi Tanaman Vol 8, No 7 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/1432


Jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) merupakan jenis jamur yang mudah dibudidayakan di daerah tropik dan subtropik serta mempunyai nilai ekonomi tinggi dan prospektif sebagai pendapatan petani. Dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun ini mulai dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat karena memiliki kandungan gizi tinggi. Upaya umtuk memperbaiki hasil panen, biasanya media jamur, yang disebut baglog dimodifikasi dengan menambahkan nutrisi pada bahan lain seperti serbuk kayu sengon, bekatul dan penambahan air kelapa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan komposisi media tanam dan penambahan air kelapa yang tepat pada budidaya jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus). Sedangkan hipotesis dalam penelitian ini bahwa pada komposisi media tanam serbuk kayu sengon (SKS) dan bekatul (70:20) dengan penambahan air kelapa 100 ml mampu meningkatkan hasil jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus). Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Mei 2020 di Griya Jamur Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya yang terletak di Desa Pucangsongo, Kec. Tumpang, Kab. Malang, Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini merupakan percobaan non faktorial dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 10 perlakuan dengan ulangan sebanyak 3 kali. Hasil percobaan ini menunjukkan bahwa pada perlakuan SKS 70% : bekatul 20% + 50 ml air kelapa (P4) mampu meningkatkan hasil terhadap panjang miselium, juga total bobot segar. Pada hasil juga didukung diameter tudung, diameter tangkai dan panjang tangkai serta jumlah tudung dan tangkai. Sedangkan pada perlakuan SKS 70% : bekatul 20% + 100 ml air kelapa (P6) mampu meningkatkan hasil terhadap jumlah tudung dan tangkai. Perlakuan komposisi media dan pemberian air kelapa tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah badan buah.
Determinants of rheumatic heart disease: findings from qualitative research approach Ajeng, Rudy Ngau; Rahman, Mohammod Mizanur; Said, Asri Bin; Adenan, Abang Safuan Bin; Ameenudeen, Mohamed; Kim Choo, Greta Miranda Goh; Siddiq, Muhammad; Gahamat, Mohamed Faiz
Paediatrica Indonesiana Vol 63 No 6 (2023): November 2023
Publisher : Indonesian Pediatric Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14238/pi63.6.2023.483-91


Background Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is an autoimmune heart disease following unresolved or untreated Acute Rheumatic Fever (ARF), which results in irreversible valve damage and heart failure. Strategies for managing RHD could be planned to understand the disease determinants in local settings. Objective To explore the determinants of RHD among the family with an RHD case. Methods The study was a qualitative design using a grounded theory approach after in-depth interviews with respondents from families with RHD patients. Analysis was conducted after the scripts were finalized. Initial, intermediate, and advanced codings were performed. Ten respondents agreed to participate and completed the qualitative data collection process. Results The analysis yielded two theme categories of what could have led to RHD among respondents due to internal and external causes. Internal causes were considered factors that could be managed or manipulated to improve an individual and family’s capacity. In contrast, external causes were considered factors that could not be managed or manipulated to improve an individual’s capacity or family. Therefore, these factors were considered beyond their control. Conclusion This study explored RHD determinants according to the patients’ and their families’ perspectives. A holistic approach can be applied to managing RHD by considering these factors.
Informasi Budaya Mandar Berbasis Android Windiyani, Fardina; Siddiq, Muhammad; Syarli, Syarli
Journal Peqguruang: Conference Series Vol 4, No 1 (2022): Peqguruang, Volume 4, No.1, Mei 2022
Publisher : Universitas Al Asyariah Mandar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35329/jp.v4i1.2621


Penelitian ini bertujuan : (1) Merancang dan Mendesain agar dapat lebih efektif dan efesien, (2) Merancang android. Pelu diketahui bersama bahwa tidak sedikit dari kebudayaan kita sudah mulai punah. Hakikatnya pelestarian budaya sendiri bukanlah sekedar memelihara sesuatu hal dari kepunahan atau menjadikan awet semata-mata, selain itu mempunyai muatan ideologis yaitu sebagai gerakan untuk mngukuhkan kebudayaan, sejarah dan identitas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa membuat aplikasi informasi budaya mandar berbasis android, sebagai media dalam mempermudah mengakses informasi budaya mandar secara praktis dan efesien.
Jurnal Real Riset Vol 6, No 1 (2024): Januari 2024
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Jabal Ghafur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47647/jrr.v6i1.2041


Dalam pemilihan anggota tim pengendali mutu akademik (TPMA) di Universitas Jabal Ghafur terdapat beberapa Fakultas atau prodi dalam menentukan pemilihan anggota untuk melakukan pemilihan membutuhkan kriteria penilaian yang telah ditetapkan yang merupakan hasil penyesuaian berdasarkan rumusan yang terdapat dalam Pedoman Umum Tim Pengendali Jaminan mutu akademik (TPMA) di Universitas Jabal Ghafur. Berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditentukan terlihat bahwa proses pemilihan anggota tim pengendali mutu akademik (TPMA) di Universitas Jabal Ghafur merupakan permasalahan yang melibatkan banyak komponen atau kriteria yang dinilai (kriteria), sehingga dalam penyelesaiannya diperlukan sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria. Salah satu metode sistem pendukung keputusan yaitu metode profile matching yang Untuk perhitungan core factor dan secondary faktor dari beberapa kriteria masing-masing, serta aspek yang paling utama dan nantinya akan dijadikan sebagai core factor untuk sisanya akan dijadikan sebagai secondary factor dalam perhitungan. Metode penelitian ini memiliki dua tahapan, yaitu tahap pengumpulan data dan tahap perancangan perangkat lunak. Tahap pengumpulan data dapat diperoleh secara langsung dari objek penelitian. Dengan adanya Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Anggota Tim Pengendali Mutu Akademik (Tpma) Di Universitas Jabal Ghafur Menggunakan Metode Profile Matching Berbasis Web ini dapat membantu Universitas Jabal Ghafur menentukan pemilhan anggota tersebut.Kata  Kunci:  Sistem  Pendukung  Keputusan  Pemilihan  Anggota  Tim  Pengendali  Jaminan  mutu akademik (TPMA) Menggunakan Metode Profile Matching Berbasis Web
Strategi Public Relations Dalam Memelihara Citra Pemerintah Desa Partihaman Saroha Nurhanifah, Nurhanifah; Ananda, Brillian Heaby; Sulista, Dirga Ayu; Sulistia, Dirga Ayu; Siddiq, Muhammad; Halisa, Nurul; Rifqi, Zurrahman
Da'watuna: Journal of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting Vol 4 No 1 (2024): Da'watuna: Journal of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/dawatuna.v4i1.3322


This study discusses the public relations strategy of the Partihaman Saroha village government in maintaining a positive image. The purpose of this study is to explore and describe the public relations strategy used by local governments to maintain a positive image. This study uses four theories, namely image theory to determine the image of the government of Padang Sidimpuan District, Partihaman Saroha Village, public relations, and government public relations to determine the government's role. relationship with public relations image and strategy to determine the public relations strategy used. This type of research is descriptive and the presentation of the data is qualitative. Data were obtained from interviews with the Partihaman Saroha Village Head. From the results of the research it is known that the public relations strategy used by village officials or village heads and their members to form a positive image is media relations and Mandok Hata (said) lightly on local community complaints). The aim of the Sidimpuan Hitaimbaru sub-district government is to choose media relations as a strategy to reduce or even eliminate negative information about Partihaman Saroha village in the media, positive reporting about Padang sub-district What is the Sidimpuan Hutaimburu district government. Keywords: public relations, positive image, partihaman saroha village